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Posted by : FantasyTrove Aug 14, 2024

Bobby Learns more about his past as he prepares for his future.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 19

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

House of Cards


The blare of my alarm the next morning caught me entirely off guard. It wasn’t that I hadn’t expected to wake up; rather, the circumstances of my awakening were wholly unexpected. There I was, sandwiched in our bed with a wife snuggled up on each side—an undeniably cozy, albeit sweltering, arrangement! To my surprise, the sheets were clean, and Charlotte hadn’t whisked me away into her mental realm, allowing me a rare night of undisturbed sleep.


“Are you mad at me?” I silently inquired of the succubus as I fumbled to silence my alarm, careful not to disturb the slumbering women beside me. It was uncharacteristic of the sensual demon to miss an opportunity for nocturnal escapades.


In lieu of a direct response, I sensed her presence—a tired but satisfied aura. Perhaps the previous night’s events had taken a heavier toll on her than I’d realized. After all, with unexpected guests, including the Pillars of Light and Dark, and an unforeseen quest landing squarely on my shoulders, the evening was anything but restful. The wild passion that ensued in mmy bedroom and the eventual descent into oblivion were small mercies.


However, my stealthy attempt to deactivate the alarm without rousing Shayna or Elly proved futile. Stealth was clearly not among my talents.


“Ugh, I don’t think I can handle class today,” Shayna groaned, her voice thick with drowsiness. “In fact, I doubt I’ll be sitting down comfortably for a while.”


“Sorry; not sorry,” I chuckled, extricating myself from the embrace of my two human furnaces.


“That’s easy for you to say. You didn’t take a pole up your ass last night,” Shayna retorted, her tone a mix of grumpiness and jest.


“Keep talking like that, and you’ll find yourself on a pole hiatus,” I teased back, playfully smacking her tight brown posterior.


“I’d welcome it right now if you’re offering,” Elly chimed in, her brown eyes twinkling with mischief as she gazed up at me for the first time that morning.


I leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Elly’s lips before pulling back, a wistful expression in my eyes. “Tempting, but I’m past due for a solid workout. Now, while I’m well aware you both can get me sweating and elevate my heart rate, I need to focus on building strength over endurance.”


“Yeah, my asshole’s telling me your endurance is more than good enough!” Shayna’s tone was teasing, a playful glint in her eye belying her words as she mock-glared at me. “I think you’ve got plenty, already.”


“Play nice, and I might just kiss it better later,” I retorted, giving her a quick peck. “Fancy joining me in the gym?”


Shayna pondered momentarily before shaking her head. “Today’s leg day for me, and I doubt I can muster the necessary effort. But give us a heads-up before you shower, alright?”


“Will do,” I affirmed with a nod, grabbing a pair of shorts on my way out. Pausing, I added, “Oh, and Elly? Thanks for tidying up last night. I owe you a special treat.”


“I didn’t—” Elly began, but I was already through the door, making my way to our gym room. If I pushed the pace, I could squeeze in a solid workout before my classes.


Midway through my routine, Charlotte’s voice echoed in my mind. You know, you don’t actually have to do this, right? Our body can morph into any form we desire. You could be the spitting image of Adonis with a mere thought. Just don’t emulate the real Adonis; that guy was a total jerk.


Her words caught me off guard, and I burst out laughing, losing count of my reps. Charlotte, with her perfect memory, promptly reminded me.


“Appreciate it,” I voiced aloud in the empty room. “But there’s something about the endorphin rush and knowing I’ve earned this physique.”


I could simulate that rush for you, but I get the whole ‘earning it’ thing, she mused, her thoughts tinged with a playful note.


“It holds more value when it’s earned, not given,” I concurred. “Take this house, for instance. It’s grander than anything I’ve ever known, and sure, I enjoy it. But if it all disappeared tomorrow, I wouldn’t be crushed. It was handed to me, not earned.”


And your wives? Was that an accusation in her tone? A surge of anger rippled through me, but I quelled it, realizing there was no malice behind her words. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding.


“The day after First Knight, I might have agreed with you. But they’re individuals, not possessions. Since then, I’ve poured myself into earning their trust and love. They’re carrying my children, for God’s sake. Losing any one of them would shatter me. Our relationships are far from flawless, but they’re absolutely worth every bit of effort.”


So are you, just so you know. Charlotte’s affirmation filled me with a disconcerting warmth. Sure, we’ve reached a sort of understanding now, despite a rocky start. Yes, she’s a sex-crazed demon, and that irks me, but I can’t really claim she’s led me astray, barring one incident with the shower post-resurrection and that incident in Utah with the oni. And I’ve come to believe that wasn’t entirely her fault. Ah, you really do love me!


“I didn’t say that!” I snapped, frustrated by her knack for reading my thoughts. “You’re just not as malevolent as I initially believed.”


And coming from you, that’s practically a love declaration! Her laughter echoed in my mind. And for the record, the effort I’ve invested in us is absolutely worth it.


Knock it off! I retorted mentally, channeling my agitation into the bench press. Next, you’ll be declaring your love and upsetting the delicate balance we’ve maintained.


The abrupt silence that followed her aborted laughter was almost tangible. As I realized the implications, my grip faltered, and the bar nearly crashed onto my chest. I narrowly shifted it away, still wincing at the pain.


“For fuck’s sake,” I grunted, letting the bar thud onto the padded floor. “Seriously? I’m practically an infant compared to you. Plus, didn’t you have a thing for my dad? That’s just—”


So what? Her defensive tone sliced through my thoughts. There aren’t many beings my age who are free, especially in our unique situation. And yes, I held affection and respect for your father, but nothing romantic ever materialized from him. He understood my feelings; perhaps that’s why he entrusted me to watch over you since childhood.


See! I lashed out as I massaged my aching chest, already feeling the bruise forming. That’s exactly my point. How can you profess love for me when you’ve watched over me since I was an infant? That’s unsettling, no matter how you frame it.


I sensed her marshaling her thoughts, bracing for her attempt at justification. Meeting at that Western-themed tavern, if that would have been our first ever meeting, would have been one thing, but she’d been entwined with my family even before I was born. It reeked of predatory behavior, regardless of my current adulthood.


When she finally responded, it wasn’t in any way that I expected.


The world around me vanished, only to be replaced by scene after scene from my past. Against my will, I witnessed from her perspective events that I’d mostly forgotten—or wished to forget—but apparently meant something to her. Including one of my worst memories.


We were at an elementary school, and an older kid walked up to one of my friends with an ugly expression on his face.


“No…” I moaned, shaking my head and trying to turn off the vision. However, even after closing my eyes, the scene still played out.


“Hey, don’t be like that!” the older boy called out. “I thought we were having fun!”


“I don’t want to see this again!” I shouted, but nothing changed. It wasn’t exactly as I remembered it, but from an outsider’s perspective. I started to hum in an attempt to block out what was being said, but Charlotte somehow managed to stop me from making any noise.


“Leave me alone, Randall,” said the young girl. She was a year older than me at the time, though she never treated me like a child. Even in the fourth grade, she carried herself with dignity and aplomb as she tossed her red hair back over her shoulder. “I already told you I don’t want to be your girlfriend. I’m not interested in boys. Everyone knows they have cooties.”


Randall was a fifth-grader, though he looked like he should have been in late middle school. “Oh, come on,” Randall complained, chasing after the girl. I couldn’t even remember her name. “It was just a little kiss. I’m sure you’d enjoy it if we kept doing it. My bother says it’s lots of fun when he does it.”


“Then go kiss him!” the girl snapped and pushed Randall’s hand away when he tried to grab her arm.


“Listen here, you—” Randall tried again to grab her, but someone else butted in.


“Leave her alone,” child me declared with a shaky bravado. My unwilling eyes watched as my younger self squared off against a boy who easily outweighed me by double.


“What are you going to do about it?” Randall sneered, shoving me back. He scanned me from head to toe, a mocking sneer twisting his lips as he noted my worn clothes, uneven haircut, and small stature. “Got a crush on her, do ya?”


“Bobby, don’t get involved,” the girl pleaded, her voice laced with concern.


“Stay out of this, Becca,” Randall’s laughter was sinister, his gaze never wavering from mine.


Her name sent a sharp jolt through my heart, stirring a forgotten ache. I didn’t recall her trying to intervene for me, but the following sequence of events remained crystal clear in my memory as Randall continued his taunt.


“A little runt like you? What makes you think that slut would ever look twice at a poor piece of trash—” His taunt was abruptly silenced as my fist connected squarely with the side of his jaw. Observing now, with my current knowledge of martial arts, I realized it was a fortunate strike. I’d hit a nerve just right, knocking him out cold with a single blow.


I remember the surge of fury that compelled me to act swiftly. I didn’t even realize I’d already won as Randall crumpled to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. Driven by rage, I leaped onto him, unleashing my anger with every punch. By the time an adult intervened and dragged me away, I’d broken his nose, both arms, and a leg.


The scene gradually dissolved, but not before revealing Becca bent over Randall, her eyes brimming with tears.


“Why did you show me that?” I demanded, my voice raw with emotion.


“I wasn’t there when your father received the call from your school,” Charlotte’s voice enveloped me. “Nor could I be there when you confronted the principal. But I wanted you to see your own bravery, even back then. You stood up for your friend against that bully.”


“I struck him because he called me poor,” I retorted sharply, “not out of some noble intent to protect her.”


“That’s nonsense, and deep down, you know it,” Charlotte countered. “Your fist was flying the moment he insulted Becca, and before he spit out the barb against you. Even as a child, you possessed a chivalrous spirit, and fought for her honor.”


“A lot of good that did me,” I muttered bitterly. “My father ensured I couldn’t sit for a week after he finished with me. He never missed a chance to remind me of my ‘disappointment’ and the cost of those martial arts lessons he paid for, so I’d ‘learn to control my anger.’”


The darkness around me fell into a heavy silence. Then Charlotte’s voice, softer, inquired, “Is that really how it happened?”


“What...?” I stammered, taken aback by her question. Memories of my father’s harsh words flooded back, his constant berating for what I’d done to that ‘poor boy.’ Of course, that’s how it happened! I thought, indignant.


“You realize I can access your memories,” she reminded me. “He didn’t beat you, as you claim. It was a single, swift punishment. Yes, he treated you terribly, but perhaps it’s time you viewed another memory.”


“No! I don’t want to—” My protest was abruptly cut off, my voice silenced mid-sentence, as the world around me brightened once again.


Suddenly, I was in my mom’s house, facing younger versions of my parents and a different iteration of Charlotte. The succubus bowed her head under my father’s stern gaze while my mother sat on the well-worn couch, her face etched with concern as she watched the exchange. Charlotte’s appearance was strikingly different—short, bleach-blonde hair, heavy mascara and eyeshadow, a pierced nose. Despite her altered facial features, there was an unsettling resemblance to my mother. Even in her subdued state, Charlotte’s allure was undeniable. I knew it was her only because these were her memories, and the three of them were the only ones present.


“You’re supposed to watch over him, to keep him out of trouble!” My father’s voice was a furious growl.


Charlotte’s shoulders drooped further as she spoke in a meek voice, “He was on school grounds. I couldn’t step in without causing the issues you’ve always warned against.”


“Why not disguise yourself as a child?” My mother’s voice dripped with disdain. “Surely, you could’ve protected our son that way.”


Shaking her head, Charlotte replied, “It all happened too quickly, and I’m bound by certain laws. If I assume a child’s form for any reason other than to save my life or another’s, the Pillar of Fire would incinerate me. She abhors pedophiles, and as the queen of the succubae, her laws are absolute.” Taking a deep breath, Charlotte locked eyes with my father. “Bobby was trying to defend a girl. The other boy had inappropriate intentions, and despite the differences in age and size, Bobby stood up for her.”


“Then why did the school claim he reacted to being teased about being poor?” Susan interjected sharply. “What lies are you spinning now, whore?”


“Susan, enough!” Bernard’s command allowed no rebuttal. Something in his demeanor spoke of long experience mediating between the two women.


Charlotte maintained her defense as she faced my mother. “I’ve never lied to your husband. I’ve been transparent with him, as he has with me. Have I tried to seduce him? Absolutely. But does that mean I stand a chance? Not against the love and devotion he has for you and your son. While I disagree with your plan to steer him away from the Knights, know this—I will always support him, and by extension, you.”


“Jules, I know what you’re attempting, and it needs to stop,” Bernard’s voice was laden with weariness as he confronted the diminutive demoness. I was momentarily confused about who Jules was until I remembered that Charlotte used to go by that name. “Susan is well aware of my dedication to her. Now, tell us, why did the school provide a different story?”


At that moment, confusion clouded my thoughts. I’d sensed some friction between my mom and Charlotte when she discovered our shared existence, but never to this level of hostility. And if Charlotte was to be believed, weren’t my parents covert allies of the magical creatures, working against the Knights from within? Why, then, was there such palpable antagonism toward Charlotte?


“The girl he stood up for sided with the bully afterward,” Charlotte revealed, answering their question. “She may well reap the consequences of her misplaced sympathy, but after witnessing your son’s actions, she felt pity for the boy he manhandled.”


“I couldn’t care less about the girl,” Susan interjected sharply. “Your personal insights are unnecessary. You had one responsibility and failed us today, you whore.”


“Susan!” Bernard’s voice thundered, his face darkening with anger. “Enough. If you can’t maintain civility, retreat to our room, and I’ll handle you later. And don’t think for a second that I’m oblivious to your desires for punishment. You’ll receive it, but be warned, it’ll be severe.”


My instinct was to bristle at my father’s harsh words, but the glimmer of anticipation in my mother’s eyes turned my stomach. She had admitted to her masochistic tendencies, but witnessing it firsthand was another matter entirely.


Bernard continued, seemingly unfazed by Susan’s fluttering breaths and flushed complexion. “I despise treating Bobby like this, but it’s a necessary evil. He hates me, which tears me apart, but it’s preferable to him glorifying the Knights like so many other Knight’s sons. And you know I can’t reveal too much to him. He’s too young to understand, and we’re constantly being monitored. One slip up from him, and we’re all dead.”


“It’s not too late to flee,” Charlotte implored a note of desperation in her voice. “You’ve always refused, but I can protect you. The Knights will never find us in the other realm. You can live freely, Bernard. Raise Bobby to love you as you deserve. He needs to know the truth about his father.”


“Is that your idea of protection? Run away? Hide?” Susan snapped, her tone biting. “And stop trying to lure my husband away, seductress. He’s beyond your reach; deep down, you know it.”


Charlotte’s gaze shifted to my mother, her eyes brimming with a sadness so profound it nearly broke her. I thought she would break Susan’s heart. A heart was broken, but it wasn’t the one I expected.


“Susan, I have vowed upon my very soul to protect and serve your family with fidelity and truth,” Charlotte’s voice was steady, yet a tremor of emotion betrayed her. “While my presence seldom crosses his mind, when it does, he regards me with the distant concern one might have for a colleague. But you, Susan,” she paused, pain evident in her voice, “when you occupy his thoughts, it’s with a fervor, love, and intensity that I yearn for but will never experience. Your image haunts his mind far more than mine ever could.”


“And what makes you think you’re entitled to his—” Susan’s words were laced with venom, but they were abruptly stifled as Bernard’s hand gripped her throat.


“I instructed you to cease that behavior, my dear,” Bernard’s voice was a low growl as he effortlessly lifted my mother by her neck. The sight of him handling my mom that way, juxtaposed with her seemingly eager reaction, was disconcerting. “Jules dedicates herself to this family’s welfare and future. You know she poses no threat to your place in my heart. Show her the respect she’s earned, or tonight, I’ll punish you with tenderness and affection instead of the harshness you crave.”


Susan’s eyes widened in alarm at the prospect, and she attempted a nod before Bernard released her, sending her tumbling back onto the couch.


Susan cleared her throat, gearing up to speak, but Charlotte cut her off with a pained grimace. “Don’t bother. I’m well aware of the hollowness behind your words. Besides, your son is outside, mustering the courage to confront you. I’ll take my leave through the rear exit.”


The world dimmed once more, leaving me in a stunned silence. This revelation of my parents’ true nature contradicted everything I believed about them. A caring and protective father? A vindictive and harsh mother? It upended my entire understanding of them.


“How much of that was a fabrication, influenced by your own biases?” I eventually asked into the void.


“I understand your skepticism,” Charlotte’s voice drifted back, ethereal yet firm. “But with my perfect recall, I assure you, that is precisely how it transpired.”


“Don’t lie to me!” Anger surged within me, bubbling to the surface. “I understand how memories work. Each recollection alters them slightly. You loved my father and resented my mother because she had what you desired. It’s obvious your prejudice tainted that memory.”


“If I were a normal human, I’d agree with you,” Charlotte somehow remained calm in the face of my accusations. “But I’m not. And you still don’t know everything. Shall I show you the memory of the night your mother got drunk on New Year’s, and we fucked in every way two women and a bunch of toys can? Your father sat in a corner and watched the whole thing. Even then, he refused to touch me, but I can attest that Susan knows how to use her tongue. She even used a double-headed strap-on to bring me to multiple—”


“Enough!” I screamed, trying to drive the mental images that she was giving me out of my head. “You’ve been trying to convince me my father actually cared about me from the start, but none of that erases the years of abuse. He would have run away with your offer if he genuinely cared about me. I could have had a better childhood. I could have known the love of two parents. I could have… I could…” I choked off as I felt tears fall from my incorporeal eyes.


Charlotte waited for me to regain control over my emotions before responding. "Both of your wives are pregnant. I know this may sound trite right now, but you'll understand better when you become a father. You're already aware that I disagreed with their decision, but as your parents, it was their choice to make."


"That's bullshit," I replied, shaking my head in frustration. Then, annoyed, I added, "Will you at least provide us with a background? I'm sick of floating in this void."


Before I even finished speaking, I found myself transported into Charlotte's silk-draped boudoir.


"Thank you," I offered begrudgingly as I turned to face the demoness. She reclined on a pile of red cushions, and I was surprised to see her in the form she‘d worn when speaking with my parents. I clenched my teeth at the reminder of that memory but hurried to speak when I saw her open her mouth. "I've heard countless times from others how parenthood changes you, but I can't, even in my darkest imaginings, ever envision treating any child of mine the way my father treated me."


"I've already told you I didn't agree with it," Charlotte stated. "But it wasn't my decision, and now you know the truth. Your father loved you and wanted what was best for you, though he went about it terribly."


"And you loved a man who could treat his son that way," I sneered, trying to hurt her. I knew the comment was unfair as soon as the words left my mouth, but I didn't take them back.


Instead of getting defensive or angry, she gave me a pitying look, which only increased my anger. "I loved a man who would do anything for his family. A man who saved countless lives while risking his own. Lives of creatures like myself who weren't human. I loved a man who would sacrifice everything for those he loved."


"You loved a man who never loved you back," I shot, trying to provoke a reaction out of her.


I failed.


"I did," she agreed with a small, sad smile. "But in doing so, I gained much more. I gained a purpose, not only in protecting you but in helping to save many others. Perhaps if they had run away with me, he'd still be alive today, and you'd know the man he truly was. But even I have to admit that he could never do that because he wasn't a man who ran away. He had a strict honor code. He saw pain and injustice within the Knights, and he did what he could to make this world a better place."


"What about the pain and injustice I suffered?" I demanded, my voice rising. "You can't sit there and tell me he loved and cared about me, but cared more about complete strangers. They weren't even human, for God's sake!"


Charlotte regarded me for a long while, her gaze filled with nothing but pity. "It's been a while since you last let your racism show. I thought you'd finally learned that humanity isn't always the hero or the good guys. That's disappointing. You should go now. I have a lot of work to do."


Before I had a chance to respond, I woke up back on the floor, the barbell and its weights put away. The maid sat next to me, her hand resting on my chest. I won't lie, I was more than a little startled to have the eerily beautiful and dark-skinned woman touching me. But I recalled Charlotte's last words to me, and was immediately filled with shame as I scooted away and regarded the maid cautiously.


"Your chest should be healed, Master," Mary said as she folded her hands in her lap and regarded the floor in front of her.


"My chest?" I asked, looking down and rubbing it. Then I remembered almost getting crushed by the barbell before that vivid trip down memory lane with Charlotte. "Uh, yeah... No pain. Thank you."


I got to my feet, and noted that she hadn't moved from her spot. I actually wondered if she even breathed as I grew increasingly uncomfortable under her stillness. "Is there something else?" I asked when I couldn't stand the silence any longer.


"M-may I ask a question, Master?" Her voice came out weak and uncertain.


I held myself back from stating that she just asked a question, noting her fragile demeanor, and not truly in the mood for joking around.


"Of course," I said, a pit forming in my stomach. Was she going to tell me what a monster I was? Had she somehow witnessed my disturbing conversation with Charlotte? I didn't know the extent of her powers or abilities, and knowing my luck, I wouldn't put it past her. She probably regretted choosing me, and while I never wanted a slave, I knew I couldn't just let her go either. She knew too much.


"Has my service displeased you?"


Of all the questions she could have asked, that would have been the last to ever cross my mind.


"Service?" I asked, unsure of what she referred to. Then I remembered the hacking she'd done on my behalf, and quickly continued. "Of course not! I really appreciate you deleting the files on me and hacking this house so it no longer spied on us. You're a real lifesaver. I also appreciate you healing me."


There was a pregnant pause before she meekly asked, "And the rest?"


I wracked my brain for what else she wanted, but came up blank. When I silently asked my resident succubus for guidance, Charlotte remained silent.


"I'm sorry," I said when I couldn't honestly think of anything else I'd noticed her doing. I'd barely even seen her since she moved into my old room. "I may have missed what else you've done."


"I'm honored, Master," she said, which once again, wasn't what I expected. Something in the way I shuffled my feet must have given that away, as she chose to finally enlighten me. "A servant should neither be seen nor heard, except when needed. That you haven't noticed me cleaning the blood stains, cooking your meals, or changing your sheets while you slept last night means I have perfected my craft."


"I..." I trailed off, my mind reeling. I knew Shayna and I had left a mess before collapsing last night, but I had no idea the dark elf had cleaned up after us. And to think, she did it without waking us? "Well, I am impressed," I finally managed. "Is there anything you need from us to make you more comfortable here?"


Mary quickly scooted away from me at the offer, leaving me wondering what I'd done wrong this time.


"Master! No, please! You’ve already done more for me than any previous master," she almost cried in despair. "Please don't concern yourself with my wellbeing. I am already happier than at any other time in my life."


That's... so sad! I thought but kept it to myself, unsure how she'd react. Still, some part of me couldn't help but gently push. "Well, just because you're happy now doesn't mean I should refrain from trying to increase that level of happiness. You've done well by me and my wives, and I want to make sure we're doing right by you as well."


"Master!" Mary literally squeaked out my title as her head snapped to look at me for the briefest moment. Our eyes met, and in that instant, I thought I could almost understand her. Her entire life was one of service and abuse. I wondered if she'd ever been properly rewarded for her efforts. I wasn't the typical Paladonic Knight, and she was trying to figure out how to survive under my ownership.


I hate using that word... ownership... I hate holding any power over her. Even though intellectually I understood it's what she desired, emotionally, it went against everything I believed in. Her life of subjugation weighed heavily on my conscience.


"Just—" I tried to say something about working together to find an equilibrium, but the words caught in my throat as she abruptly stood up. In one fluid, near-imperceptible movement, she faded from view. I couldn't tell if she’d somehow turned invisible or moved with blinding speed—one moment she knelt submissively before me, the next an empty space.


"Shouldn't be seen or heard unless needed," I muttered under my breath, shaking my head at the ghostly exit.


"Careful," a different feminine voice drifted from the doorway to our home gym. "Keep treating her that way, and you'll steal another heart."


I spun around to face Elly leaning against the doorframe, my heart racing as I tried to figure out how to alleviate any potential jealousy. Even in casual repose, she exuded an effortless elegance.


"I wasn't trying to flirt with her," I managed to say, before realizing she was merely teasing me from the impish twinkle in her warm brown eyes.


With two graceful strides, Elly embraced me, slightly tilting her face up to meet my gaze. The loving warmth I saw there was almost enough to wash away the emotional turbulence swirling within me.


"I love you," the words slipped from my lips unbidden, as natural as breathing.


"And I love you, my gallant husband," Elly's smile radiated joy before she planted a soft, chaste kiss on my lips. Then her nose wrinkled as she stepped back. "But, unlike our other wife, I prefer you cleanly showered."


"You're welcome to join me," I said, holding out my hand invitingly. "Four hands will get me clean faster than two."


Elly chuckled, the melodious sound easing the tension in my shoulders. "Logically, the math checks out," she teased. "But we both know that's not how things would realistically go. If you’d been quicker on your workout, I’d have happily joined you, but I've got to get ready. You could try waking up Shayna and see if she wants to join you."


"What did I do to deserve a woman like you?" I asked, marveling at her open-minded statement. Hadn't I worried she would be jealous just moments ago? And now here she was, playfully urging me to invite our other wife. I knew that didn't give me a blanket pass with other women, but it still caught me pleasantly off guard.


"You've been the man I thought you were," she said simply, as though that explained everything. Her eyes danced with amusement as she wrinkled her nose once more. "Now shoo! I'm going to need to install an air freshener in here to get rid of your stink."


Elly gave me a playful shove, though as I made my way to our bedroom, I heard her mutter, "Huh. Suddenly it smells like vanilla and lavender in here."


I didn't know how she'd worked that subtle magic, but I suspected the pleasant floral scent was Mary's discreet doing.


I regret to say that Shayna turned down my offer to shower together as well, citing both soreness and needing more sleep.


"When did you find the time to cook breakfast?" Elly asked as I stepped into the kitchen after getting cleaned and dressed, gesturing to the tantalizing aromas wafting through the air.


"It smells really good, but I don't have time to eat!" Shayna's voice suddenly rang out as she rushed in, somehow simultaneously rubbing the sleep from her eyes and frantically brushing through her lighter hair. "Why didn't you try to wake me sooner?"


"I tried!" I said defensively.


"Well, at least you packed me a to-go breakfast," Shayna continued as though I hadn't spoken, grabbing a container off the counter with her name stenciled on it. "It smells divine! I'll see you both on campus?"


"Stop!" I demanded, raising my voice slightly to get her frantic attention. She obliged, though the impatient look she shot me said I better have a damned good reason for halting her morning flurry. "I didn't—" I started to explain I hadn't made breakfast, but Mary materialized seamlessly beside me, cutting me off.


"He didn't want you to go hungry, and asked me to prepare something simple and portable for you," the drow maid calmly stated. I stared at her, not recalling giving any such request.


Shayna regarded the dark elf maid for a tense moment, and I couldn't help tensing as well, uncertain how she would react given her fluctuating stance on non-humans. After a handful of seconds, she took a deep breath and faced Mary directly.


"Thank you. I appreciate this," Shayna managed, though her tone was clipped. Then she turned to me, and I saw her blue eyes narrow in displeasure. "But you shouldn't order her around like a servant. I'll see you later." She hopped up to give me a quick peck on the cheek before planting a deeper, more lingering kiss on Elly's lips, and fleeing the kitchen without another word.


"Forgive me, Master," Mary immediately stated, her tone regretful. "I did not mean to give her the wrong impression. I—"


"Yes, you did," I contradicted her firmly, controlling my annoyance. "I never asked you to make us breakfast. I appreciate that you did, but don't ever try to pass credit for actions you take on yourself. You're better than that. Oh, and before I forget, it's okay for you to be seen in this house. As long as no one outside finds out you're an elf, we'll be safe. In this house, you’re family, not a servant to remain hidden."


"I'm... Yes, Master," Mary said contritely. "I'm still adjusting to having a benevolent master. I will do better."


Part of me wanted to embrace her, to reassure her that she was in a better situation now. I wanted to help heal the trauma of her past. However, based on her previous reactions to my kindness, I decided a different tactic was needed.


"See that you do," I said, unable to look at her bowed head as I spoke. "Now then, I have a task for you, but it won't be easy. Are you willing to try?"


"You are my master," she responded without hesitation. "I will do anything you ask, Master. Anything."


I noticed Elly giving me a questioning look, but ignored it, knowing what I intended went against every ingrained instinct in Mary's being.


"I'm glad to hear it," I said, allowing a small smile though she still stared at the floor. "I want you to join us as we eat. I expect you to eat with us and tell us a bit more about yourself."


"I... Master... I—" Mary seemed to struggle, at an complete loss for words.


"I think you broke her," Elly chuckled lightly, no real malice in her tone.


"I wouldn't presume..." Mary tried again, and I almost felt sorry for her inner conflict—compelled to obey my request, yet it seemed to violate her deepest conditioning. "That would be above my station, Master."


"Then we should redefine your station," I said with an offhand shrug. "Didn’t I just say you were family? I understand there are things you cannot do, like stop calling me 'master.' However, I've also noticed you can grow and develop your own will, just like how you chose the name Mary. It's my goal to transform you from an object fulfilling commands into a person with her own hopes and desires."


"As you wish, Master," Mary said, her tone revealing nothing of her own feelings on the matter.


"Oh my God!" Elly's choked voice caught my attention. I turned to see tears glistening in her eyes, surprising me. Had I gone too far? "You have the biggest heart. It's kind of a turn-on, but my heart is also melting."


"I'm just being the man you thought I was," I said, warmed by her words. Then I turned back to the drow and extended my hand. "Please, sit and join us. I want you to eat with us."


Mary didn't take my offered hand, but she accepted the invitation. With a slight shudder, she sat as far from us at the table as possible, but at least she ate. I tried to encourage her to share more about herself, but that seemed too much for the tall, dark woman. Baby steps.


You're not racist against her, Charlotte's thought intruded, dripping with acid.


I'm sorry, I thought back. I'm trying to be better.


Oh, so it's not just because I'm an intangible soul-sucking sex demon? Charlotte didn't let up. I could feel her disgust with me, and it deflated the warm feelings I'd generated in my progress with Mary. Perhaps you'd treat me better if I called you 'master' and was willing to do anything to please you.


Did you ignore everything from that conversation? I demanded. I admit I was wrong to say that, but I don't deserve this from you. You know me better than that.


I waited for a response, but received only silence. I debated confronting her in my mental space, but a glance at the clock warned me I'd be late for classes, even if time spent there went faster than in the regular world. With a mental promise to talk to her later, which I'm pretty sure she ignored, Elly and I finished getting ready and left together.


"You should have received an email about when they'll be dropping off your car," Elly said as we pulled out of the garage. "I know Shayna wants to be there when it’s delivered."


I can't believe I'm actually going to write this in my journal, but I'd completely forgotten about my new ride. Even though it was technically only yesterday that we went to the dealership and I chose the vehicle from a computer with the weirdly flirty saleswoman.


I pulled out my phone and dug through my emails. Sure enough, there was one from the dealership asking when would be a good time to bring the car. Considering our schedules, I sent a quick reply that this evening would work best.


Then I saw the next email.


It was from the cop—Adam's aunt—seeking a time when she could "ask us a few more questions about the incident at my home." After discussing it with Elly—who wanted to be present as my counsel—I sent my answer. We both happened to have a break in classes right after lunch and would stop by the station then.


By the time we arrived at the campus parking lot, I was ready to call it a day and go back to bed. My emotions were all over the place, and I didn't know what to feel. From waking up between my wonderful women to the horrible reminders of my past failings and learning more about my parents that still doesn't seem real... Then trying to get Mary to lighten up and everything else, it was hard to believe it was still early morning.


Lunchtime came, and I realized I'd spent my classes focused on my personal issues rather than what I'd tell the cops. Thankfully, Shayna showed up and told me to reschedule. She wasn't free after lunch but wanted to be there also, especially since she was the one that dillhole threatened.


When I opened my email, the point was moot anyway. The cop couldn't meet at the original time and offered to meet tonight at the precinct, along with a number that I could direct message her. The three of us found that suspicious, but I replied via text that I had other plans after school and would message her when I was available. I also asked if I needed a lawyer present, thinking of Shayna's father.


'No problem,' came the quick text reply. 'You're not in any trouble. It's your choice to bring a lawyer, but I'm building a case more against my nephew than you.'


I stared at that response for a bit before asking Elly her thoughts.


"I'm not sure," she said after thinking it over. "It could be a trap to lull you into letting something slip, but she could also be genuine. But that raises its own set of questions."


"Perhaps she just wants a bit of your dick, too," Shayna piped in, surprising me as I noticed her put her phone down. "Oh, come on! You can't tell me you hadn't noticed most of the women—and even a few men—taking special interest in us since we sat down."


I hadn't noticed, but it seemed Elly had as she said, "Yes, but I assumed it was because I'm no longer hiding under a hoodie, and you're no longer being the ice queen."


"That might be part of it," Shayna conceded. "But I'm pretty sure that every man that's stared at us is gay, and the women that aren't staring are also strictly gay. Even you have to admit that means something."


I understood what she was implying, but shook my head. "I promise I'm not trying to put anything out there to attract attention. Charlotte seems to be mad at me, so maybe she's doing it?"


"Nope!" my mouth moved on its own as Charlotte's voice came out. "The last thing I want to do is make this perfect human specimen have a bigger ego than he already has."


"I said I was sorry," I snapped, taking back control of my mouth. I couldn't help but wonder why this time was more offensive to her than when we first were joined. I was a lot worse back then.


Because now you should know better, she replied, keeping her response internal this time. Ignorance, I can forgive. This time, you were intentionally cruel. Her words echoed through my mind, stinging with their truth.


Says the woman who dragged me through some of my worst childhood trauma, I retorted defensively, but then mentally shook my head, realizing the futility of this argument. Look, I know I shouldn't have thought that earlier, and you already know I'm truly sorry for the way I reacted. I get that my father saved your life and many others. But he sacrificed my childhood happiness in a plan that ultimately failed. I ended up joining the Knights anyway, following in his footsteps. Only, I won't mistreat my own children.


If Charlotte had a response, she chose not to give it, leaving an uncomfortable silence hanging between us.


"Trouble in paradise?" Shayna asked, genuine concern lacing her voice at the growing rift between Charlotte and me. Her sincerity surprised me, considering her general attitude toward the succubus.


"I'll tell you about it later," I said with a grimace, not wanting to dive into the complicated mess in public.


Shayna pulled her phone back out, read something, then said, "My dad said he's available to call if we need him tonight. He advised not to answer anything about what you do for a living. Apparently, his office is already aware of the incident and working on things from their end. Oh, he also mentioned they looked into this cop, and she appears clean. He doesn't suspect any foul play but wants us to keep him informed if something else comes up."


"So..." I trailed off, unsure if that meant we should go to the address or avoid it altogether. The uncertainty hung heavy in the air.


"I think we should go," Elly voiced her opinion, her tone decisive. "If nothing else, we can always leave. That is, unless the address is some abandoned warehouse." A hint of trepidation crept into her words at the thought.


"No, I already looked it up," Shayna added reassuringly. "It's a residence. Her house, according to my dad. Part of why I think she wants the 'D.'" She smirked mischievously. "I think we should go too."


"Just to be clear, and I'm not saying I'm interested, but you would be okay if she’s trying to seduce this happily married man?" I asked my shorter, dark-skinned wife, disbelief coloring my tone. Between the two of them, Shayna was usually the more jealous one.


"Are you looking forward to your new ride?" Shayna asked, dodging my question entirely. I should have seen that as her answer at the time, all things considered, but there was too much else going on to connect the dots.


"Yeah, it'll be nice not to have to rely on you two to get around," I said, allowing her to change the subject, secretly relieved to move on from the tense conversation.


"I'll bet," Shayna smirked, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I'm looking forward to breaking it in." Her suggestive tone left little to the imagination.


That's when I remembered Elly's plan with the car saleswoman, and how disappointed Shayna acted to miss the vehicle selection. If things played out according to their desires, I was going to be thoroughly worn out by the time we met with the cop.


"Can we talk to you?" another voice broke in, and I looked up to see Jenny and Serina standing nearby, their presence unexpected.


I quickly glanced at my wives, but only received a raised eyebrow from Shayna and a curious look from Elly, neither offering clear guidance.


"Sure," I said, indicating a seat nearby, trying to mask my apprehension at their sudden appearance. Had they heard our previous conversation? I didn’t think so, but I also didn’t know.


"Um..." Serina murmured, staring wide-eyed at Shayna, her body language radiating nervous energy. I recalled that the last time these three met, it was far from peaceful. Apparently, Shayna was overly harsh and critical of Serina's tryout for becoming a cheerleader, and Jenny made her opinion of my wife crystal clear. "This was a bad idea." Serina's voice quivered slightly, her discomfort palpable.


Serina tried to turn and run away, but Jenny gripped her arm firmly, holding her in place. "No, you need to tell him what you were just telling me." Jenny's tone was insistent, her determination unwavering.


Serina's eyes darted around nervously, but I noticed they landed on Shayna more often than anyone else. My diminutive wife picked up on this as well.


"It's okay," Shayna said with a shrug, her demeanor surprisingly nonchalant. "I really should be getting to my next class anyway." She stood and gave me a kiss that almost made my toes curl, the intensity far surpassing the one she gave me that morning. "Oh, and Serina? I really am sorry for how cruel I was to you during tryouts. I may have had my reasons, but... No, you put on a good performance. I truly hope you'll try out again." Shayna's unexpected apology hung in the air, the sincerity in her words palpable.


"You're going to want to stay for this conversation," Jenny spoke up, her tone insistent, catching me off guard. Jenny's disdain for Shayna's treatment of Serina during the tryouts was well-voiced last time, so her suggestion piqued my curiosity. I hoped I wouldn't need to intervene in a catfight as Shayna gave another nonchalant shrug and sat back on my left. Serina and Jenny remained standing on the other side of the table, their postures tense.


"I..." Serina's eyes darted around like a cornered animal seeking escape from the deadliest of predators, her nervousness palpable. "We... I mean, you’re—" Her words stumbled over each other, an unspoken statement hanging heavily in the air.


Part of me wanted to urge her to spit it out, but I held my tongue, allowing her the space to gather her thoughts. Charlotte's uncharacteristic silence surprised me, but then again, the succubus was still angry with me, her absence of guidance a stark reminder of our unresolved tension.


After a few more seconds of Serina's verbal fumbling, Jenny let out a heavy sigh and came to her friend's rescue, her patience wearing thin.


"It appears you have a harem thing going on here, Bobby. Is that right?" Jenny's no-nonsense attitude was blunt and to the point, her words cutting through the awkwardness like a knife. I would have admired her directness if it didn't also raise my hackles, my defenses instinctively rising. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging. I’m just trying to verify the obvious.”


"In a way," Elly interjected before I could formulate a response, her voice calm and measured. "A harem implies one man with multiple women. It's not just Bobby dating each of us. We're all dating each other. I'm as much in love with Shayna as I am with Bobby." Her words carried a quiet conviction, a testament to the depth of our unconventional relationship.


Jenny glared at Elly for a moment, her eyes narrowing, before turning her piercing gaze back to me, her skepticism evident. "So you get to sleep with other women. Does that mean they get to sleep with other men?" She may claim she isn’t judging, but her tone and words tell a different story.


I grimaced at the thought, jealousy coiling in my gut like a snake ready to strike, but again, I was denied the chance to answer.


"We have no desire to include another man," Shayna offered with a flippant tone, her words dismissive. "While I know some polyamorous relationships can work with multiple men, that's not what Elly and I are looking for. As for him sleeping with other women? It depends."


"On?" Serina somehow managed to ask through her shyness, her voice barely above a whisper.


"I'm not—" I tried to interject, but Elly's voice cut me short.


"On the situation," my taller wife said, her words measured and cryptic.


"Now hold on!" I snapped, annoyance flaring within me at being spoken over. Jenny's speculative look suggested she was starting to second-guess something, her eyes calculating. I didn't know her endgame, but I needed to assert my own thoughts. "I can speak for myself. The three of us are in a committed relationship. If someone else is to get involved, it would be a discussion among the three of us. Do I like the idea of them sleeping with another guy? No, but then again, that's not something that's really come up for debate either. At the same time, I'm not actively seeking other women. I have plenty already, and I'm not a greedy man."


Jenny regarded us, nibbling on her upper lip in thought for a moment, her eyes calculating, before asking the question I dreaded.


"So, you wouldn't be interested in dating two more women at the moment?" Her words hung in the air, heavy with implication.


"Jenny!" Serina hissed, her discomfort at her friend's brazen question evident in her wide eyes and flushed cheeks.


I noticed Shayna about to answer, but this time I beat her to the punch, my voice firm. "Look, I think you're both quite attractive, but I don't believe that dynamic would work out. There's some understandable bad blood between you two and Shayna, and I have no desire to bring any more drama into my life." My words were measured, an attempt to navigate the delicate situation without causing further tension.


"So, it's the drama you want to avoid, and not that you're not interested in us?" Jenny asked, her eyebrow arched in challenge. Then, in a move that caught everyone off guard, she reached around Serina's waist and pulled her friend close, their bodies pressing together. While keeping her eyes locked onto mine, she brought her free hand up to Serina's jawline and lightly traced her fingers down to Serina's chin, the gesture both seductive and possessive. It was a move that would normally have sparked intrigue, if not for the fear flickering in Serina's eyes.


"Jenny! We've never—" Serina's protest was cut short, her voice trembling.


"Shhh," Jenny whispered, pressing one finger against her friend's lips, silencing her. Then, she lightly pressed her own lips against her finger while gazing into Serina's eyes, the intimate gesture charged with unspoken desires.


"Serina," Shayna spoke up, an odd glint in her eyes that I couldn't quite decipher—was it anger or desire? "If you'd shown the confidence Jenny is displaying right now, you would have been the top pick as a cheerleader." She paused, her attention shifting to Jenny, her tone almost appreciative. "As for you, Jenny, I like your moxie. Would you be interested in tryouts? Of course, you'd need to be able to dance and cheer." Shayna glanced at her watch, a hint of regret in her eyes. "I really do need to get to class, though, but if you want, I'd like to talk to you both a little more."


The tension in the air was palpable, a mix of unresolved conflicts, unexpected desires, and shifting dynamics. I found myself both concerned and wary of the potential consequences of this encounter.


"Hold on!" I tried to stop my wife from making decisions for me, but she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss that left my head spinning. By the time I regained my wits, she was already walking away.


"I'm looking forward to getting your car tonight!" Shayna called over her shoulder, her voice playful. "I can't wait to get that motor running!"


Despite myself, I couldn't help but chuckle at her double entendre. However, my amusement died in my throat as my attention returned to Jenny and Serina. They both stared after the sauntering head cheerleader for a moment longer before turning to face me.


"I don't know whether to pity you or what," Jenny said, her eyes growing shrewd as she regarded me. "You might not even be worth all this fuss, but something in my gut has me thinking."


"Jenny!" Serina elbowed her friend, still shocked at her abrupt behavior. Then she seemed to gather herself enough to actually speak to me. "I'm sorry about this whole thing. This isn't how I pictured this going. I'm just going to forget about this embarrassing moment and pretend it never happened."


A large part of me wanted to console her and let her know it wasn't her fault. Perhaps I was subconsciously putting out pheromones or some kind of "fuck-me" vibe, but Serina wasn't to blame for any of this.


On the other hand, I didn't want to give her the wrong idea. She was cute, and I wasn't lying about being attracted to her, but I already had enough on my plate. I also didn't know how well the dynamic between Shayna and Jenny would work. Both of them acted like alphas—yes, I know that whole alpha wolf theory was debunked, but the terminology remains—and I couldn't see them peacefully sharing one man.


And then there was Elly...


"Don't forget this, and don't pretend," my taller, paler wife advised the shy Serina. "I'm not saying anything will come of this, but at the very least, use it as an opportunity to grow. If I had to guess, though, this didn't go as badly as you're fearing."


"But..." Serina began as she clasped her hands behind her back and studied the ground, her voice small. "But, Bobby's not interested in us."


"That's not what he said," Jenny cut in, her tone sharp. I had to grind my teeth to keep my mouth shut. I could speak for myself, but it seemed all the women around me thought they could do it better. "He said he was attracted to us, but didn't want extra drama. We just have to—"


"I'm headed to class," I stood up abruptly and started walking away before I got dragged into another conversation I had no desire to have.


"You don't have class," Elly reminded me, calling me out on my lie, her eyebrow raised. "We have a break right now, remember?"


"Well, I'm going to use that break to hit the campus store and pick up some supplies, then," I said, my tone even, definitely not surly at all.


As I stepped into the campus store, my phone buzzed, and I failed to hold back a groan as I saw the message in a newly created group chat.


'Hey, this is Jenny. Your girlfriend gave us your number. The other number is Serina's. Don't be a stranger.'


I quickly checked and saw five members in the group, including my wives. Closing the phone, I took a deep breath. I know this would be a dream come true for most men, but I couldn't see how I was going to manage the two women I already had, the angry succubus sharing my body, a mission foisted on me by the Pillar of Light, keeping secrets from the Knights, my schoolwork, and the knowledge that I would have two children born in less than nine months. Why in the world would I want to add two more women to that mix, risking the entire house of cards crashing down on me?


Because we're stronger the more connections we make, Charlotte's surprising response echoed in my mind. And now that I'm done figuring out the basics, we need to get you leveled up faster than a hormonal teenager grinding XP in their bedroom at night.




*    *    *    *


1084 A.D.


The smoke-veiled city ahead hid Venita's last known refuge. Years of relentless pursuit had honed Ardin's senses to her essence; he was close, he could feel it.


He moved like a phantom through the city's underbelly, evading the wary eyes of guards and common folk. Experience had taught him that many professing to be Christians often twisted the scriptures to suit their personal whims. Though unable to read, his unique gift allowed him to absorb a book's knowledge through touch. He had found many versions of the holy texts, their teachings manipulated by supposedly pious men for their own ends. In this morally gray world, Ardin had mastered the art of deception while clinging to the truths he held sacred. He had sinned, broken commandments, but he clung to the hope of divine absolution. The scriptures told of righteous men who took lives, and Ardin believed he, too, did the Lord's work. His actions, he reasoned, served a higher purpose.


For didn’t the Lord preach to love thy neighbor? And also to exact retribution on those who are wicked in their ways? Ardin’s neighbors and village were long dead, but he sought vengeance on their behalf. And those who held wickedness in their hearts—who could not hide their debauchery from his gifts—paid a heavy price when Ardin passed by.


But now, his long odyssey neared its end. The thought of reunion with his beloved wife filled him with an aching joy. Though he could shed no physical tears, his heart wept at the prospect of holding her close. If fate allowed, he would sleep beside her that very night, perhaps even finding a deeper intimacy than he dared to imagine. His sexual urges were a relentless tide, held back only by iron will. Temptation had come in many guises, unscrupulous women offering solace to a man even as broken as he. But guided by his principles, he had found limited release in self-gratification, the lesser of two evils.


A familiar scent, a tug on his soul, drifted on the air. Ardin followed it instinctively. Then, sudden chaos–a horse rearing, a bone-jarring impact against his skull. The earth rose to meet him, and a merciful darkness claimed him.




Ardin awoke in the embrace of a soft bed. The comforting crackle of a nearby fire filled the air, its warmth a gentle caress. His heightened senses took in his surroundings, a room neither lavish nor meager, but somewhere in between.


The rhythmic knocking from a neighboring wall and the unmistakable sounds of passion-filled moans painted a vivid picture of the establishment he found himself in. The debauchery disgusted him, but movement brought a searing pain to his skull. He wondered why the Almighty had spared him, but he'd learned that his grip on life far surpassed that of a normal mortal. His body was susceptible to injury and pain, yet it healed at an accelerated pace.


Footsteps echoed before his door creaked open, revealing a frail, elderly man holding a basin of water and towels.


“Ah, you're awake,” the man said. His voice, thin and brittle as ancient parchment, confirmed Ardin's consciousness. The healer carefully dabbed a wet towel around Ardin's head wound.


Ardin was curious how the gentleman knew, but the man's touch revealed the answer. Over the last three days, Ardin had groaned and murmured in his sleep. This was the first time the healer had entered while Ardin was silent. Since he still breathed, he must be awake.


Ardin’s unique gift granted him insight into people’s true intentions, and despite the prevailing wickedness in this place, he sensed a purity of heart in the healer, Eothan. The man's compassion extended to the women in the establishment, attending to their varied ailments with genuine concern. Eothan occupied a small sanctuary in the basement, supported by the mistress of the establishment. Ardin’s peculiar abilities faltered when it came to glimpsing the mistress, a likely consequence of Eothan’s ancient and impaired vision.


Eothan’s voice trembled with relief and gratitude. “The mistress will be greatly relieved to find you conscious. When you stepped in front of her returning maiden’s horses, her fears were grave. But it seems you hold onto life with an iron grip.”


“Thank you,” Ardin croaked, his weak words a testament to the throbbing pain in his skull. His thoughts remained cloudy, making it difficult to string coherent ideas together. Despite his discomfort, he felt an instinctual need to express his gratitude.


“Here, drink this,” Eothan urged, bringing a cup to Ardin’s lips. “A mixture of milk of the poppy and wine. It will help ease your pain. You are fortunate indeed. I have seen head injuries that left men speechless or immobile, forcing them to embrace eternal sleep. For now, rest. When you are ready, the mistress will wish to speak with you.”


Ardin’s resolve wavered, the urge to seek out his wife warring with the medicinal concoction. He needed to ensure Venita wouldn't slip away again, but the potent elixir claimed him, pulling him back into unconsciousness.




In the days that followed, Ardin drifted through fleeting visions of his wife. She danced at the edges of his consciousness, a tantalizing whisper he couldn't grasp. His heart ached to hold her again, but despite his desperate pleas, she remained a phantom, a bittersweet mirage slipping through his fingers.


During his brief moments of wakefulness, Eothan tended to him with genuine care. The old healer offered mushy gruel and often, the same potent wine that had eased his pain before. Eothan’s cheerful demeanor would have been comforting if Ardin’s mind wasn't consumed with finding his wife.


Then, on the morning of the third day since waking, as the sun climbed into the sky, the mistress of the establishment finally arrived.

From the Author

Well, I found a new rhythm, that will hopefully allow me to write faster. 

Please let me know what you think of the developments that both Bobby and Ardin are facing. I won't turn this story into a full-fledged LitRPG, but it will have some elements as Bobby has to grow stronger before the finale.





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