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Posted by : FantasyTrove Oct 11, 2024


Chapter 22: Mens Mundi Machinations


I felt like I’d been punched in the gut as we left the Roper residence. The Kindred Gladius hummed beneath us, its advanced safety features and comforting size a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside me. Elly and Shayna sat on either side of me, their silence a heavy shroud over the car's interior.

"I can't believe I just did that," I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper. The weight of what transpired inside that house pressed down on me, making it hard to breathe. "It was wrong, so wrong. She's a married woman, and I... I did that."

Elly reached over and took my hand, her touch a small comfort amidst the storm of my guilt. "Bobby, what's done is done," she said softly. "We can't change the past."

I glanced at her, the streetlights outside casting a warm glow over her face. "But how can I live with myself, knowing I betrayed someone else's trust like that?"

"You're not a bad person," Shayna piped up from the other side, her tone firm. "You've always been kind and considerate. What happened tonight... it was out of character for you. I think we all got caught up in the moment."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Maybe, but that doesn't excuse my behavior. And Adam... I've never considered myself a bully, but tonight, I feel like I was the worst kind of tormentor."

Elly squeezed my hand again, her eyes filled with understanding. "Adam's been a thorn in our side for a while now. He's always trying to provoke you, to get a rise out of you."

Shayna chuckled darkly. "I have to admit, though, watching him squirm was incredibly satisfying. Especially after everything he's put us through."

I shot her a sharp look, and she held up her hands in mock surrender. "I'm not saying it was right, Bobby. Just that a small part of me enjoyed it."

"Me too," Elly admitted, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "It was... intense."

I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "This isn't who I am. I don't want to be the kind of person who revels in someone else's humiliation."

Bobby, Charlotte's voice echoed in my mind, her tone surprisingly gentle. Adam had worse thoughts about Shayna and Elly while you were all chatting before dinner. If you knew the fantasies he entertained, you'd likely turn around for an encore performance… Or beat him to a pulp. He more than deserved what happened tonight.

A flash of anger surged through me, directed at Adam, but I quickly wrestled it under control. "That doesn't give me the right to…  Damn it, I fucked his mother right in front of him, while she taunted him. How did it even go that far?" I said aloud, my knuckles turning white on the steering wheel.

Shayna's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she studied me. "You know, I'm a little surprised you did that with a redhead, considering your... feelings towards them."

I opened my mouth to argue, to say that Milena wasn't a redhead, but then I stopped, the image of her fiery locks suddenly vivid in my mind. How had I not noticed that? My heart raced as I stumbled over my words, trying to come up with a reason, but only feeling more upset.

Charlotte sighed mentally, her presence a reluctant admission of guilt. I might have... influenced your perception a bit, she confessed. You still need to level up more, and I didn't want your... prejudices to get in the way of that.

My anger flared, this time aimed at the succubus sharing my body. "You messed with my mind, Charlotte!" I exclaimed, the car swerving slightly as my grip tightened on the wheel.

Bobby, I did it for your own good, she insisted, her mental voice firm. Your dislike of redheads is unreasonable and based on a single traumatic experience. You need to move past it.

I shook my head, frustration welling up within me. "That's not your decision to make, Charlotte. It's my life, my mind. You had no right."

Elly and Shayna exchanged worried glances, sensing the tension between me and the unseen passenger in my soul.

I gritted my teeth, trying to focus on the road while wrestling with my anger at Charlotte's manipulation. The tension in the car was palpable, and I could feel Shayna's eyes boring into me.

"What did she do?" Shayna demanded, her voice tight with barely contained fury. "I swear, if that succubus is messing with your head, Bobby..."

I sighed, knowing I had to explain. "Charlotte... she altered my perception. Made me not notice Milena's hair color."

Shayna's face contorted with rage. "She what?! How dare she manipulate you like that! I knew we couldn't trust her!"

Before I could respond, I felt a strange sensation, like my mouth was moving of its own accord. Charlotte's voice emerged from my lips, startling both me and my wives.

"Listen, I did it for Bobby's own good," Charlotte said, her tone defensive. "He needs to grow stronger, and if he gets hung up on something as stupid as the color of a woman's hair, he'll never get better. He needs to level up, and get over Megan. It's holding him back."

Elly, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "As much as I hate to admit it, Charlotte has a point. Bobby, you do need to get over your hangup about redheads. I understand that Megan hurt you, but that was one person, not all redheads."

I felt a surge of betrayal at Elly's words, but deep down, I knew she was right. Still, the violation of my mind was something I couldn't let slide.

"Charlotte," I said firmly, regaining control of my mouth. "I don't care about your reasons. You will never manipulate my mind again. I want your solemn vow on this."

There was a moment of silence before Charlotte's voice echoed in my head. I... I vow never to manipulate your mind again, Bobby. You have my word.

The rest of the drive home was tense and silent. As we pulled into the driveway, I felt a mix of relief and apprehension. On the one hand, it was good to be back home, but on the other hand, I still had to live with what I'd done at the Roper residence.

Mary greeted us at the door, her white hair gleaming in the porch light. "Welcome home," she said, her red eyes darting between us. "You have guests waiting in the living room. Also, I modified the AI in the Gladius as soon as it arrived. It won't be reporting anything suspicious back to the Knights."

I nodded, grateful for Mary's efficiency. I'd forgotten that the AI could be spying on us, and felt myself go a little cold with how careless we were on the ride home from Milena's home. Thank goodness I had someone like Mary looking out for us. "Thank you, Mary. Who are our guests?"

"Ashani and Gloria," Mary replied, leading us towards the living room. I felt my heat drop at those names. They could only be here for one reason.

As we entered, I saw Ashani in her human form, sprawled dramatically across the couch. Gloria stood by the window, her posture tense.

Ashani pouted as soon as she saw us. "Finally! We've been waiting for ages. Do you always keep your guests waiting like this?"

I bit back a retort, reminding myself that Ashani was a princess and probably unused to waiting for anyone. "I apologize for the delay. We had some… unexpected business to attend to."

Gloria turned from the window, her eyes sharp. "We don't have time for pleasantries. We need to discuss our mission to defeat Ardin. Any ideas on how to take down someone the gods couldn't put down?"

The gravity of our task hit me anew. How were we supposed to succeed where literal gods had failed?

Bobby, Charlotte's voice whispered in my mind. Remember, you've leveled up once already. We should discuss that with the others.

I cleared my throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Before we dive into strategy, there's something I need to share. According to Charlotte, I've... leveled up."

Mary glanced at me curiously, her eyes widening with interest. "Leveled up? What does that mean exactly?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I admitted. "Charlotte, care to explain?"

I felt the strange sensation again as Charlotte took control of my mouth, her voice emerging from my lips. It was disconcerting, but I allowed it, knowing she could explain the leveling system better than I could.

"Leveling up is a process of personal growth and power accumulation," Charlotte began, using my throat and mouth. "It requires Bobby to form connections with others, typically through intimate encounters. Each new experience or partner provides more substantial growth, while repeated interactions yield diminishing returns."

I watched as Mary's eyes widened with interest, while Ashani leaned forward, her curiosity piqued.

Charlotte continued, "Bobby's current stats are as follows: Strength 10, Constitution 10, Dexterity 9, Intelligence 8, Wisdom 8, Willpower 12, and Charisma 13. He's at level two, with two unallocated stat points."

As Charlotte relinquished control, I furrowed my brow. "Wait a minute," I interjected. "Why am I not at level three yet? After what happened with Mrs. Roper... I mean, that was pretty intense and unique."

I felt a mix of emotions as I thought about the encounter - guilt, shame, and a twinge of excitement I didn't want to acknowledge. It was confusing, to say the least.

Charlotte's voice echoed in my mind. You're close, Bobby, but not quite there yet.

"But why not?" I argued aloud, forgetting for a moment that the others couldn't hear Charlotte's side of the conversation. "That situation was beyond unusual. How is that not enough?"

I don't make the rules, Bobby, Charlotte replied, her mental voice tinged with frustration.

"But you literally created this system!" I exclaimed, drawing confused looks from the others. "You came up with it after the Pillar of Light gave you the idea."

Charlotte sighed mentally. While I might have created the system, I had to work within the Pillar of Light's parameters. Besides, too much growth too fast could literally damage you, Bobby.

I glanced around the room, noticing the varied reactions to our one-sided conversation. Shayna's face was a mask of concern and uncertainty, likely still processing what she'd heard on the way home. Elly, on the other hand, looked cautiously optimistic, her eyes darting between me and the others.

Mary, despite her obvious excitement, was trying to maintain a subdued demeanor in the background. Her red eyes, however, betrayed her keen interest in the conversation.

Gloria cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I've seen plenty of cases where individuals received power they weren't prepared for," she said, her voice grave. "It often ends in destruction - either they're driven to madness and get themselves killed, believing they're invincible, or they destroy everything they hold dear in pursuit of more power." She fixed me with a stern gaze. "I recommend caution, Bobby."

I nodded, understanding her point on an intellectual level. But emotionally, I felt a surge of frustration. "I get what you're saying," I said, trying to keep my voice level. "But we're up against Ardin here. Even the Pillars can't defeat him. How are we supposed to stand a chance if I don't get stronger, sooner rather than later?"

Gloria's expression softened slightly, but her voice remained firm. "It's not that the Pillars are incapable of defeating Ardin. They're limited in how they can exercise their power. As the Pillar of Darkness stated, they have to take into account balance and free will."

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling the weight of our task bearing down on me. "So what are we supposed to do? Just hope we get lucky? I have no intention of going out and screwing everything that moves, just to level up."

Ashani, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, spoke up. "Perhaps we should focus on strategy rather than raw power," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of royal authority. "After all, even the mightiest warrior can fall to a well-laid trap."

Elly nodded in agreement. "Ashani's right. We need to be smart about this. Bobby, your increased abilities are an asset, but they can't be our only plan."

I saw Ashani open her mouth to say something, but I looked at Shayna, who had remained silent throughout the discussion before the princess could speak. "What do you think, Shayna?"

She met my gaze, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "I... I don't know, Bobby. This whole situation is so far beyond anything I ever imagined. Part of me is terrified of what you might become if you keep... leveling up. But another part knows we need every advantage we can get against Ardin."

Her words hit me hard, reminding me of the delicate balance we were trying to maintain. I was changing, becoming something more than human, and it scared me more than it excited me.

Mary, seeming to sense the tension in the room, stepped forward. "If I may," she said softly, "perhaps we could approach this from a different angle. Bobby's growth is important, yes, but so is the growth of the team as a whole. We each have unique skills and abilities. Maybe we should focus on how to combine them effectively."

I felt a surge of gratitude towards Mary. Her suggestion made sense and seemed to ease some of the tension in the room.

Gloria nodded approvingly. "That's a wise suggestion. We need to play to our strengths and cover each other's weaknesses."

"Okay," I said, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Let's break this down. What do we know about Ardin? What are his strengths and weaknesses?"

I watched as Elly's brow furrowed, her eyes distant as if trying to recall something important. "Can we hear the prophecy again?" she asked suddenly, her voice breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the room.

Charlotte took control of my mouth, her voice, using my vocal cords, recited the prophecy with perfect clarity:


From ancient times, a legend stirs,

The First of Knights, now fallen low,

His sacred vows to ash and burrs,

A god of vengeance, wrath to sow.


Against him stands the Knight's Son bold,

A soul thrice-risen, destiny-bound,

To face the one from tales of old,

Whose rage now shakes the very ground.


The First, once pure, now tainted dark,

His righteousness a twisted thing,

Seeks to unmake the Pillars' mark,

And chaos to creation bring.


The Knight's Son, born of hope and strife,

Must walk the line 'tween light and shade,

To save or end the First Knight's life,

And stem the tide of ruin made.


Through trials fierce and battles grim,

The Son must forge a path anew,

His strength tested, his future dim,

Yet to his sacred purpose true.


When hope seems lost, the thrice-born soul

Shall shine with power long foretold,

To make the broken cosmos whole,

Or let the fires of chaos hold.


In final clash of new and old,

The Knight's Son faces his cruel test,

Will order reign or darkness bold?

The fate of all hangs on this quest.


As Charlotte continued, I noticed Shayna's face contort with discomfort. When the recitation finished, she muttered under her breath, "I hate when she does that to my husband."

Charlotte continued, "I understand, Shayna, but it's the only way I can communicate with everyone outside of my mens mundi. Unless you'd prefer I transform Bobby's body into my form, but then he'd have to speak out of my mouth."

"Absolutely not," I said firmly, voicing my thoughts. The idea of my body morphing into Charlotte's form sent a shiver down my spine.

Shayna's face paled, her discomfort evident. "That's... that's even worse," she stammered.

Gloria cleared her throat, drawing our attention. "We could use my mens mundi if it's that big of a deal," she offered, her tone neutral.

Ashani, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, piped up. "What's a mens mundi?"

Gloria turned to the Nagini princess, her explanation concise. "It's a shared mental space, almost like a dream world. The owner has complete control over the environment, and time moves differently there."

I watched as Shayna's face twisted with indecision. She glanced at Elly, a silent conversation passing between them.

Elly spoke up, her voice gentle. "Shayna, remember what you promised? About giving Charlotte more of a chance?"

Shayna's jaw clenched, her internal struggle visible. Finally, she let out a long sigh. "Fine," she said, her voice tight. "We'll use Charlotte's mens mundi." She turned to Gloria, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, Gloria, it's just-"

Gloria held up a hand, cutting her off. "I understand," she said, her voice calm. "I'm a newcomer here. I'll need to earn your trust."

Ashani stretched languidly on the couch, her human form still managing to look regal even in such a casual pose. "Well, this is all very interesting," she drawled, "but I'm not even remotely tired. I don't believe I could fall asleep anytime soon."

I couldn't help but agree with Ashani, but also knew that Charlotte could pull me into her mens mundi with ease, regardless. Hell, she'd even done it while she stayed away and cleaned the kitchen after my disastrous attempt at making dinner for my wives.

A devilish grin spread across Gloria's face. She waved her hand, and suddenly, Ashani slumped over on the couch, fast asleep.

"Falling asleep won't be a problem," Gloria said, her tone matter-of-fact.

I stared at Ashani's sleeping form, then back at Gloria, a mix of awe and unease settling in my stomach. "That's... impressive," I managed to say, trying to keep my voice steady. "And a little terrifying."

Elly moved closer to Ashani, checking her pulse. "She's okay, right?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Gloria nodded. "Of course. She's just sleeping. She'll wake up feeling refreshed."

I felt Charlotte's presence stir within me. We should get started, she urged mentally. The sooner we enter my mens mundi, the more time we'll have to strategize.

"Alright," I said, addressing the room. "Charlotte says we should get started."

I watched as Gloria took charge, her voice calm but authoritative. "Alright, everyone, get comfortable. We'll be entering Charlotte's mens mundi soon."

Shayna and Elly moved closer, each taking one of my hands. Their touch was reassuring, grounding me in the midst of this surreal situation. Gloria, to my surprise, sat next to the sleeping Ashani on the couch, even going so far as to place the Nagini princess's legs over her own.

My eyes fell on Mary, who stood uncertainly near the edge of the room. Her red eyes darted between us, a mix of curiosity and hesitation in her gaze.

"Mary," I said, my voice gentle, "you don't have to participate if you don't want to. This quest could be dangerous, and I don't want to put you in harm's way."

Mary's posture straightened, her eyes meeting mine with an intensity that took me aback. "Master Bobby," she said, her voice filled with conviction, "my loyalties lie with you. I will do all within my power to keep you safe." The emotion in her voice was palpable, and I could see the devotion written clearly across her face.

Elly leaned in close, her breath tickling my ear as she whispered, "I think the maid has a crush on you, Bobby." Her tone was teasing, but I felt a wave of discomfort wash over me at the idea.

Shayna, not to be left out, whispered from my other side, "She is hot, but it would be inappropriate to do anything while she's a slave."

I nodded, agreeing with Shayna. "Exactly," I whispered back. "I have no intention of taking advantage of an enslaved Drow elf."

Mary, who had been standing silently, suddenly spoke up. "Master Bobby, I am at your disposal in ANY way you deem fit," she said, her voice steady but with an undercurrent of... something I couldn't quite place. "I just want to ensure that I'm not overstepping my bounds."

I felt a twinge of guilt at her words. "Mary," I said firmly, "while technically you're bound by our magical contract, I cannot and will not treat you as a slave. Ever."

Mary's cheeks darkened, and I wondered if she was blushing. She muttered something under her breath, so quietly that even with my enhanced hearing, I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. Did she say, "I'd be okay with it if you did"?

Before I could ponder it further, Mary moved, curling up in a ball on the floor in front of me and my wives. The gesture was so unexpected, so... vulnerable, that I felt my heart constrict.

It's like a loyal dog, curling up to protect its owner, Charlotte's voice echoed in my mind. I bristled at the analogy, not liking the implication.

That's not funny, Charlotte, I thought back. She's a person, not a pet.

Before I could voice my displeasure aloud, Gloria raised her hand. "Everyone ready?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room.

I barely had time to nod before a wave of drowsiness washed over me. My eyelids grew heavy, and the world around me began to blur. The last thing I saw was Mary's red eyes, watching me intently as consciousness slipped away.

As the darkness enveloped me, I felt a strange sensation, as if I was falling and floating at the same time. Colors swirled in the void, coalescing into shapes and forms. Slowly, a new environment materialized around us.

We found ourselves in what looked like a luxurious hotel conference suite. Plush carpets covered the floor, and ornate furniture adorned the spacious room. A large window offered a view of a starry night sky, though I knew it wasn't real. At least it wasn't her usual display of hanging red silk curtains and lush pillows strewn about.

"Welcome to my mens mundi," Charlotte's voice rang out, no longer confined to my mind. I turned to see her standing near the window, her succubus form on full display. Her reddish skin gleamed in the soft light, her bat-like wings folded neatly behind her back.

Shayna tensed beside me, her grip on my hand tightening. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, silently reminding her of her promise to give Charlotte a chance.

Elly, on my other side, looked around with wide-eyed curiosity. "This is amazing," she breathed, taking in the opulent surroundings.

Gloria rose from the room's couch, sliding Ashani's massive tail off her and waking her. The Nagini princess was now in her snakelike form as she blinked in confusion, her six arms stretching languidly as she took in her new surroundings.

"What... where are we?" Ashani asked, her voice still thick with sleep.

"We're in Charlotte's mens mundi," Gloria explained patiently. "Remember? We discussed this before you fell asleep."

Ashani's slitted-pupil eyes narrowed. "Before you put me to sleep, you mean," she grumbled, but there was no real heat in her words.

My attention was drawn to Mary, who was no longer curled up on the floor. Instead, she stood rigidly near the door, her red eyes darting around the room as if searching for potential threats.

"Mary," I called out softly, "you can relax. We're safe here."

Mary's posture softened slightly, but she remained alert. "Of course, Master Bobby," she said, her voice steady. "But I will remain vigilant, just in case."

Charlotte clapped her hands, drawing everyone's attention. "Now that we're all here," she said, her tail swishing behind her, "let's get down to business. We need to discuss our strategy for dealing with Ardin."

I watched as Gloria shifted uncomfortably, her eyes darting around the opulent room. Despite her unease, there was something about her that drew my attention. A presence, an aura of power that seemed both familiar and foreign. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I decided to keep my observations to myself for now.

Elly broke the silence, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I've been thinking about the prophecy," she began, her voice hesitant. "The part about a 'thrice-risen soul' confuses me. Bobby was..." She trailed off, catching herself as she remembered that the Knights' ability to resurrect wasn't common knowledge.

Gloria jumped in, her voice steady despite her apparent discomfort. "Sonia recently informed me about that particular... capability." She glanced at me, a flicker of something unreadable passing across her face.

Ashani's tail lashed angrily, her human upper body tensing. "Fucking Knights," she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "They don't even have the courage to die properly!"

I felt a twinge of defensiveness rise in my chest. "If I hadn't been reborn," I pointed out, trying to keep my voice level, "I wouldn't have been there to help free you from those gnolls."

Ashani's face fell, her anger deflating slightly. "You're... different," she mumbled, not quite meeting my eyes. "You don't count as one of those... bastards."

Elly pressed on, her curiosity apparently outweighing her caution. "But Bobby's only risen once," she said, her eyes darting between Gloria and Charlotte. "Does that mean he has to... die two more times?"

I felt my stomach lurch at the thought. Dying once had been bad enough. The idea of going through that twice more was almost unbearable. And hadn't Sonia, the Pillar of Light, informed me that being resurrected was no longer a possibility?

Charlotte's voice cut through my rising panic. "Actually," she said, her spade tail swishing thoughtfully, "at this point, Bobby and I share not only a body but a soul as well. Since I've been resurrected twice, that should count for all three."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Sharing a body with Charlotte was one thing, but our souls? The implications made my head spin. Would I never be free of her?

Before I could voice my concerns, Shayna's hand tightened around mine. "Bobby," she said, her voice low and intense, "you'd better not go off and die ever again. I mean it."

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, babe. I plan on sticking around for a long, long time."

Shayna's eyes narrowed, clearly not appreciating my attempt at being light hearted. But before she could say anything more, Ashani spoke up.

"What do we actually know about our target?" the Nagini princess asked, her voice sharp with impatience.

Gloria straightened, that strange presence about her seeming to intensify. "Ardin," she began, her voice taking on an almost lyrical quality, "was once a devout man. A true believer in his faith, unwavering in his convictions." Her eyes grew distant, as if seeing into the past. "But something changed him. Twisted his righteousness into something dark and vengeful."

I listened, fascinated and horrified in equal measure. The way Gloria spoke, it was almost as if she knew Ardin personally.

Elly's voice cut through my thoughts. "But if the Pillars couldn't properly contain Ardin," she said, her tone worried, "how are we supposed to?"

Shayna nodded in agreement. "I mean, I'm good at what I do, but taking down a being with godlike powers? That's a bit outside my skillset."

I looked around at our ragtag group – a succubus, a Nagini princess, two women raised by Knights, a mysterious woman with an unexplained aura of power, and a dark elf maid. And me, caught in the middle of it all. How were we supposed to stand against a fallen god?

I watched as Gloria's expression turned somber, her eyes distant as if lost in memories. "If there was a way to reach the loving man Ardin once was, we might be able to stop his rampage," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "However, after Ardin's heart was broken... I don't know if there's anything left of him. He went on to form the..."

Gloria paused, her gaze shifting to Charlotte. The succubus nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. With a wave of her hand, Charlotte conjured a door out of thin air. My jaw dropped as Nikky, my mom's renter, strolled through it as casually as if she was entering our living room.

"What the hell?" I blurted out, my heart racing. Everyone except Gloria and Charlotte tensed, clearly as shocked as I was.

Nikky's mischievous smile spread across her face as she took in our stunned expressions. "Well, well, well," she drawled, her eyes twinkling. "Looks like quite the party you've got going on here, Bobby." She wagged her finger at me playfully. "You really should talk to Susan more often, you know. She was getting worried and sent me to check up on you."

Panic seized me as I realized how much Nikky was able to see. Charlotte was in her succubus form, Ashani was in her Nagini form, and not as obvious, but Mary's pointed ears slightly poked out from her white hair. My mind raced, trying to come up with plausible excuses. "Nikky, I can explain," I stammered. "This isn't... We were just..."

Nikky's laughter cut me off. "Relax, kiddo," she said, grinning. "I walked into your house and found you all passed out in the living room. Figured it must have been one hell of a party." She gestured around at the opulent surroundings. "Next thing I know, I'm walking into this fancy imaginary hotel conference room. Gotta say, your subconscious has good taste."

Mary's voice piped up, trembling slightly. "But... but the house doors were locked," she said, her red eyes wide with confusion and fear. "How did you get in?"

Nikky's attention snapped to Mary, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Holy shit, is that a drow elf?" she exclaimed, practically bouncing on her feet. "This is amazing! Awesome! Incredible!" She rushed towards Mary, her enthusiasm overwhelming. "I can't believe it! Not all the elves are dead!"

Mary let out a small yelp and darted behind me, using my body as a shield against Nikky's exuberance. I felt a twinge of protectiveness as I placed a hand on Mary's shoulder, trying to reassure her.

Nikky skidded to a halt, a shrewd gleam entering her eyes as she took in the scene. "Well, well," she said, her tone teasing. "Looks like someone's building quite the harem, Bobby." She affected a mock pout. "And to think, you so thoroughly rejected my advances when you came to visit your mother after getting married. I'm hurt."

I felt my face heat up. "I'm not trying to build a harem," I protested, acutely aware of Mary still pressed against my back and my wives' eyes on me. "I'm more than happy with what I have."

"Bobby isn't building a bigger harem..." Charlotte's voice chimed in, a hint of amusement in her tone.

"...yet," Shayna finished, surprising me. The two women regarded each other, Charlotte's face alight with joy and hope, while Shayna's expression remained cautious but open.

Elly wrapped an arm around Shayna's waist, giving her an encouraging squeeze. "I'm proud of you," she whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

Gloria cleared her throat, her authoritative presence drawing everyone's attention. "Nikky," she said, her tone chiding, "you're late."

I blinked, confusion washing over me. "Late?" I echoed. "What do you mean, late?"

Gloria turned to me, her expression serious. "Nikky is the last member of our party," she explained. "She's a—"

"Close family friend," Nikky cut in smoothly, flashing a winning smile. "I was asked to assist with your little... adventure."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Oh, wonderful," I drawled, sarcasm dripping from every word. "One more person along for this insane ride. And why, pray tell, do they all have to be attractive women? Is this some kind of cosmic joke?"

Gloria's response was as blunt as it was unexpected. "I appreciate the compliment," she said, her tone matter-of-fact, "but my heart belongs to another man."

I felt my face flush, embarrassed by my outburst. "I... that's not what I meant," I stammered, trying to backpedal.

Ashani's tail lashed, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed Nikky. "And just what skills do you bring to this... party?" she asked, her tone dripping with skepticism.

Nikky's grin widened, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, honey," she purred, "I'm full of surprises."

I groaned internally, wondering how I'd ended up in this situation. A succubus sharing my body, two wives, a Nagini princess, a mysterious woman with hidden depths, a drow elf maid, and now my mom's flirtatious renter. This "quest" was shaping up to be more complicated than I could have ever imagined.

I stood there, my mind racing as I pieced together the puzzle before me. The way Gloria spoke of Nikky, the casual acceptance of our bizarre group, my mother's history of protecting magical creatures... It all clicked into place.

"You're not human!" I blurted out, pointing at Nikky.

Nikky's sultry laugh filled the room, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She gave me a non-committal shrug, her expression seeming to say 'maybe, maybe not.' The secretive smile playing on her lips only added to the mystery.

"Well, well," Ashani hissed, her tail swishing behind her. "Looks like our little group just got more interesting."

Shayna stepped forward, her brow furrowed. "If you're not human, what are you?" she asked Nikky directly.

Nikky's grin widened. "Now, now," she purred. "A lady never reveals all her secrets on the first date."

Shayna rolled her eyes. "This isn't a date," she muttered.

Mary, still partially hidden behind me, peeked out. "Is... is she dangerous?" she whispered, her red eyes wide with concern.

I placed a reassuring hand on Mary's shoulder. "I don't think so," I said softly. "My mom trusts her, and that counts for something."

Gloria cleared her throat, drawing our attention. "Nikky's exact nature isn't important right now," she said firmly. "What matters is that she's here to help us deal with Ardin."

"Can we please get back on track?" I pleaded, trying to steer the conversation back to the matter at hand, as though I wasn't the last one to go off on a tangent. "We were discussing Ardin and how to stop him."

Charlotte nodded, her expression growing serious. "Bobby's right," she said, her tail swishing behind her. "We need to focus on the task at hand."

Elly stepped forward, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Gloria," she said, her voice hesitant, "you were saying something about Ardin forming... something. What was it?"

Gloria's eyes met mine, a weight in her gaze that made me shiver. "Ardin," she said slowly, "went on to form the Paladonic Knights."

The room fell silent as the implications of her words sank in. I felt as if the floor had dropped out from under me. The very organization I'd been inducted into, the one my father had been a part of, had been founded by the man we were now tasked with stopping.

"Well, shit," I muttered, summing up the collective mood of the room.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of our situation settling on my shoulders. "Alright, let's summarize what we're up against," I began, my voice steady despite the churning in my gut. "Ardin, once a devout man, is now a fallen god with a vendetta. He's powerful, vengeful, and apparently the founder of the Paladonic Knights. He's broken out of whatever containment the Pillars had him in, and now we're tasked with stopping him." I turned to Gloria, raising an eyebrow. "Did I miss anything?"

Gloria nodded, her eyes distant. "There's one more crucial detail," she added softly. "Ardin's power deals with knowing things. I'm not sure how it works, but he usually knows more than he should."

"Oh yeah... That too," I muttered, feeling a headache coming on. "Because why not make this even more impossible?"

I looked around the room, mentally evaluating each woman and their potential contributions to our mission. My gaze lingered on Elly and Shayna, worry gnawing at me. They were both pregnant with my children, a fact that filled me with both joy and terror given our current situation. Elly's intelligence could be invaluable, and I remembered how easily she had tossed me to the ground. As for Shayna, her cheerleading skills might not seem immediately useful, but I had a feeling her athletic prowess could come in handy.

Gloria remained an enigma, but the powerful aura surrounding her hinted at hidden strengths. Mary, our drow elf maid, had already proven herself capable and cunning. I shuddered slightly, remembering what she'd done to her previous master.

My eyes fell on Nikky, and I couldn't help but smirk. She struck me as more of a trickster than a fighter, but I hoped her mischievous nature would be an asset in unexpected ways.

Charlotte, of course, was a constant presence in my mind. A succubus sharing my body and soul... It was still hard to wrap my head around. Despite our differences, I knew she had my best interests at heart. Her confession of love for me still left me conflicted, but now wasn't the time to dwell on that.

Finally, my gaze settled on Ashani. I'd seen her fight the gnoll alpha, and her strength was undeniable. But there was also an air of pampered royalty about her that made me wonder how she'd fare in a prolonged conflict. As I studied her snake half, a question popped into my mind.

"Ashani," I asked, "are you poisonous?"

Ashani's eyes narrowed, and I could see a flicker of amusement mixed with exasperation. "First of all," she said, her voice dripping with barely contained disdain, "the correct term is venomous, not poisonous. Poison is ingested or absorbed, venom is injected." She paused, clearly enjoying the chance to educate me. "But to answer your question, yes, in my Nagini form, I can inject a very deadly toxin if I choose. However," she added, her nose wrinkling slightly, "I prefer not to bite things. I'd rather use my strength and arms than rely on my venom. The taste it leaves in my mouth is... unpleasant."

I nodded, filing away that information for later. "Good to know," I said, trying not to dwell on the image of Ashani's fangs.

Gloria cleared her throat, drawing my attention. "Bobby," she said, her voice curious, "Charlotte mentioned something about you 'leveling up' earlier. Can you explain more about that?"

Before I could respond, Charlotte's voice echoed excitedly in the room. "Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "Bobby, remember you have unallocated stat points, and you can choose a new ability now!"

I groaned internally. "Abilities?" I asked hesitantly, already dreading the answer.

Charlotte's grin was worrying as she began listing options. "Well, you could choose 'Silver Tongue,' which would enhance your persuasive abilities in... intimate situations. Or perhaps 'Tantric Touch,' allowing you to channel sexual energy for various effects. Oh! And there's 'Pheromone Cloud,' which would make you irresistible to those around you for short periods."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Charlotte," I said, trying to keep my voice level, "how exactly are any of those supposed to help us defeat a being with godlike powers?"

"Well," Charlotte replied, her tone matter-of-fact, "the more connections you make, the stronger you become. And these abilities would certainly help you make... connections."

I looked around the room, suddenly very aware of the women surrounding me. They all regarded me with varying degrees of disgust, curiosity, and in Nikky's case, intrigue.

"Charlotte…" I began, hoping I didn't sound as annoyed with her as I felt. "Please tell me I have more options than that. Something to make me a better fighter, or more resistant, rather than something to manipulate those around me. You should know how I feel about manipulation by now."

I watched as Charlotte's excitement visibly deflated, her tail drooping and her wings sagging. Before she could respond, Nikky piped up with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Oh, I don't know," she purred, her voice dripping with suggestion. "Some of those abilities sound pretty useful to me. Especially that 'Pheromone Cloud.' I bet that could come in handy in all sorts of... situations."

I regarded Nikky for a moment, wondering if she had some secret kink she wasn't sharing. But I didn't dare ask, especially not with everyone else around. Instead, I turned back to Charlotte, who seemed to have recovered a bit.

"Alright, alright," Charlotte said, her voice a mix of resignation and determination. "I've got some other options that might be more your speed, Bobby. How about 'Phantasmal Fabrication'? It lets you create convincing illusions. Or 'Cerebral Invasion,' which allows you to read surface thoughts and potentially plant suggestions. There's also 'Psychokinetic Manipulation,' giving you the power to move objects with your mind."

I mulled over these new options, considering how they might work with my unallocated stat points. Each ability sounded potentially useful, but I needed to think strategically.

"What do you all think?" I asked, looking around at the group.

Elly stepped forward, her brow furrowed in concentration. "The illusion ability could be incredibly versatile," she said thoughtfully. "It might help us avoid confrontations altogether in some cases."

"I'm not too sure how well illusions would work against Ardin," Gloria said. "Like I said, he seems to know more than he should, and he might be able to see right through any illusions you can conjure."

"Oh," Charlotte seemed even more depressed. "I figured that way Bobby could create an illusion of me, and even make it talk so that I wouldn't have to use his mouth anymore."

Shayna let out a sour grunt. "Yeah, that would be nice… But being able to read minds? That's a major invasion of privacy," she added. "Even if we're up against someone as crafty as Ardin sounds, I don't like it."

"Besides," I chimed in, facing my inner succubus, "You already know how I feel about reading people's minds. If I really needed it, I could just ask you to do it."

"But you'd be skipping the middle man!" Charlotte argued. "And I'm telling you, if you knew half of what Adam was daydreaming, you'd either go back to his house and cave his skull in, or ravish Melina right on his bed and make him sleep in the wet spot."

"Wait, what?!" Shayna demanded, her hands balling into fists as she prepared for a battle. "What was that degenerate thinking?"

"Nothing!" I shot out, trying to defuse a situation before it could get us further off track. When Shayna turned her cold blue eyes on me, I almost regretted cutting in. "It's probably just Adam being Adam. Besides, I'm not saying it's right, but all men have fantasies about any attractive woman they see. We can't help it. Most of us know better than to ever consider acting on those fantasies, however."

"Oh really?" Nikky asked in a syrupy sweet tone. "Then I'm curious what fantasies you've had about me?"

"Or me!" Ashani added herself with a tone that seemed a little too hopeful.

"Ladies!" I tried once again to get things back on track. "Now is not the time to discuss—"

Charlotte cut in before I could finish, facing the confident redhead. "When he said any attractive women, he meant that he finds attractive. You don't fall into that category."

Ouch! I thought, wondering where that catty attitude had come from. Sure, I wasn't very particular to redheads, and I wasn't overly fond of Nikky, but she didn't deserve that.

"What about me, Bobby?" Ashani asked, and I struggled to hold back a groan. When I turned to face her, she was back in her human form, and though she stood taller than me, and was well-muscled, she was also very naked. "Am I not attractive to you?"

"Enough!" Gloria's voice shook the very air with its power and authority, that left a vacuum in its passing, pulling all of our attention to the woman. There was no way to ignore the compulsion to look. All of us were affected, though Charlotte seemed the most stressed by that single word. Had it stressed her mens mundi? "None of that matters right now. Does anyone else have any input on his ability options?"

Mary, still partially hidden behind me, spoke up softly. "If I may, Master Bobby," she said, her red eyes wide, "the ability to move objects could be very useful in both combat and stealth situations."

I winced slightly at Mary's use of "Master" but decided now wasn't the time to address it. "Those are all good points," I said, nodding to each of them. I felt the weight of their eyes on me, expectant, and squared my shoulders as I looked between them.

As I pondered my options, I noticed Ashani's tail lashing back and forth, her face a mask of boredom and frustration. She must have transformed back after Gloria's shout.

"Is something wrong, Ashani?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She let out an exasperated hiss. "All this talk of 'leveling up' and abilities... it's so tedious," she grumbled. "I don't understand the appeal of these video games you humans are so obsessed with." Her eyes narrowed as she continued, "If I hadn't been falsely accused of being sullied and expelled from my tribe, I could have brought real power to this fight. My people are warriors, not... whatever this is."

I made a mental note of Ashani's comment about her tribe, filing it away for later. But right now, I needed to focus on the task at hand.

I weighed my options carefully, considering the words of those around me. The ability to create illusions could be useful, but as Gloria pointed out, it might not work against Ardin. Mind reading felt too invasive, and I wasn't comfortable with that level of intrusion. Finally, I made my decision.

"I think I'm going to go with Psychokinetic Manipulation," I announced, looking around the room. "Being able to move objects with my mind could be incredibly versatile in both combat and stealth situations, just like Mary said."

Charlotte's voice piped up, a hint of disappointment coloring her tone. "Are you sure you don't want one of the first options? The 'Silver Tongue' ability could be really useful for gathering information or manipulating situations to our advantage."

Before I could respond, Shayna let out a derisive snort. "Oh please," she said, rolling her eyes. "You're just trying to get more action for yourself."

Charlotte bristled at the accusation. "I'm trying to help Bobby get stronger, faster," she retorted. "The more connections he makes, the more powerful he becomes. It's not just about our pleasure."

"Enough," I said firmly, cutting off their bickering. "My decision is final. I'm choosing Psychokinetic Manipulation."

Nikky's eyes lit up at my declaration, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Ooh, telekinesis could be fun to play around with," she purred, giving me a suggestive wink. "I can think of all sorts of... interesting applications."

I felt my cheeks heat up at her implication but chose to ignore it. Instead, I turned to Mary, who was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Thank you for your input, Mary," I said softly. "Your suggestion was really helpful."

Mary's red eyes widened, and for a moment, it looked like she was about to throw herself at me. But at the last second, she caught herself, pulling back with a visible effort. "I'm... I'm glad I could be of assistance, Master," she mumbled, her dark cheeks flushing a deep purple.

I noticed her aborted action and felt a pang of sympathy. Mentally, I reminded myself that I wasn't willing to do anything with her as long as she was bound by her slave contract. It wouldn't be right, no matter how much she might want it.

Charlotte's voice sullen as she spoke up again. "What about your two free stat points?" she asked. "I recommend putting them in charisma. It could help with social situations and maybe even boost the effectiveness of your abilities."

I rolled my eyes but caught sight of Shayna opening her mouth, no doubt to make another snarky comment at Charlotte's expense. Quickly, I made my decision. "I'll put one point into dexterity to get it up to 10, and one point into intelligence," I said. "I figure that'll help me with my new skill."

Charlotte sighed. "Your intelligence stat won't really help you with Psychokinetic Manipulation," she explained. "It's your willpower that will affect that."

I nodded, remembering that my willpower was already at 12, which Charlotte had mentioned was above the normal human theoretical cap of 10. "I'll stick with my decision," I said firmly. "Especially the dexterity." A plan was starting to form in my mind, involving Ashani's tribe and potentially gaining allies for our fight against Ardin, but I kept the details to myself for now.

"Alright," Charlotte conceded. "Are you ready to learn your new skill and allocate your stat points?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's do this."

Suddenly, a warm sensation began to spread through my body, starting from my core and radiating outward. It felt like liquid sunlight was flowing through my veins, heating me from the inside out. My skin tingled pleasantly, and I could feel every nerve ending coming alive with sensation.

As the warmth reached my brain, it was like a fog lifting. My thoughts became clearer, sharper, and I could feel new neural pathways forming. The concept of psychokinesis unfolded in my mind like a blooming flower, each petal revealing new possibilities and applications of the skill.

At the same time, I felt a surge of energy in my muscles. My body felt lighter, more responsive, as if I could dance on the edge of a razor without losing my balance. The increase in dexterity was subtle but unmistakable.

The sensations built to a crescendo, and for a moment, it felt like every atom in my body was vibrating in perfect harmony. A wave of pleasure washed over me, not quite sexual but deeply satisfying on a primal level. I let out a soft gasp as the feeling peaked, then slowly ebbed away, leaving me feeling invigorated and more alive than ever.

As I came back to myself, I realized I was breathing heavily, my body covered in a light sheen of sweat. I blinked, looking around at the others in the room, suddenly very aware of their presence.

Nikky's eyes were fixed on me, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "Well," she said, her gaze dropping pointedly to my groin, "looks like someone enjoyed that little power-up. Maybe those 'connections' aren't so bad after all, hm?"

I felt my face flush hot with embarrassment, but before I could respond, Gloria cleared her throat loudly. "Now that that's settled," she said, her tone brooking no argument, "we need to focus on our next steps. Bobby, you mentioned you had a plan forming?"

I nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "Yeah, I was thinking we might want to look into Ashani's situation with her tribe," I began, glancing at the nagini. "If we can clear her name and maybe even get some allies from her people, it could be a big help against Ardin."

Ashani's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed suspiciously. "And how exactly do you propose to do that?" she asked, her tail twitching nervously. "My tribe cast me out, believing me to be... defiled. They won't listen to outsiders, especially not humans."

"We'll figure something out," I said confidently, even though I wasn't entirely sure how we'd pull it off. "For now, let's focus on gathering more information about Ardin and his movements. We need to be prepared for anything."




* * *

1084 A.D.

In an instant, Ardin saw through to the true Venita. Or rather, to the vile creature that’d deceived him, sending him on a perilous journey that tested his faith, when he should have been at home to protect his family.

Only his family was also a lie. Despite his uncanny ability to see truths and know things that should have been beyond him, Ardin struggled to understand the truth of his reality.

As the wicked pagan goddess held him, Ardin’s mind was overwhelmed by images and impressions that were beyond a regular mortal to comprehend. He was no longer a regular mortal, but still close enough that he struggled to parse the onslaught of information.

With a supreme effort of will, Ardin focused his mind on what he could. Venita held a physical form that itself held in a powerful being. She wasn’t human, and he knew this wasn’t her true body. He sorted through her last two weeks and wanted to throw up.

She was the proprietor of this den of inequity. It was bad enough that his wife owned and managed a business, but that it was this particular endeavor was disgusting. The amount of sin that occurred within these walls hourly was enough to make any pious man weep and beg for redemption. How could his sweet, loving, Christian wife allow herself to sink so low? But that wasn’t the worst thing.

She’d lain with another man the day before he’d arrived. He saw everything in her memories. The man was wealthy, politically connected, and she’d not wanted to do it, but had to, to keep her unholy business unmolested. He saw through the last fortnight, and knew that she’d had many offers, but turned down all but that one. He saw her reasoning and reluctance to accept the liaison, but was also unable to not witness the deed, and the act she'd pretended to get the man off as quickly as possible.

He felt a physical revulsion at her touch and wanted to release the small amount of food in his stomach, but managed to hold it in. Over the last few years, he’d learned how to pretend. Many were disgusted at the sight of him, and despite his abilities, he’d trained himself on keeping his thoughts and emotions bottled up. A necessary habit formed from living amongst the two-faced and corrupt humans who professed to be humble Christians, but behind closed doors, acted with lustful, greedy hearts.

“I’m here, now,” he managed to say through a throat that barely wanted to cooperate. “We can… we can be together again.” That lie roiled his stomach, but somehow he managed to get the words out. His mind raced, as he worked to come up with some way to flee this retched place.

“You’ve… been changed,” she said, after a bit of hesitation, pulling away to look at him. He knew what she saw, but for once, didn’t try to hide anything. His body was gaunt, but strong. His hair was long, almost falling to the middle of his back. But the biggest change since the last time she’d seen him was his lack of eyes. Smooth skin now covered the area his eyes once held, though that was no detriment to him.

“I’ve…” Ardin thought of how much to tell her, before firming his resolve. “I met some people you knew in your old life. When I returned to our village to find it destroyed, the man was angry and did this to me.” Ardin touched the smooth skin over his eye sockets and shook his head.

“I’m so sorry,” Venita wailed, and he knew she meant it, but her sorrow couldn’t reach his broken heart. “I didn’t think any of them would still be around. I hoped you would be able to get the fruit and return to us. I hoped… But none of that matters, now. We’re together again.”

Her mention of the fruit reminded him that he still had one remaining bite left on it. Despite having taken two bites already, the fruit had remained healthy and unspoiled. The crazy thing had actually healed over, and merely shrunk in size after each bit to look whole, if diminished. In a panic, he sent out his thoughts, looking for it, and found it safe among his meager belongings. He didn’t trust this woman, this charlatan that'd masqueraded as a pious God-fearing woman, and intended to get as far away from her as he possibly could.

How much of their marriage was an act like with that politician? How much had she pretended to love him, all the while lying to him about who and what she was? Unfortunately, his abilities didn't reach that far into the past.

He knew it was a sin, but he had to lie to her a bit more. She was already a being of power, and if she ate another bite of that fruit, who knew what it would do to her.

“That fruit is the only reason I’m still alive,” his voice came out thick with emotion, as he recalled the pain of being blasted with the lightning. “After I was hit with the power of that old man, I ate the last of the fruit. I was healed by the grace of God, but my eyes…” He couldn’t tell her about his abilities.

“That doesn’t matter, now,” Venita told him, and he knew she meant it. Her love and concern for him were like daggers in his chest. In a way, they hurt more than when that pagan god had tried to kill him. He couldn’t be with such an unclean woman, much less one that thought of herself as a pagan god. “We’re together again, and nothing will pull us apart ever again.”

He knew that a part of him was being hypocritical. He’d broken nearly every commandment in an attempt to get back to her, including infidelity, but her betrayal went way before that. She’d pretended to be a virgin on their wedding night, something that he sincerely doubted, now knowing that she was a pagan goddess of love and beauty.

“Nothing,” he told her. In his heart, he meant it as all that was left of their relationship and marriage, though he knew she would take it as a reply to her sincerity. “I’m feeling tired. I think I need some more rest. Will… Will you still be here when I wake up?”

She regarded him for a moment, her eyes inscrutable, before she offered a wide smile. “I will be right outside. Just say my name and I’ll be back in here as fast as possible, my love.”

Ardin nodded, then pulled away to rest. He wasn’t tired—another lie, but what was one more?—but needed to be alone with his thoughts. Physical contact with her was still overwhelming, and he needed to plan his exit. He knew it hurt her, but he was unable to return the words of affection as she got up and left the room.

He waited for Eothan to quietly check on him one more time, while pretending to sleep, before getting up.

He pulled out the ambrosia, looking at the strange, mystical fruit one last time, before popping it into his mouth and moving for the window.

He was high up, a fall that would kill or cripple most mortals, but he was no longer entirely mortal. With the last bite still whole in his mouth, Ardin glanced back one last time.

Goodbye, Venita, or Aphrodite, or whoever you really are, Ardin thought as his heart broke for the last time. I pray to God that we never meet again.

Without any further hesitation, Ardin climbed out the window and allowed himself to fall. His legs buckled when he hit the solid ground outside, and someone screamed. He felt his bones poking out of his shins, and the pain was tremendous, but he ignored it all. The fruit had broken open in his mouth and he quickly chewed and swallowed, feeling his body become whole once more as new strength and vigor suffused him.

Getting back to his feet, Ardin rushed from the gathering crowd. Behind him, he heard a familiar voice shouting.

“Ardin? Wait, my love, please come back!”

In the early evening light, the man who’d once been Ardin vanished amidst the bustling streets. The fisherman from a small village on the coast of the Northern Sea was dead. In his place, raced a grown man, filled with righteous power, intent on doing God’s work and punishing the wicked.

Especially those who didn’t follow His commandments, or worse, weren’t even human.

From the Author

Well, looks like I'm able to keep this approximate pace. Let me know if you feel the quality is dipping, or what you think!



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