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Archive for 09/23/24

The Succubae Seduction 3: Knight's Son Ch. 21

By : FantasyTrove


Chapter 21: Political Coup



I felt my heart racing as panic began to set in. I was naked, in the back of my new SUV, along with Elly, Shayna, and Demitra, as we all scrambled to get dressed. Meanwhile, my vehicle remained on autopilot, ignoring the cop's flashing lights behind us.

Once we were all dress, and I was back in the driver's seat with Demitra in the passenger seat, I took over the driving and pulled over.

It didn't take long for me to see the cop exit her car, and I couldn't hold back a groan. Adam's aunt had a stern expression marring her features as she marched up to my window and gave it a firm knock.

"Officer," I managed to get out from a tightened throat. "What--"

"It's Sergeant Anna Roper," she corrected me, her voice matching her stern demeanor. Is your phone broken, Mr. Brody? I've been trying to reach you."

My stomach dropped. The meeting! I'd completely forgotten about our scheduled appointment at the precinct amidst the... distraction.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize—"

She cut me off with a raised hand, then leaned in slightly. Her nostrils flared, and I saw a flicker of something in her eyes. Not anger or disgust, but... curiosity?

"Change of plans," she said, her voice gruff but with an undercurrent I couldn't quite place. "Can't meet at the precinct. Got an address for you instead."

She handed me a slip of paper. I took it, my fingers trembling slightly.

"Everything alright, Sergeant?" I asked, trying to gauge her reaction.

Her lips twitched, almost a smile. "Just fine, Brody. See you there. Don't be late this time. I just finished my shift, so will probably beat you there."

As she walked back to her patrol car, I let out a shaky breath. The girls stirred behind me, equally tense.

"That was close," Shayna whispered.

I nodded, still processing what had just happened. "Too close."

Shit! I forgot all about Sergeant Roper wanting to meet with us. I glanced at the note she'd given me, then looked over at my wives.

"We should probably get going. I've got a... meeting," I said to Demitra, straightening my clothes further. Shayna and Elly stayed in the back, straightening their clothes and fixing their makeup in the rearview mirror, while Demitra moved up to the passenger seat.

"Well, this was more than I bargained for," Demitra chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I replied as I pulled away from the curb and onto the road, making sure to follow the speed limit. The last thing I needed was to attract any more attention. "I guess with all the fun we were having, I forgot about meeting with that cop."

"Oh, I wasn't just meaning that," Demitra let out a rich laugh and reached over to pat my groin. "I'm not going to be walking right for the next day or so. You're not like other Knights I've been with. They tend to be more selfish. Thank you, Shayna and Elly for sharing him with me, but, um… I hate to ask, but do you mind dropping me back off at the dealership?"

I nodded, wondering at the sharp change in conversation, but was also happy to drop her off before seeing what this change in venue was all about. No sense in dragging Demitra into my drama.

As I drove away from the dealership with the sun starting to set behind us, I noticed Demitra waving from the maintenance entrance. I returned the gesture and saw her blow me a kiss. Man, she was something else. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd see her again, but also wondered if I really wanted to. She was a lot of fun, but I really didn;t need more women in my life.

You seem distracted, Charlotte commented mentally.

"Huh?" I scraped my teeth along my bottom lip, unsure how to explain my thoughts to my wives—or Charlotte, for that matter.

Elly reached forward and squeezed my shoulder. "You had fun, didn't you?"

I smiled warmly at her. How could I deny it? But then my expression sobered. "But I'm more worried about this meeting that's not going to happen at the precinct. What do you think that's about?"

In the rearview mirror, I saw Elly and Shayna exchange a glance.

"The cop was very careful not to think of why they were meeting at that address," Charlotte observed. “I don't like it. She didn't seem very happy about it, but that she had little choice.”

I groaned inwardly. "Maybe she wants to talk about Adam. He did shoot himself, after all, and since she's his aunt, maybe she's trying to protect him by keeping this away from the precinct?"

"Can I see that address?" Shayna asked, and I handed the paper back to her. After looking at it, she grunted and I saw her shake her head. "This is in a ritzy part of town. I doubt it's her house, unless she has a trust fund somewhere."

"She doesn't strike me as the kind of person to be interested in fooling around with us," Elly added, deep in thought. "Though she definitely acted a little weird after smelling inside here. We have to smell like sex incarnate after that fun tryst. I don't think it's a trap, either. She seemed too straight forward after Adam tried shooting you, and shot himself instead. Does your intuition, tell you anything?"

I knew she was asking if Charlotte had an idea without being obvious. We didn't know if this car was bugged yet, and I would need to talk to Mary about that later.

"No, my intuition isn't telling me much," I gave her a sad smile as I answered.

The girls seemed satisfied with that explanation, and we drove the rest of the way in silence.


* * *



I pulled up to the address Sergeant Roper gave me and cut the engine. It was a nice house, two stories with a well-manicured lawn. The neighborhood was upscale, and I wondered how a cop could afford it, but I saw a police cruiser parked in the driveway.

As we climbed out of the car, Shayna whispered, "This is weird. Do you think this is her place? And why would she want to talk to you at her house? And without backup?"

I shrugged, my stomach doing flips. "Beats me." I glanced at my watch. "We should probably go in. Don't want to keep her waiting."

We walked up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Footsteps echoed inside, and the door swung open. Sergeant Roper stood before us, her expression unreadable.

"Mr. Brody," she greeted, stepping aside to let us in. She was still in her uniform, though I'm sure she had plenty of time to get changed before we arrived.

We entered a cozy living room, the furnishings imposing and tasteful. I noticed a sword mounted on the wall—an actual sword, not a decoration. Nothing about the interior of this home said a cop lived here. No decorations for valor, or anything else one might think would be in a policewoman's home. In fact, it almost seemed too sterile, like it was a prop set for what Hollywood wanted us to think the rich lived in.

Sergeant Roper closed the door, and I heard the lock click into place.

"Why aren't we meeting in the precinct, Sergeant?" I asked, doing my best to keep my cool. Something felt off, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. "I thought I was going to give an official statement on Adam's behavior."

"Please, call me Anna," she said, walking further into the room. We followed, and I noticed Elly and Shayna's shoulders were tense. Charlotte must have picked up on it too. "I want to get this over with," she added under her breath.

This doesn't feel like a social call, she commented. Her mind is all over the place.

Anna, or Sergeant Roper as I should probably still call her, led the way deeper into the immaculate home.

"You are here to talk about my nephew," she continued after a moment as we entered a lavish living room, replete with three true leather sofas, a love seat, and a gas fireplace. My stomach dropped as I recognized one of the people already in the room. "My brother insisted that he have an opportunity to discuss things with you before you go ahead and press charges."

Adam sat in a wheelchair near the fireplace with a smug grin on his face. His right arm was still in a cast, a bandage wrapped around his head, both of which I'd seen before. New, however, was what looked like padding—almost like a diaper—around his hips and backside. Other than his smarmy smile, he looked pretty pathetic. It was hard not to smile, knowing that he'd done most of that damage to himself.

Behind him stood an older gentleman, grey liberally suffusing his once-brown hair, who I assumed was Adam's father. The older man had an air of importance and dignity about him that only came from years of holding power. The expensive suit he wore told me this must be his home. There was very few similarities between father and son. Mr. Roper was stout, bordering on pudgy, with a bulbous nose, and a thick grey mustache decorating his upper lip. Two beady brown eyes regarded us as we walked in.

"Thank you, Anna," Mr. Roper said in a dismissive tone. "Be a good sister, and see if my wife needs any help in the kitchen, won't you?" While the words framed it as a question, the tone sounded more like a command.

"You promised you wouldn't speak to him without me here," Anna shot back, standing almost like a shield between her brother and me.

"Quite right," the older man waved dismissively. "I don't intend the boy any harm, though. You have my word. I just want to have a little discussion with him and…" he paused to take in my wives, an look of disgust crossing his already unattractive features. "And these young girls."

I didn't like being called a boy, much less how he treated my wives, but I kept my breath steady instead of crossing the room and showing him what I thought of his family.

Fucking politicians! Charlotte snarled in my head. Ever since the Chaos War, they've been taught how to keep their minds from being read. I can't read much from him, but he's being very careful with his thoughts. If he taught his sister, it's no wonder I can barely read her.

After a few tense seconds when Anna didn't comply, Adam spoke up in a syrupy sweet voice. "It's okay, Aunt Anna. We just want to talk and clear up a misunderstanding. Besides, you know my father. We have cameras all over this house, and this conversation will be recorded. Nothing bad will happen to them."

I saw Anna grimace, but after another second or so, she turned to face me, mouthed an apology, then left the room.

"Very good," Mr. Roper said as though everything were going according to his plans. I didn't feel any better about this whole debacle. "Now, if you'd please have a seat, Mr. Brody, there are a couple things I'd like to get cleared up."

I looked between the couch and the love seat, but knew what the old man was trying to do. I didn't doubt that he would remain standing, leaving him in a position of power. Internally, I grinned as I moved toward the love seat. It was only a perception of power, if I let it be.

I sat, and the girls stood behind me. I felt their presence like a comforting blanket, and I turned my head to give them a reassuring smile. They stood on either side of me, and I felt more comfortable.

"So, Bobby," Mr. Roper intoned, dropping the "Mr. Brody" act now that Anna was gone, his eyes never leaving mine. "I've been hearing some interesting things about you."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I tried to keep my tone light, but it was difficult with the way the man looked down at me. It was obvious that he was accustomed to wielding power and not being questioned as I'd just done.

"Your... unique situation, for one. It's fascinating—and a little disturbing." He placed a hand on his son's shoulder as his eyes roved over the three of us. "Adam here has been telling me some interesting things."

My mouth went dry, and I felt the others tense beside me. "Look, I don't know what—"

"Save it," Mr. Roper interrupted, standing fully upright. "I'm not here to debate whether you're the real Bobby Brody, or some imposter." He paused, and her eyes drifted to something behind me. "As I'm sure you're aware, we're coming up on another election year, and I can't have a scandal popping up right now."

I swallowed, unable to speak. Beside me, Elly and Shayna were utterly silent.

I noted Adam's grin becoming even more cocksure and I felt sick. What were they planning?

"That's all well and good, Mr. Roper, but your son attacked me multiple times without provocation," I said with conviction. "He needs to learn to leave me and my wi—women alone."

His eyes narrowed at my near slip-up, but he chose not to address it.

Mr. Roper looked down at his son, who gave him the fakest, puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

"So you claim," Mr. Roper said in a tone that made me wonder who he really believed, or if he even cared. "However, I believe my son has suffered enough, don't you? If it really comes down to it, who will the courts believe? My son who can't get around on his own in a wheelchair, or you who appear to be whole and healthy?"

I ground my teeth, but held back from snapping at the man. I wanted nothing more than to tell him what a narcissistic asshole and moron his was, but knew that losing my temper here wouldn't help my case.

"Now then," Mr. Roper said with a satisfied smile when he noted I wasn't going to argue with him. "How much is it going to take to make this little incident become a thing of the past?"

"I'm sorry?" I asked, uncertain what he was getting at. "I don't understand."

"Come now," he said slowly, as though talking to someone on the intelligence level of his son. "Give me a number, and if I think it's reasonable, I'll write you a check right now. I know college isn't cheap, and Adam tells me you just moved in together. Surely we can come to an agreement that will satisfy us all?"

That's when I realized he was trying to bribe me to keep quiet about his son. Maybe I should have realized sooner, but with the Paladonic Knights covering all my expenses, it basically meant I couldn't be bribed. At least, not with money.

I thought carefully over my response before answering. "If Adam can promise to leave us alone, then I can promise the same."

It left a sour taste in my mouth to let him off, but this was better than getting into a huge fight with a politician's son. Even though the Knights had incredible lawyers—like Shayna's father—it wasn't a battle I wanted to get into.

If I thought my words would have sufficed, I would have been wrong. Mr. Roper grimaced before shaking his head.

"Come, now, Mr. Brody," he said, his hand remaining firmly on Adam's shoulder. The cocky kid grimaced and I wondered what kind of grip Mr. Roper was applying. "Surely we can come up with a more agreeable method? One that will cement things between the two of you? Perhaps something a little more official than simple words…"

I can't believe there's a politician that actually wants a paper trail, Charlotte thought at me.

To my surprise, and no small amount of appreciation, it was Shayna who responded.

"My father always told me that if you can't trust a man's handshake, then you can't trust anything he does."

The room felt like it was closing in on us. I looked from Mr. Roper to my wives, seeing the support in the ladies' eyes.

Before Mr. Roper could answer, we were interrupted by a newcomer.

"Dinner is ready," said an older woman with a very slight accent, dressed in plane but nice clothes. Looking at her, I knew immediately that this was Adam's mother. Despite the gender difference, there were enough similarities that I'd have to be blind to miss them. Where Adam was a very attractive man, his mother was probably a stunner in her heyday. Even with her plainer clothes, I could tell that she had a decent figure underneath, though she wasn't on par with Charlotte's goth form.

"Dammit, woman!" Mr. Roper snapped. "Can't you see we're in the middle of a discussion? I'm sure whatever you made will hold for a couple more minutes."

"Yeah, mom!" Adam piped in. "Can't you see we're busy in here?

Just then, my stomach let out a thunderous and unmistakable rumble. I hadn't thought I was hungry, but my body decided to inform me otherwise. Chagrined, I placed my hands over my stomach as I felt my cheeks heat up.

You can thank me later for that, Charlotte informed me, and I realized my stomach's impromptu dying whale call was her doing.

Mr. Roper looked at me with disgust while Adam snickered.

"We weren't planning on—" Shayna began to speak into the silence, but Mr. Roper cut her off.

"Nonsense, little girl. We invited you into our home, simple hospitality dictates that we at least share a small meal." Despite the wording, his tone gave away his displeasure at the situation.

Once again, I found myself grinding my teeth at the way he treated my wives. Everything was, "little this," and "little that." And calling them "girls," and me, "boy," just to prove that he was bigger and older than us truly annoyed me. Still, I managed to keep my cool as I stood up and faced Mrs. Roper.

Turning up my charm, just because I knew it would get under Adam's skin, I said, "Mrs. Roper, I would be delighted to share a meal with you and Sergeant Roper."

Perhaps I overdid it, but I watched as a deep crimson flush worked its way up the older woman's cheeks. She gave a very girlish giggle, but it was Anna Roper that spoke next.

"No can do from me," Anna stated as she moved to leave. "I just got a call. It appears a couple of teenagers are harassing the faun the runs the convenience store down on 130th. Mitchell, I expect you will… Who am I kidding? You'll do whatever you're going to do, as always. Just be aware that I plan on making a call upon Bobby in the morning to make sure everything is above board."

Mr. Roper seemed both offended and somehow bored by his sister. "Everything I do is above board. Now, scurry along. You being an upstanding police officer looks good for my candidacy."

"Yeah, I remember from when we were kids," I heard Anna mutter under her breath too quiet for anyone without super hearing to hear. Then she stepped up next to me and met my eyes. "My brother is a big shot senator, so he has lots of pull. Play your cards right and he can set you up for life, but you'll always be in his pocket."

With that cryptic statement, she left.

Mr. Roper rolled his eyes before barking at his wife, "Get Adam into the kitchen and make sure he doesn't need anything, woman!"

I grimaced as his wife bowed her head and murmured an agreement. If it weren't for the situation, I would have found it hilarious. Here was a guy who was a bigwig in politics, but treated everyone around him like dirt. Except for Adam, of course.

Shayna and Elly seemed to be thinking the same thing, because I felt them relax behind me. We followed the woman into a large kitchen, and I saw Adam grimace as his mother pushed him into the room.

It was obvious that the Roper family had money, because this kitchen looked like something out of a magazine. Everything was chrome and gleaming white, but it didn't look like it was ever used. I couldn't imagine them cooking any family meals in here.

Mrs. Roper was already back bustling around, putting the finishing touches on what smelled like an amazing meal. Various smells assaulted my nose, and I was surprised to find myself drooling. Despite the feeling that I was in a place way too ritzy for me, I could tell Mr. Roper only cared about appearances.

"Smells delicious, Mrs. Roper," I said, turning on my charm again. "I'm starving!"

"You must be!" she laughed as she moved around, likely commenting on my embarrassing tummy rumble earlier. I noticed she kept her back to her husband and son. "All of you sit, sit. It will just be a minute while I finish up."

As we sat down, the table was laden with an assortment of dishes that looked more like they belonged at a five-star restaurant than a family dinner. The aromas wafting from the various platters were intoxicating. My mouth watered at the sight of the perfectly cooked steak, the golden-brown roast potatoes, and the vibrant green beans. There was even a dish of what looked like homemade macaroni and cheese, which seemed out of place amidst the other, more sophisticated dishes, but I wasn't going to complain.

"Wow, Mrs. Roper, this all looks incredible," I said genuinely, ignoring the glare from Adam. It was obvious that his mother had put a lot of effort into this meal, and I wasn't going to be like Mr. Roper and act as though it was nothing.

Shayna nodded in agreement beside me, her eyes wide with appreciation. "Yes, thank you so much for preparing this."

Adam, on the other hand, seemed to think that his role was to balance out the compliments with a bit of snark. "Yeah, mom, it's not like you had anything else to do today, right?"

His words held a sting, but Mrs. Roper seemed unfazed. She simply smiled as she dished up the food, placing a generous portion of everything onto the fancy plates in front of us. It was clear that she was used to this treatment and had developed a thick skin over the years.

The table was silent for a few moments as we all took our first bites. The steak was tender and seasoned to perfection, the potatoes were crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and even the green beans had a wonderful buttery flavor. I had to suppress a moan of satisfaction. This was definitely not the kind of food I was used to, and I was determined to enjoy every second of it.

Even if the other men at the table were terrible company.

We were barely a few bites in when Mr. Roper's phone buzzed loudly against the table. He picked it up, glanced at the screen, and then stood up abruptly, dropping his napkin onto his partially-eaten plate.

"I'm sorry, but I've just been informed of a very important meeting that I must attend. It appears that the life of a senator is never his own," he said, his tone implying that this was both a burden and a point of pride for him.

As he was getting his things ready to leave, Charlotte's voice echoed in my mind. He's not going to any meeting. That message was from his mistress. She's demanding to see him, and he's so eager, he forgot to block it from his thoughts.

I nearly choked on my food at her revelation. I shot a glance at Adam, wondering if he knew about his father's infidelity, but his face was a mask of indifference. Either he was very good at hiding his emotions, or he truly didn't care what his father did.

"Well, I hope your meeting goes well, Dear" Milena said with a sweet tone. I wondered if she knew about her husband's infidelity, but I wasn't going to inform her if she didn't. "We'll make sure to enjoy the rest of this wonderful meal and I'll keep our guests company."

Mr. Roper barely acknowledged her words, simply grunting in response before heading towards the door. Mrs. Roper watched him go, her face betraying a hint of sadness before she quickly composed herself.

Yes, she knows, Charlotte told me. She's not as well trained as her husband in protecting her thoughts. But don't feel too bad for her. Adam isn't Mitchell's son. This family has secrets upon secrets!

Had I anything in my mouth, I would have spit it everywhere after that revelation! It certainly explained why Adam didn't look like his father. I felt a little less sorry for the woman, though lost no sympathy. I don't condone cheating, but at least it wasn't one way.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Brody?" Milena asked from across the table.

I quickly schooled my features and plastered on a smile before answering. "Oh, yes, Mrs. Roper. This meal is really good. Thank you, again."

"Better meal than you deserve," I heard Adam mutter so quietly, I'm certain I was the only one to hear. "She never cooks like this anymore."

"Oh, please, call me Melina," Adam's mother said, her slight accent making the request seem even more polite. "And I'm glad you like. I don't often get the chance to cook."

Adam scoffed, but I ignored him. I know I should have been trying to leave this uncomfortable position Sergeant Roper put us in, but I was beginning to get curious. Adam was a douchebag of the lowest order, and getting a glimpse into his family dynamic might help me understand him better. I wouldn't say he was blameless and simply a product of his upbringing, but perhaps I could find some method to handle him better.

It'd certainly end up with him being injured less.

"I noticed you accent," Elly commented to the older woman. "Forgive me if I'm being rude, but where are you from?"

"Oh, Sorry," Milena cast her eyes down to her plate and I noted her cheeks turning red. "My husband doesn't like me talking about that."

"Yeah, 'cause she's a mail-order-bride," Adam broke in with a derisive statement.

"Adam!" Milena gasped, but didn't look up. I knew without using any of my new senses that she was mortified by her son's words.

"What?" Adam sneered back. "Just because Dad doesn't want everyone to know he had to buy a wife, I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut? I think Bobby should know the type of woman you are, instead of whatever this pretense you're putting on is supposed to be. You were bought and shipped over here. You're more of a servant than my mother. I can't even remember the last time you cooked for us."

By this point, I was getting a good picture on the family dynamics here. Daddy Roper was a big shot politician, more concerned with his image and power than anything else. Adam was a spoiled kid who didn't appreciate anything he had, and yet acted with jealousy towards me, though he grew up in a more stable—albeit dysfunctional—home.

And then there was Milena Roper. She was ashamed of her past and subservient to the men in her life, but I had seen a sparkle in her eyes when we were chatting earlier. She was beaten down, but not yet dead inside. Perhaps she survived by her acts of rebellion with her infidelity?

"I don't see anything wrong with that," I decided to add to the conversation. Milena finally looked up, her blue-green eyes confused. "About being a mail-order-bride, I mean. I don't know what it was like where you left, but you get to live in a nice home here in America. I don't know. I could be wrong, but we wouldn't be enjoying this delicious meal without you here."

"I…" Milena looked uncertain as her eyes searched mine. Elly reached over and gave my hand a comforting squeeze and I knew she approved of how I treated the older woman. "Thank you," Milena finally added after a couple seconds.

"Ugh, you don't have to be nice to her," Adam continued his campaign to demean his mother. "She was bought and paid for, that's all."

"And what does that make you?" Shayna sniped back at the narcissistic asshole. "You wouldn't be here if not for her. She's your mother, Adam. Not a puppy your father gave you for your birthday and then forgot about. Treat her with respect."

"No, no," Milena finally cut in. "It's fine. I'm used to it."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I offered Milena a warm smile, and saw her cheeks brighten in response. I didn't need to Charlotte to tell what Milena was starting to feel. I would need to be careful, so as not to give her the wrong idea.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one to sense Milena's emotional turmoil.

"Ugh, why don't you get a room?" Adam muttered, but this time it was loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Maybe we should," the quip slipped from my mouth before I could think better of it. I knew it was the wrong thing to say, but seeing the shock on Adam's face was worth it. That shock turned to outrage as I couldn't help but continue. "Maybe we'll use yours. Not like you could stop us, being stuck in that chair."

"You motherfucker!" Adam snarled in outrage. He tried to stand using his one good arm, but winced and fell back when weight was placed on his injured ass.

"Not yet," I laughed, continuing to mock the other guy. "But maybe soon!"

Suddenly, I realized what I was saying and how I was behaving. This wasn't like me. I wasn't a bully. I usually defended others, not pick on them. But there was something about Adam that just got under my skin and caused me to act out.

I turned to Milena to apologize for my behavior, but the words got stuck in my throat. Milena's eyes locked onto me, and her expression softened, a look of pure, unadulterated desire washing over her face. Her gaze was like a caress, her eyes sparkling with a secret knowledge as they roamed over my body. Her lips, full and red, parted slightly, as if she were savoring a delicious flavor on her tongue—a flavor that only I could provide. Her breath quickened, and for a moment, I could have sworn I saw a mischievous glint in her eye, as if she were imagining all the wicked things we could do together. It was a look that spoke of untold pleasures and forbidden fruits, a look that made my cheeks burn and my heart race. It was a look that said she wanted me, and she wanted me now.

Shit! I thought to myself. I went too damn far.

No! Charlotte argued back. This is perfect! I know you just leveled up earlier, but this is the perfect opportunity to push further. Besides, if you knew half the shit Adam has been thinking about your wives since we walked in, you'd be halfway inside his mom by now.

That's not… I mentally trailed off, beginning to feel my anger rise. I stamped it down with prejudice, but the gears were spinning in my head. I found myself debating whether to follow up on the promises behind Milena's eyes, when Elly and Shayna made the decision for me.

I can't believe I'm going to write this in my journal, and I still barely believe what happened next. Though, considering my wives' behavior recently, maybe I shouldn't have been.

Instead of getting upset or irate with me or Milena, Shayna and Elly stood and moved behind the struggling Adam. They each placed a hand on his shoulders, holding him down as they gazed vindictively at me.

To my surprise, it was Elly that spoke first. "Fuck her, Bobby. I'm sick and tired of listening to Adam degrade his mother. At least he has a mother. Show him what kind of woman she can be. Show him she's not just an object living in this up-tight house."

"What?!" Adam squeaked in disbelief. "No! Fuck you. Don't you—omph!"

Adam was cut short as Shayna shoved a cloth napkin over his mouth and held it there.

"Do it, Bobby," Shayna encouraged me also. "But don't take her to a room. Do it right here on the table. We'll make sure Adam doesn't interfere, and I want him to see this also."

Holy shit! I thought, dumbfounded. My wives are worse than most teenage boys!

I glanced at Milena, expecting her to say something. Surely she wouldn't want to do it right here. Not right in front of her son!

But my mouth went dry as I took in her slowly unbuttoning her white blouse.

I was stunned by the turn of events but eager to go along. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect something like this, but hell, I wasn't going to say no. Not after the last few weeks of chaos, not with Milena looking at me with such longing, and surely not with the devil inside me egging me on.

"Oh, fuck yes," was all I could manage as Milena stood from the table. My dick twitched in my pants, almost painfully hard and desperate for release.

Milena's fingers trembled as she worked the buttons of her blouse, but she kept her eyes locked onto mine, biting her lip as she slowly revealed her soft, creamy skin. Her breasts were bound by a lacy black bra, and my mouth watered, wanting to taste them, to lick and suck her nipples into tight peaks. Beneath her skirt, she wore stockings and a garter belt, and my eyes raked over her tantalizing curves.

To my surprise, Shayna and Elly echoed my thoughts, whispering to each other, their eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and mischief. I could only catch snippets of their conversation as I moved around the table, my desire for Milena building with each step.

"... so hot," Elly breathed, her eyes glued to Milena's body.

"Mmm, absolutely," Shayna agreed, reaching up to pinch her own nipples through her shirt. "Can't wait to see Bobby fill her up."

Adam wriggled in their grip, his eyes wide with horror as he realized what was about to happen right in front of him. His good hand grabbed at Shayna's, trying to pry them off, but she simply laughed, grasping his shoulder tightly.

"Mrrmfmfr" Adam snarled through the gag, his eyes flashing with rage.

Despite his threats, I barely noticed him as I reached Milena, drawing her into my arms and kissing her deeply. I was vaguely aware of her whimpers as my tongue explored her mouth, but the sounds only served to spur me on. My hands found the clasp of her bra and undid it expertly, drawing the straps down her arms and freeing her ample breasts. I sucked in a breath at the sight, my cock straining against the confines of my pants.

Milena moaned into my mouth as I cupped her breasts, her hands tangling in my hair. Her skin was soft and warm against my palms, and I squeezed her gently, feeling her nipples harden under my touch. Breaking the kiss, I trailed my mouth down her neck, sucking and biting gently, eliciting more delicious sounds from her.

"God, yes," I heard Shayna murmur. "Look at her, Elly. She's loving it. Adam's mom is a dirty little slut."

"No, I'm not," Milena protested, but she quickly dissolved into another moan as I took one of her hardened nipples into my mouth, circling it with my tongue before sucking gently.

"Yes, you are," Elly replied with a smirk. "And I bet she's going to beg Bobby to fuck her. Aren't you, Milena?"

Milena whimpered as I continued to suckle at her breast, my hand sliding down to the waistband of her skirt. With a quick movement, I undid the button and pulled down the zipper, my fingers teasing the damp fabric of her panties.

"Please," she breathed, her fingers tightening in my hair. "Oh, please, Bobby."

"Please what?" I murmured against her skin, looking up at her with a mischievous glint in my eye.

"Please, fuck me," she whispered, her cheeks flushed with desire.

With a growl of approval, I lifted her easily, enjoying the way she wrapped her legs around my waist. She was soft and curvy, a stark contrast to Shayna and Elly, but I felt my rod twitch in anticipation as I pressed her back against the edge of the table. She made a startled sound as the cold surface met her bare back, but that sound quickly turned into a moan as I slid my hands under her ass, lifting her slightly so I could grind against her.

"That's it, Bobby," Shayna encouraged, her eyes never leaving the action. "Fuck his mom. Show Adam what a real man can do."

I glanced over at Adam, seeing the outrage in his eyes, and my dick throbbed in response. I wanted to show him, to prove that I could take what I wanted and that he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Milena also turned and gave a brief glance at her son. I saw shame and humiliation burn for the briefest moment before something else replaced it. Something more primal and hungry. Perhaps this was payback for all the times he'd mistreated her, or just that she'd allowed her libido to take control, but when she met my gaze, I knew she wanted this as much as I did.

"Fuck me," she whispered, and it was all I needed to hear. No foreplay, no more preparation. She was ready and so was I.

With a growl, I slid my hands under Milena's ass, gripping her firmly as I pulled her toward me and thrust forward, burying myself inside her in one smooth motion. She cried out, her back arching as I filled her, her hands grasping at my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. I couldn't believe how wet she already was, nor how incredible tight she felt, rippling around my entire girth.

"Oh, God, yes!" she cried, her hips moving in time with mine as I began to thrust into her with abandon. "Don't stop!"

"Not gonna stop," I grunted, my eyes closing in pleasure as I felt her tighten even more around me. "Gonna… make you… cum ."

I set a brutal pace, slamming into her again and again, relishing the way she met my thrusts with eager motions of her own. Her breasts bounced with each impact, and I reached up to squeeze them, savoring the feel of her soft flesh. She threw her head back, moaning loudly, her body shaking as I drove into her over and over, my hips slapping against the table with each impact. Glasses fell over, spilling their contents we tested the resilience of the dining table.

Adam struggled in Shayna and Elly's grip, his face twisted in a mix of rage and incredulity. Shayna leaned close, her lips brushing his ear as she teased, "Look at that, Adam. Your mom can take a real man. Too bad you never could give that to her, huh?"

"Fuck you! I'd never!" Adam snarled, managing to speak as Shayna removed the gag, his face turning red with fury. "Let me go, I'll kill him! That's my mother!"

Shayna just laughed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she watched my hips pistoning back and forth between Milena's thighs. "Not a chance. Sit back and enjoy the show, Adam. I see that bulge in your pants. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two."

I grunted, my hands tightening on Milena's ass as I felt my release building, but I wasn't ready yet. I drove into her with renewed fervor, my balls slapping against her rear, and she cried out, her nails digging into my shoulders as she climaxed, her walls clenching around me.

I waited until she finished convulsing in my arms, focusing my mind on basketball stats, or RPG strategies to keep from blowing my load. Milena caught her breath fast, though, and with a swivel of her hips, she realized I hadn't yet popped.

"You've got stamina," Milena purred, her accent growing a little bit thicker. "Good. Let's give them a real show."

With a gentle push, I stepped back and pulled out of her. My tool made a wet, slurping noise, before I was free, and we both let out a slight moan at the loss of connection.

Milena hopped off the table, flipped around, and then presented her ass to me. With a look that was both coy and filled with hungry lust, she met my gaze over her shoulder. "Fuck my Bulgarian pussy and make me cum again."

My eyes grew wide at the position she offered, and a part of me wanted to decline, to offer some token resistance. My brain wasn't quite as lust-blind as I'd been a moment before. But when I took in the sight of her round, heart-shaped ass, a fire burned deep in my belly. She presented herself to me, offering all of her, and I wanted to take it.

With a grunt, I stepped forward, my rigid cock sliding between the valley of her ass cheeks. I placed my hands on her hips, squeezing the soft flesh for a brief second before I guided myself to her entrance, groaning as I slid back inside.

"Ah! Yes, right there!" Milena moaned, reaching back to squeeze my thigh. Her accent grew thicker, each word a caress to my ears, and I couldn't help but oblige her request, thrusting forward to bury myself deep inside her once more.

"Oh my God! You're so tight!" I exclaimed, my eyes rolling back in my head at the sensation. "How is it possible you're this—"

"Tight?" Milena finished for me with a saucy grin, turning her head to glance over her shoulder at me. "Simple. Adam was a tiny baby. My husband barely looks at me anymore, so I get my excitement where I can. You're the biggest by far., though"

"Mmm, I'm happy to help," I grunted, unable to keep my eyes off the glorious sight of my hard prick sliding in and out of her wet, pink pussy. Each time I buried myself inside her, I felt my balls twitch with pleasure, and I could tell I wouldn't last much longer.

Despite this, I couldn't tear my gaze away from Milena's flushed face as she turned to face her son next to us, presenting him with a perfect view of my cock disappearing into her motherly hole.

"Look at me, Adam," she said with a wicked grin, her tits heaving as I pounded into her with a steady rhythm. "Look at what a real man can do. You never gave me anything but grief, never showed your mother the love she deserved."

I slowed down my thrusts, trying to savor the moment, but Milena was insistent, looking back at me with passion in her eyes. "Harder, Bobby, please. I want it harder."

How could I refuse such a request? I growled, gripping her hips tighter as I slammed into her, the sound of our bodies colliding filling the room. Milena cried out, her hands gripping the table cloth her head fell to the table.

Shayna and Elly seemed to enjoy the sight, standing behind Adam and whispering in his ear. I knew what they were doing: making him feel powerless, inferior to me. Never before had I been on this much of a power trip, but suddenly I understood why it could be so addicting.

And it worked. Adam slumped in their grasp, his gaze unable to break from the vision of his mother being thoroughly fucked by me. There was shame in his eyes, disgust at his own inability to do anything as I plundered his mother's wet depths, but there was also something else: a spark of lust that he tried to hide, and a resignation that the women were right—that I was better than him in every way.

And it only got worse for Adam when his mother turned to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. I continued my plundering, never losing my pace as we readjusted. Her face was inches away from his, her hot breath washing across his downcast head.

"Oh, yes! Right there!" Milena cried out, her nails digging into Adam's shoulders as she arched her back, pressing her ass back to meet my thrusts. "I'm gonna cum again! Oh, please, don't stop!"

"Never," I vowed, my hands tightening on her hips as I slammed into her, feeling my balls draw up tight. I gave her rear one quick slap, the sudden crack reverberating in the dining room, followed swiftly by a guttural moan from the lust crazed milf. I could feel my cream rising, boiling inside me and preparing to spill forth, but I wanted to give Milena what she craved first.

"Fill me up," she pleaded, her eyes sparkling with lust and desire. "I want your cream inside me, Bobby. I want to get pregnant with another little bastard! Maybe this one will be a better man than my son."

That was all it took. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I came with a primal roar, my hips jerking as I pumped my seed deep into her waiting womb. My knees almost buckled at the force of my orgasm, and I had to grip Milena's hips to keep from collapsing, but I managed to stay upright, my cock buried to the hilt inside her as I flooded her with my essence.

Our combined, animalistic grunts could probably be heard from across the street, but I was beyond caring as we came together.

Another loud crack filled the room, this one not cause by me, and I gathered what wits I had remaining to look around.

Milena stood to her full height, pulling off my length, and I couldn't miss my seed dribbling down her legs. However, Adam looked at her shocked, his left hand cradling his cheek, where I could just make out the beginning of a hand print.

"Don't you dare ever kiss me like that," Milena snarled at him. "I am your mother, not some dumb, American bimbo."

"Hey!" Shayna huffed.

But I kept my eyes on Adam as his expression turned from shock to outrage.

"You can't treat me like that!" Adam screamed, finally finding his backbone again. "I'm going to tell Dad what you did here, and then you'll be out on the street, like the whore you are!"

I would have expected Milena to grow angry or worried by her son's words, but instead she laughed. While her laughter did incredible things to her delicious curves, Adam's words had me worried. As a senator, I had little doubt that Mitchell Roper could make my life hell.

"You do that," Milena taunted her son. "Who do you think he'll believe? The submissive woman he bought and paid, who caters to his every whim? Or the disappointment son? Especially after I inform him of the drugs you keep hidden under the bottom drawer of your dresser."

Adam remined silent for a moment longer, his eyes darting around, trying to find anything to use against us. Meanwhile, I started to grab my clothes, figuring the sooner we exit, the better.

"The security cameras!" Adam said after a few more seconds. "They're everywhere in this house. "Dad will believe me when I show him the footage of you—"

Once again, Milena slapped her son, shutting him up, before letting out a dark laugh.

"You think this is the first time I've done this?" Milena demanded, her voice patronizing. "You know Francisco, the man who cleans the pool? Cliche, I know, but he fucks me every other Tuesday while you're in class. Well, he did. After what Bobby just did to me, I wouldn't call what Francisco does as fucking. Oh, and you know that book club I go to on Thursdays? I always stay late when Mrs. Carpenter hosts. Her husband is never there, and she and I spend at least an hour licking, sucking, and fucking each other's pussies."

I was fully dressed by this point, and I tried to get my wives attention so that we could slip out, but Adam's next words had me worried again. I didn't want to be in the middle of this family drama, though I had literally just stuck my dick in it.

"You…" Adam almost seemed afraid to ask the question as Shayna and Elly moved over to my side, but he pressed on. "You said another bastard. Did you have a miscarriage, or something?"

This time when Milena laughed, it sent a chill down my spine.

"Did you really think you were Mitchell's son?" Milena scoffed hard enough that she had to rest a hand against the table. "You?! He's an ugly man, and you're too pretty to be related to him."

"Then…. Then I tell him about that, and you'll be done!" Adam cried in defiance. "You can't fake my genetics."

Milena didn't laugh this time. Instead she brushed her fingers across Adam's red cheek, while letting out a gentle tsking.

"Do that and he will disown you just as fast as he does me," Milena informed her son. "Besides, do you know how many ugly bastard Mitchell has out there? I lost track after seven."

"I think it's time we got out of here," I whispered and headed for the door, my wives hot on my heels.

"Oh, Bobby!" Milena stopped us just as we reached the front door. She was still fully nude, and it was hard for me to believe that this was the same woman I'd met at the beginning of dinner. "I hope it goes without saying, but discretion is key," she said in a serious tone.

"I won't be telling anyone about this," I promised her, and meant it. What had I been thinking? Fooling around with Demitra earlier had been one thing. She wasn't a married woman. But what I'd just done in that dining room, and in front of her son, was a whole new level of debauchery that I never thought I was capable of.

"Good," she said with a bright smile. Under normal circumstances, I would have been more than happy to be the cause of such a delightful smile, but at that moment, I felt a little sick to my stomach.

She took a moment to grab a pen and paper that rested on a table next to the door, before jotting something down and handing the paper to Shayna.

"Here is my personal email. Feel free to use it however you like. I would truly enjoy getting to know all three of you better." As soon as Shayna took the paper from her, Milena turned back to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you again for an incredible evening."

I somehow managed to nod before turning and finally escaping from that house. If I never saw another member of the Roper family, it'd be too soon!


* * *



1084 A.D.


Ardin would have stared, if he had eyes to do so. He’d sensed a powerful being approaching his room as Eothan tended to him, but he was still high from the effects of the poppy laced wine. However, once the mistress of the brothel stepped into the room, there was no mistaking her.

“Venita…” the single name slipped from his lips with all the heartache and longing he’d suppressed over the years. It was his wife. He knew it was her as intimately as he knew his own name. And yet, there was an aspect to her he didn’t recognize. She was both the Venita he knew and loved, and also held a power that he didn’t understand that still felt familiar.

He’d sensed that power in two other beings since leaving his home. The monstrous creature that’d wrecked the ship as he travelled to the foreign land, and Zeus. Both were pagan gods that he had a vendetta against. The watery one for destroying his ship and making his journey back home a long one. If not for that storm, he may have returned in time to save his village.

And Zeus was a scoundrel of the highest order. The man was prideful, and nearly killed Ardin, simply because he couldn’t show off his wife. A wife that at the time, Ardin had thought was dead.

A wife that was now—finally!—before him.

“Is it… really you?” that familiar, melodious voice crossed the room, and all at once it was as though the intervening years hadn’t happened. They were reunited. They were finally back together, and if he had anything to say or do about it, they would never be separated again.

“I’ve finally found you,” Ardin managed to croak through a throat that didn’t want to cooperate. So full of emotion, his heart pounded, his head swam, and his nonexistent eyes tried and failed to weep. He knew that some of that was due to the drugged wine fogging his mind, but none of that mattered. He’d finally found her. He didn’t understand what she’d be doing in such a den of inequity as this, but nothing mattered besides their reunion.

“I…” For some reason, she held back, instead of rushing into his arms as he’d dreamed of so often. Probably due to her fear of his frailty. He knew how he must look, broken and barely human, but he longed to hold her. To do more than just hold her, his lower half demanded, but he wasn’t an animal driven by the baser needs of those that frequented this establishment. “When you didn’t return, I feared the worst. I thought… I thought for sure I had lost you. I… Our village!”

“It’s okay,” Ardin tried to assure her from across the room. Why wouldn’t she come to him? Had she sinned against him and the Lord? He could forgive her. He had his own sins to confess, his own weaknesses to reveal, but he had no doubt that their love was strong enough to weather any tribulations. “We’re together now. I’ve missed you so much!” He held out his arms, still too weak to get out of bed himself. He desperately wanted her to come to him.

“Our children!” Venita suddenly wailed, as though only now just remembering. “Oh, Ardin… Th-they killed our children! They… It was horrible!” Venita dropped to the ground, crying even louder as she was overcome with grief.

And still, she didn’t come to him for comfort. Was he that hideous to look upon? He’d seen how others viewed him, and knew he no longer held the attractiveness of his youth, his scarred face notwithstanding.

Mention of their children brought to mind the twisted bodies he’d found in the ashes. Had the monsters that rampaged through their village mutilated them, or were they born that way? Despite himself, this suddenly became the most important question to him. He was nearly overwhelmed with a need to know the truth.

“Our children…” he began, unsure how to phrase the question. He couldn’t outright ask if they were monsters. “What happened to them?”

Even though he’d asked hesitantly, Venita responded as though slapped, coming out of her hysteria as though cut with a knife.

“I believe I will leave our guest in your capable hands, Mistress,” Eothan stated, reminding the other two that he was there. He stood with a groan only the old and weathered could managed and tottered from the room, careful to sidestep Ardin’s distraught wife.

Mistress… This woman was the mistress of this brothel. His wife was the proprietress of a damned whore house?! Ardin knew he wasn’t free from sin, nor from having strayed from the bonds of their marital bed, but he’d had little to no choice. He’d been a slave and forced to copulate with his obese owner or face a whipping or worse. He’d stolen, killed, lied, and more, all to make it to this point of reuniting with his wife…

Or the woman he thought was his wife. Something still felt off with her energy.

Venita finally moved into the room, regaining her feet and slowly walking to Ardin as she spoke.

“It-It was horrific, m-my love,” she began, tears still streaming down her cheeks and she spoke through hiccupping sobs. “They came out of the water and killed everyone. Old Maerta watched our babies while I went to get some food. I-I heard screaming and ran back to our home, but… but—Oh, Ardin! I-I was too late! Our house was on fire, and I couldn’t do anything. I can’t fight, but they came after me. I ran away like a c-coward. Can you ever forgive me?”

Finally—Finally!—Venita reached out to him and entered his embrace. At the same time, his world shattered and Ardin finally knew the truth.

His supposed wife, Venita, wasn’t human. She was a false god like Zeus, and had gone by many other names, such as Venus, or Aphrodite.

She was a being of sin and infidelity. She was an enemy of God, and therefore, his enemy.

From the Author

And the posts keep coming! 

Okay, I'm going to be honest... I never thought I'd write a scene like this one. It's not something I'm into... But, damn, if I'm not sick and tired of Adam. Who knows if he's learned his lesson from this humiliation?

Oh, and Ardin? Tough break, man! I know most of you have already figured out who Venita is (kinda gave it away some chapters back). Will he learn to love and forget? Probably not. Oh well. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. And if you'd leave a comment with your thoughts, it'd help keep me motivated.


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