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Archive for 05/16/24

The Succubae Seduction 3: Knight's Son Ch. 17

By : FantasyTrove

 Bobby meets the rest of the Lancel family.


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Chapter 17

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Dinner with the Lancels


I felt a mix of relief and nervousness as we arrived at Shayna’s parent’s house for dinner. I had taken only twenty minutes to get ready, but it took my wives almost two hours. Thanks to the maid’s timely warning, that only put us half an hour late. I thought we were still a little early to have dinner, but I assumed her parents wanted to get to know me before we ate.


I’d like to say I wasn’t nervous about meeting them, but I’m also trying to be as honest as possible in this journal.


I hate being late, and considering how important this meeting was for my short wife, I hated it all the more. Thankfully, her parents lived in a different neighborhood, and I was able to shave five minutes off that time with my less-than-safe driving.


Her parents lived in another gated community that didn’t seem very different from ours. We were in Shayna’s truck as we pulled into the driveway, which was only a little smaller than Consul Willmont’s.


As we walked up to the door, I moved to walk right in, assuming that since we were expected and Shayna was with us, it would be fine. However, Shayna’s disapproving hiss stopped me. “What are you doing?” she whispered, grabbing my wrist before I could open the door.


“This was your house, right?” I asked, confused. “Don’t you just walk in?”


“I did when I lived here,” Shayna informed me as though it was the most obvious statement in the world. “We need to be allowed in, now that I’m married.”


This seemed like the most absurd thing in the world, but it wasn’t my house, so I reached out and rang the doorbell with my right hand while I held our dinner gift in my other.


A moment later, a middle-aged woman opened the door that could be no other than Shayna’s mother. Her skin tone was soft brown, but her blue eyes and facial features were a close match. She looked to be of mixed descent, like her daughter, but more Latina than black. Not to be crude, but if this is what I had to look forward to with my wife, I’m not complaining. This woman was a bit more handsome, but she carried her years with a quiet confidence that I found attractive.


I see you can be attracted to older women, Charlotte mused in my head. If you don’t like my human guise, I could always take her form the next time we’re alone.


You know that’s not the case, I mentally chided her. I find you plenty attractive, even if I never thought I’d go for that goth milf look. And no, thank you. That’d be weird, thinking I was getting it on with my wife’s mother.


Oh, you just like my big tits! Charlotte replied with a cackle, but the older woman started speaking after taking the three of us in before I could respond to the succubus.


“You must be Bobby!” A wide smile split her lips. “What did you have to do to my daughter to get her to actually show up early?”


“Early?” I asked, confused. “I thought we were late.”


“That was my doing,” a young man in his late teens said, coming to the door. “When Dad told me to call her, I told her the wrong time, though I didn’t expect them to be here this much earlier.”


“Ethan!” Shayna snapped, rushing to enter the house and pushing past her mom. “You little twerp! What time were we supposed to be here?”


The older woman laughed as I tried not to cringe. Shayna wanted this to be perfect, and it looked like she was about to get into a fight with her younger sibling. “I see some things are still the same. Well, come in. Come in. Elly, it’s so good to see you again. You look so happy! I’m glad you and Shayna were able to find a good-looking husband together.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Lancel,” Elly nodded, stepping up to hug the older woman. There was evident warmth between the two that warmed my heart to see, especially after knowing of Elly’s difficult childhood.


I was surprised when I was pulled into a hug a moment after Elly was released. I awkwardly hugged her back before following Mrs. Lancel inside the house.


“I brought this for dinner,” I said, holding out a bottle of wine that the maid had produced from somewhere. “I hope it’s okay.”


Mrs. Lancel took the bottle and examined it briefly, her eyes growing wide. “However did you get your hands on this?” she asked in a tone I couldn’t tell if she was shocked or elated. “Ariberto—rest his soul—had a couple of these in his cellar but would never reveal where he got them. I always wanted to try a little bit.”


I had to struggle to keep from flinching at her words. Was the maid trying to get us in trouble? Thankfully, Charlotte came up with an excuse, and I stumbled over my words, trying to repeat it.


“I, um… Yeah. C-Consul Willmont gifted it to me after I returned from a mission.” I had to swallow hard, the lie not coming easily to my lips.


“Was that the one you were injured on?” she asked, genuine concern in her gaze as she looked back at me. “Such a sad situation. Shayna was pretty worried about you until she heard you were okay. You Knights are always doing such dangerous tasks, but at least you’re keeping us safe. I’m so thankful my husband chose a safer profession, though the early years were nerve-wracking.”


I managed to nod, unsure or unable to speak, as we followed her into a large family room. Once again, I couldn’t help but compare this home to the tiny shack I grew up in. The furniture looked more than a little expensive, and was that a minotaur-skin rug?


No, it’s a fake, Charlotte informed me. It’s a regular bull’s head, but the skin is cut to the size of an adolescent minotaur. Horribly bad taste, but this is a Knight’s home.


Despite my lingering feelings towards most magical creatures, I was glad this thing wasn’t real.


“Have a seat, and I’ll go put this on ice,” Mrs. Lancel informed us. “I’m sure Shayna will be back in a moment, and my other daughters should be around here somewhere.”


I sat on the end of an oversized leather couch that I somehow both sank into and felt firmly supported, with Elly sitting right on my left. Shayna met her mom on the way out, and they hugged before my young wife joined us. To my surprise, she sat square on my lap instead of sitting next to Elly.


“Remember, we’re madly in love,” she whispered before planting a kiss on my cheek.


“How could I forget something so obvious?” I asked, gripping her covered thighs as I softly kissed the back of her neck. She wore a black and white knee-length skirt, calf-height socks, and a matching top barely covering her midriff.


“You really do love us, don’t you?” Elly said next to me a moment before I felt her lips against my cheek. She wore a tight pair of denim shorts that came to mid-thigh and a pink and black half-button-up shirt.


I transferred my left hand to her lower thigh and turned to meet her gaze. “I do,” I said, meaning it. “I know I haven’t known you for long, but I couldn’t imagine my life without either of you in it.”


“Even with all my drama?” Shayna asked in a voice I barely heard, even with this body’s fantastic hearing.


“It wouldn’t be worth it if I didn’t have to work for it,” I said, squeezing her right thigh. “Despite everything, I’m glad things have worked out the way they have. I don’t think I could respect or care for either of you as much as I do if it was all handed to me without any effort.”


“Shhh!” Shayna whispered as we heard footsteps approaching, and I realized how dangerous that topic was getting. The love spell would have meant no drama had it remained on them. A spell that was tantamount to treason for my wives since they had it removed.


“Dad!” Ethan called out as he entered the room and took one look at us. “Shayna’s being a slut on the couch.”


I felt anger start to bubble up at the impudent kid’s remark, but before I could act, Shayna squeezed the hand on her thigh and wriggled her ass against my crotch.


“Why wouldn’t I be the perfect little slut for my amazing husband?” Shayna giggled in a manner that made me wonder who she was. She actually sounded air-headed. “He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. You’re just jealous that you’re still too young to get a woman as amazing as me and still have to use your crusty socks. I’ve seen your file, you know, and the women talk. None of them are interested in a dweeb like you.”


Holy shit, my wife is vicious! I thought. I knew she had to be doing a bit of acting, but she was good at it. The ice queen took no prisoners, and even family wasn’t safe from her barbed tongue.


Don’t tell her I told you, but she actually cares a lot for him, Charlotte said.


“Dad!” Ethan called again, this time sounding upset. I’d feel sorry for him if not for the fact that he’d started it.


“Don’t listen to her, Ethan. Your file is sealed until you’re old enough to join,” Peter Lancel said sternly as the rotund man entered the room. He was just as large and bald as I’d seen him in the Lawyer’s office while learning of my father’s death. “And Shayna, you know better than to reveal certain things.”


“Yes, Daddy,” Shayna quit grinding against me and hung her head. I was grateful she stopped, not only because her father was in the room but also because my manhood wasn’t correctly situated, and she was making me uncomfortably hard. I needed to adjust but couldn’t do it with an audience.


Peter Lancel approached me, holding out his hand. I was faced with either shaking it while sitting down or standing and revealing the prominent bulge in my pants after Shayna moved. Then another idea struck, and I went with it.


My left arm moved to pull Shayna’s midsection closer to me. At the same time, I used my body’s incredible strength and agility to lift her and stand simultaneously. Shayna squeaked in alarm as my height meant her feet dangled as I held her up in front of me. I held my right hand out to shake and stifled a grin as Peter tried to crush it.


I kept my grip firm but didn’t try to crush his in return, though I maintained a steady gaze to let him know I wasn’t cowed. He probably outweighed me by over a hundred pounds, but it was mostly fat. I remembered him as a jovial counterpoint to Alie Luu’s stern demeanor, but that was before I’d married his daughter.


“It’s good to see you again, Mr. Lancel,” I said during the longer-than-usual handshake.


The older man grimaced a moment later and let go. He also broke eye contact first, but it was to disapprove of how I held Shayna. Having won one battle, I decided not to be impolite and carefully let my short wife down. Thankfully, she didn’t step away and reveal my predicament but instead turned her body to drape her arms around my neck, pressing her side against me and hiding my bulge.


“Isn’t he just amazingly strong, Daddy?” Shayna cooed, again making me wonder where this side of my wife had hidden. I’d seen many aspects of her over the last couple of weeks, but the playful, almost ditzy cheerleader was new. It was the same airhead attitude she’d taken with her brother but with a very different tone.


“Yes, quite,” Mr. Lancel grumbled before squaring his rotund shoulders and facing me. “I expect you’re treating my daughter well and not making too many changes? She has a promising career ahead of her as a surgeon—if she can ever decide which branch to go into.” The last part came out in a tone that only a long-suffering father could produce.


“Daddy!” Shayna grumped. “You know it’s an important decision.”


Mr. Lancel finally turned his gaze from me to his daughter before responding. “You promised to decide after you were married. You’re married. Decide.”


Something in the finality of his tone rubbed me the wrong way. This wasn’t the same jovial man I’d met when he and Alie Luu read my father’s will. Of course, he wasn’t my father-in-law back then, either. Regardless, I wasn’t about to let him speak to my wife like that.


“Peter,” I started by using his first name, “your daughter is a grown woman doing quite well in her studies. As her husband, I’m more than willing to wait and ensure she makes a decision that she will be happy with.”


The large man’s eyes snapped to bore into mine. I didn’t flinch as I met the challenge while keeping my face calm. Years of mastering my emotions wouldn’t slip just because of this.


Shayna reached down, her hand finding mine as a gesture of support. I squeezed it gently and smiled at her before returning my attention to her father. I wasn’t about to back down.


“Besides,” I continued, “sometimes the journey is as important as the destination. I believe Shayna will find her way, and I’ll be there to support her every step of that way.”


“Don’t fall for his tough-guy routine,” a new voice chimed in. This time, I broke eye contact as I looked for the speaker. A woman who could only be Shayna’s older sister walked down a set of stairs. She was pretty attractive despite being very pregnant. She had the same blue eyes as my wife, but her hair was a glossy black. “He tried the same thing with my Ethan. Dad’s a real softy at heart.”


Ethan? I wondered, remembering that was Shayna’s younger brother’s name.


“Dammit, Carmilla,” Peter groused and turned to face his daughter. “How else am I supposed to take the man’s measure? Big Ethan was shaking in his shoes. I want to know that the men that marry my babies are strong enough to handle them.”


“Oh, Bobby is more than strong enough,” Shayna giggled and hopped up to kiss my cheek quickly.


“Tone it down a little,” I leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I don’t want your parents thinking I turned you into a bimbo. I like my women with brains.”


Before she could respond, though, Carmilla said something that shed some light on Shayna’s odd behavior.


“Wow, was I that bad after marrying my Ethan?” Carmilla finished walking down the stairs and faced her sister. This close, I noted that the older sister was a bit taller than her other siblings. She rubbed her protruding stomach as she took us in. “No wonder you pulled me aside to ensure my Ethan treated me well that night.”


“Your mother wasn’t like this,” Peter commented with a glower.


“Of course, I was, dear,” Mrs. Lancel commented as she walked in. “The difference is that I kept your head and balls so empty that you didn’t care.”


Mom!” Shayna and Carmilla gasped at the same time.


“You’re so bad!” Shayna added with another giggle.


“I’m sure Bobby knows what I’m talking about,” Mrs. Lancel laughed as she kissed her husband’s burning cheeks. “Especially with two wives to keep him occupied! Anyway, dinner is ready. Little Ethan and Erin are already in the dining room. Will big Ethan be joining us?”


Suddenly, I understood the confusion of the Ethans. Apparently, Carmilla married a man with the same name as her younger brother.


“He sent me a message, letting me know he couldn’t make it,” Carmilla said with a shrug.


Thankfully, I was no longer stiff as we made our way to the dining room, where I was introduced to the last of Shayna’s family. Erin, Little Ethan’s twin sister, offered a warm smile and a genuine greeting. Little Ethan glared between Shayna and me. The pregnant Carmilla sat at the table with graceful ease despite her protruding belly.


I waited for both of my wives to be seated before I sat, noting a look of approval from Peter at my gentlemanly behavior.


The dinner was a lively affair, filled with laughter and amusing anecdotes from Shayna’s childhood that left me with a deeper understanding of my wife’s upbringing. I couldn’t help but admire her parents’ ability to handle their children’s spirited personalities with humor and love. Throughout the evening, Mrs. Lancel showed a mischievous wit, while Mr. Lancel displayed an affectionate side that melted my reservations about him.


The food was delicious: a chicken breast casserole made with a garlic and oregano cream sauce, potatoes, and lintels. Mrs. Lancel brought out the bottle of wine from earlier, and moods loosened up even more, though Carmilla complained about not being allowed to have any. Despite being just over eighteen, even the twins were permitted to have one glass.


Speaking of Carmilla, she didn’t let her abstinence from alcohol lessen her mood. She sat across from me, and at one point, I felt her toes sliding up my inner calf. I managed not to cough or react, but it was close. I hoped she’d turn her attention elsewhere if I didn’t respond.


Curious… Charlotte thought to me but didn’t elaborate as I tried to move my leg away. I wasn’t about to enter that quagmire of a minefield during a family dinner! She wasn’t even drinking the wine!


I turned my attention back to the conversation as Mr. Lancel was regaling us with a case he’d worked on long ago. It was apparent his children had heard the story a hundred times, but it was new to me.


“And then he said, ‘That can’t be. My child is a female!’ The entire courtroom burst into laughter, and the case against my client was dropped.” Peter gripped his belly and laughed, jiggling all his numerous rolls before wiping away a fake tear. “And that’s why you always check the fine details.”


I didn’t find the story as funny as he did, but I pretended to laugh along good-naturedly. Just in case I ever forget what that story was and decide to reread this journal: a low-ranking Knight claimed his daughter was violated by another higher-ranking Knight’s son, getting her pregnant. It turned out the ‘son’ in question was just a very butch young woman who was a little more than friends with the low-ranking Knight’s daughter. It was a classic case of a father ignoring his child to pursue his own ends. He was trying to discredit the higher Knight and get himself promoted.


Unfortunately, Carmilla hadn’t given up despite my attempts to ignore her. When Mrs. Lancel stood up to get dessert, I jumped up to help her.


“I really don’t need any help with this,” Mrs. Lancel said, though she didn’t stop me from grabbing a tray of flaky treats filled with a sweet-smelling concoction.


Returning to the table, Carmilla smirked, and her foot resumed its caressing, now inching higher and closer to my knee. While not lewd, it was undoubtedly inappropriate for a married woman to behave this way with her brother-in-law.


During dinner, there were no other noteworthy incidents. Little Ethan continued to glare while his twin sister was the complete opposite—bubbly and excitable, though a little too inquisitive about my wives’ personal lives. Mrs. Lancel proved to be a gracious hostess, and her husband even let down his guard enough to ‘officially welcome me to the family!’ It was evident that everyone had a high opinion of Elly, and despite her quiet demeanor, they managed to get her talking about her classes.


Both of my wives showered me with affection throughout the evening, which warmed my heart, except for the awkward moments caused by Carmilla’s advances.


“It was great meeting you, Bobby,” she whispered in my ear as I gave her an awkward, bent-over hug goodbye. “Hopefully, I’ll get to know you better soon.” Her playful nip on my ear left me baffled.


What the hell? I asked the demoness in my soul. She’s a married woman. Shouldn’t she be completely devoted and faithful to her husband? Or could my pheromones be affecting her? It didn’t seem to have the same impact on Shayna’s mom or younger sister.


No, Charlotte gaffawed. It appears Big Ethan is a big… wait. Sorry. I promised not to give you those details. Forget what I just said.


“That went really well,” Shayna said as I drove us home. She sat in the middle of her own truck with Elly riding shotgun.


“Except for Carmilla,” I said, deciding not to keep it a secret. “She was playing footsies with me the whole time.”


“That explains it!” Elly burst out laughing. “I noticed the looks she gave you, but you practically ignored her. I knew that wasn’t like you and wondered what was going on.”


“Wait, my big sister?” Shayna frowned, not liking the news. “But she’s married to Big Ethan and, as far as I know, never had the love spell removed.”


“I told you he wasn’t like most men,” Elly said, patting our shorter wife’s leg. “He has all the hallmark ticks and tells of a man who gets off on other men taking his spot. Your brother-in-law is a cuck! I won that bet!”


“But how would that work?” Shayna pressed the issue as I wondered what the bet was. “The love spell makes us completely faithful to our husband.”


“Maybe she only flirts?” Elly offered. “And it never goes all the way.”


Nope! Charlotte chortled in my head.


“Uh, Charlotte says that’s not the case,” I chimed in, then clamped my mouth shut when Shayna turned on me.


“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Sleeping with my sister? Showing her husband that you’re a bull and he’s just a beta cock?” she asked, then grabbed my crotch. She groped me for a second, then pulled away with a surprised grunt. “Or maybe not. You’re not even the slightest bit hard. But I still don’t see how it’s possible that she could cheat on her husband.”


“Because that spell molds us into the perfect wife,” Elly said. “Remember what Bobby’s mom told us? The Knights weren’t completely honest with us. The spell does more than just make us fall in love. A lot more!”


Shayna’s head drooped, crestfallen. I placed my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a side hug. She hugged me back for a second before her backbone kicked back in. With a firm punch to my right pectoral, she pushed herself away and shook her head.


“Despite all the evidence, I still find it hard to believe that the Knights aren’t everything I was taught.” Shayna rubbed the back of her neck before swiveling her head back and forth to look at her spouses. “Is it awful that a part of me wishes I was still ignorant? If the spell was still in place, I could pretend everything was sunshine and rainbows.”


“It’s human nature,” Elly consoled our wife. “But I must ask you: Would you be proud of your cheerleading if it was easy? If you didn’t have to think and somebody else made all your decisions?”


“Fuck no!” Shayna spat without hesitation. “I worked hard to be the head cheerleader, and... Oh, I see what you did. Would life be easier? Yes. But you know that’s not me. Thank you, love.”


The two shared a tender kiss that I absolutely, one hundred percent did not sexualize in my head. And since I promised to be honest in this journal, I know that’s the truth.


We sat in silence for a few more moments before I felt Shayna’s hand slide up my leg to my inner thigh and give me a squeeze. “Be honest with me. When I’m as pregnant as Carmilla, will you be just as uninterested in me?”


“What?” I asked, baffled by her question. It took me a moment to understand where her mind had gone before I could respond. “Her pregnancy didn’t turn me off. The situation did. I was there to have dinner with your family and get to know them, not to get hit on by another married woman.”


“So... The big belly wasn’t the issue?” Elly piped in, and I could tell this was important to them.


I took a moment to picture both women with giant round stomachs while carrying my children. At first, I was indifferent beyond feeling a general sense of warmth, but then a mental nudge from my resident succubus reminded me of their true concern. I pictured each of them naked and very pregnant. This time, I had an immediate response.


“Bobby?” Shayna asked with a slight tremor, breaking my mental image.


I took the hand on my thigh and placed it once again on my groin. My dark-skinned wife gasped as I began to answer.


“Carmilla didn’t get this kind of response from me throughout the entire dinner, but when I pictured my incredible and beautiful wives in my bed, nude and ready to burst, this happened.”


Of all the responses I could have predicted, I didn’t get a one. Instead, the Ice Queen buried her head in my shoulder and silently cried.


By this time, I had pulled into our garage and parked the truck. Twisting to embrace her, I rested my cheek against the top of her head and held her close.


I’m going to let you have this moment, Elly’s voice said in my head. I knew right away that Charlotte was relaying her words, and I nodded thanks as she exited the truck.


Shayna didn’t cry long before wiping her eyes on my shoulder and pulling back.


“Better?” I asked in a soft voice and cupped her cheek.


She turned her face into my palm and nodded before answering. “Growing up, I was always compared to Carmilla. She was always smarter and got better grades... She was also the cheerleading captain and took them to Nationals. Sometimes I wonder if I got the position because I was her sister and not on my own—”


I cut her off with a quick kiss before pulling back and looking deep into her blue eyes. “I’ve seen you on the sidelines cheering. And after that little incident with Serina and Jenny, I understand your passion. Don’t question why you got the position. You’ve earned that. Also, I hope you’re not trying to copy her accomplishments but working to make your own.”


Shayna stared at me for a long moment before giving me a rueful smile. “One of these days, I’m going to learn not to bet against Elly when it comes to figuring people out. She’s going to make an incredible psychologist.”


“Bet?” I asked, remembering Elly mentioning a bet about Big Ethan’s sexual kinks.


Shayna grimaced but then hugged me tight. “Somehow, she knew that Big Ethan was a cuck, and now I owe her for that one. She was right about you, too. I was hesitant when she pointed you out on First Knight. It wasn’t that you were a jock or a gamer, and honestly, most of your file looked good.”


Shayna paused, and I rubbed her back, mentally willing her to continue.


“I was concerned with the fact that you didn’t know about the Knights,” Shayna said after a few more seconds of gathering her thoughts. “You hated your father, and I worried that would cause problems with our futures. But Elly was confident that you would be a great husband to us. I genuinely do love you, Bobby Brody.”


Her right hand moved to cup my cheek and pulled me into a tender kiss. I’d seen the love imparted when my wives kissed; this one held at least as much tenderness and compassion. This kiss was unlike any other she’d shared with me in the past, and I never wanted it to end.


“I love you, too,” I whispered when she pulled away all too soon. “I didn’t know what I was getting into that night, but if I had the choice to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat, except for one minor change.”


“Oh?” Shayna asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to pull away, but I held her tight. “What’s that?”


“I would have treated you both better the next morning,” I chuckled, remembering how I’d thought they were both crazy after waking up next to them. They’d acted like love-crazed stalkers, and I didn’t know them.


Shayna giggled and rested her head against my chest with a contented sigh. “Yeah, that was one thing Elly couldn’t predict. It scared us, but everything seems to be working out now, if not for the better. It’s hard to believe that was only two weeks ago.”


I hugged her again, soaking in the moment as the silence stretched.


“You know…” Shayna murmured as her hand started tracing circles on my thigh. “This is the first time we’ve really been alone…”


I was almost dumb enough to mention that we weren’t really alone since Charlotte was ever present, but I kept my mouth shut on that topic.


“I know,” I commented as I lightly played my fingers up and down Shayna’s back. “We could do anything right now. Take a nap… Study for a big test…” I teased playfully, hoping I knew where she was going.


“Oh, that’s right!” Shayna lifted her head and gave me a wide-eyed look. “I have a massive test in biology on Friday that I need to study for!”


My heart sank as I realized I’d torpedoed myself by trying to be funny.


She held my gaze for a second longer before breaking. I couldn’t help but laugh at being played by my own joke.


“I’ve got your biology right here,” I told her, lowering my hands to her firmly toned rear.


“I’m going to have to fail you for that joke,” Shayna said as she leaned back and pulled me on top of her across the bench seat of her truck. “But I’ll give you passing marks for effort.”


My hands slid along the smooth skin of her waist and ribs under her small shirt. “Well, professor, what must I do to get some extra credit?”


Her left hand slipped between our two bodies to rub at my thickened cock. “I think you’ve already got quite enough ‘extra’ down here,” she told me as my teeth nipped just below her jawline. “But I’m sure if you put your head into the task, you’ll come up with something.”


I took the hint and trailed kisses down her neck, over her top, to her bare midriff to gently tongue her navel. Luckily, her truck was large, and she was small, or this position would have been impossible. Meanwhile, my hands moved to the zipper holding up her skirt.


“No,” Shayna interrupted me, pulling my head away from her flat stomach with a twinkle in her bright blue eyes. “Leave it on. It wouldn’t do for your professor to be caught naked with a student, right?”


I realized she was going all in on the roleplay and went along with it. “Yes, I mean, no, professor,” I stumbled over my words intentionally. “We should be absolutely careful not to appear suspicious.”


So, instead of pulling her black and white skirt off, I flipped up the front to reveal a black thong that didn’t fully cover her slim landing strip. I was already hard, but that delicious sight would have had me steel-beam-girder solid in a moment otherwise.


“I didn’t know professors wore such provocative panties,” I teased, placing a soft kiss over her barely-covered mound. It was taking a small effort of will not to dive right in.


“Shut up and earn that credit,” Shayna chided me, grabbing my head again, but this time pushing me down. She ground herself against my willing mouth, and I took in her heady musk as I got to work.


I spent a few seconds teasing her through the thin material of her panties before slipping it to the side and running my tongue from her hole to barely below her clit. I relished in her moans as I continued to lick, nibble, and taste her, all the while avoiding that magic button at the top. She was quite wet, not counting my additional saliva, and her tangy flavor coated my tongue as I played.


“Enough teasing!” Shayna complained. “If you want that extra credit, you’d better—Oh fuuuck!” Her voice dropped into a guttural moan as I got to work.


Grinning, I pulled the tiny bit of cloth aside and slipped one finger into her soaked canal, curling it upwards as I finally attacked her clit. I felt the spongy part right inside her entrance and gently massaged it as my tongue and teeth played with her sensitive nub. In less than a few seconds, Shayna’s cries filled the cab of her truck, her powerful thighs crushing my ears. I lapped quickly at her flowing juices, savoring the unique taste and knowing I’d gotten my petite wife off.


“Okay, okay!” she panted, releasing her thigh grip on my skull and shunting her hand between me and my prize. I gave her a sloppy grin, causing her to chuckle before she got back into character. “You’ve barely passed the oral exam, but let’s see if you can excel at the practical portion.”


Now who’s making terrible jokes? Charlotte scoffed, but I was wise enough not to repeat her words. By the way, she may be acting cool and collected, but you had her cumming hard for her first orgasm tonight.


I didn’t need the extra info, as I could already tell how Shayna’s modest chest rose and fell in a rapid pattern. Her eyes sparkled, and I knew she was excited to continue.


I moved to climb on top of her, but she halted me. “No. It’s only proper that, as your professor, I should be on top.”


“I don’t think there’s anything proper about our liaison,” I quipped, unable to help myself. However, I shifted us around with speed and agility until she sat right over my groin.


“Tsk, tsk,” she mocked as she ground her hips down on mine. “It seems you came unprepared to begin. Hurry up and free your second mind.”


For just a moment, I was tempted to balk against her command; I wasn’t accustomed to taking orders from her. But I swallowed my ego, seeing how much she enjoyed this little roleplay.


Remembering her earlier comment about clothing, I only pulled my pants down enough to unencumber my manhood as she slipped her panties off and left them on the floor. As soon as my length was in the air, Shayna gripped my wrists, setting them between her kneeling legs and my sides. We both knew I could break free at any moment, but I was curious to see where she was going with this. Next, she lowered her warm snatch against my scrotum and slowly rocked back and forth. I reveled in the feeling of her slick folds gliding smoothly up and down my length.


The situation wasn’t exactly the same, but I remembered the oni in Utah riding me like this and shuddered. That time almost ended in my second death, and I was drunk on lust. This time, I knew I was safe, and the fact that I cared so deeply for this woman made it all the more enjoyable.


My only gripe was that Shayna’s skirt kept me from enjoying the view. The way it puddled around us made me want to flip it up or rip it off altogether. Instead, I contented myself by gripping her calves as she kept my arms pinned at my sides.


“So naughty, lusting after your professor all the time,” Shayna teased me, sliding all the way up to the tip before moving back down. I watched as her flat stomach rippled with skill and grace as she swiveled her hips to and fro.


“I can’t help it,” I played along. “Your beauty radiates like a timeless masterpiece, capturing both elegance and a unique charm that sets you above all my other professors. Like a gentle dance, your grace adds an enchanting aura to your presence, leaving an indelible mark on everyone fortunate enough to behold it.”


Where the hell did that come from? Charlotte asked as Shayna froze and stared at me. You’re not that eloquent when half your blood supply is in your lesser brain.


I ignored the succubus as I met Shayna’s blue eyes. I could tell she thought the succubus had coached me, but those words had come from my heart.


“I promise I didn’t plagiarize that,” I whispered, trying to stay in character. “I genuinely do love you.”


Shayna hesitated a second longer before grinding against my length again. “You shouldn’t say such things to your professors,” she tried to sound stern, but the color in her cheeks, coupled with the upward curl of her lips, gave her away.


“I can’t help it,” I repeated, then groaned as she finally slid all the way to my tip, shifted her hips, and sank back onto my length. Her tight canal gripped me hard, and only the copious amounts of her fluids eased my passage into her.


“Fuck! I forgot how big you are,” she grunted as she planted her hands on my chest and tried to catch her breath. “You’re stretching my little pussy out!”


“Professor!” I tried hard not to laugh. “I didn’t know you had such a dirty vocabulary.”


She smacked my chest as she shook her head, breaking character. “Shut up! We haven’t been together in the real world since that incident in the shower. I know that was only a few days ago, but last night was something else altogether. Dreams don’t do you justice or prepare me for taking that monstrous pole in reality. Shit, you feel like you’re pressed up against my lungs, but that’s not how biology works. Look! You can even see where you’re pushing my tummy out. Now, give me a second to get used to you, then I want you to make me scr—”


“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Elly suddenly said, opening the truck’s driver-side door at my feet. I jerked at the sudden intrusion, making Shayna grunt with another expletive before collapsing against my chest. “I really am sorry, but I think you both need to come inside.”


“I was just thinking of doing that,” I groaned disappointedly.


“That’s not funny… Oh, never mind,” Shayna quipped at my response as she moved forward and off my rod.


“I promise to ensure you both have a moment of privacy later, but I didn’t have much choice,” Elly’s hands trembled while Shayna adjusted her micro-panties.


“It better be,” Shayna’s murmured response reached only my ears due to my heightened hearing.


Curiosity tinged with a hint of worry surged within me as I fastened my pants and followed Shayna out of her truck. The atmosphere seemed as though we were caught with our hands in the cookie jar, as Elly’s demeanor suggested.


“What’s happening?” I inquired, my concern growing. “You’re behaving as if we’re caught red-handed.”


Elly met my gaze with an extended stare, an enigmatic expression lingering. “Maybe?” she finally replied after a moment, and a surge of panic began to well up within me. “Oh no! It’s not the Knights. It’s... well, she just materialized in our living room, and her power is beyond anything I’ve encountered. She instructed me to interrupt what you were doing and bring you here urgently. It all happened so fast; I was already stepping into the garage before I realized it. The maid saw her, and I swear she turned ashen before dropping to her knees.”


“Sounds like a form of mind control,” Shayna whispered as we entered the living room.


“Not control of the mind,” a familiar female voice echoed, and it felt as if the ground shifted beneath me. Charlotte’s presence seemed to shrink within my thoughts, almost vanishing. “An unfortunate consequence of my new role and aura.”


The woman before us had a face that could have been angelic if not for the sternness etched upon it. Her emerald eyes glimmered with annoyance, and her lips formed a disapproving curve as she directed her attention toward us. Her shoulder-length dark hair stood in contrast to her pristine white robes. Though she was slightly shorter than me, her presence filled the room with an intensity that couldn’t be ignored. At least she hadn’t assumed her colossal form, and her usual golden radiance was absent. In her presence, I felt like every transgression or unworthy thought I’d ever had was exposed. I felt impure simply being near her, particularly given my recent activities in Shayna’s truck.


I recognized her presence immediately and knew why the maid had prostrated herself before this formidable being. Bowing my head, I sank to my knees, signaling my wives to do the same.


“Pillar of Light,” I began, my voice quivering as my throat grew parched and words eluded me. The strength of her essence was already palpable in Purgatory. Yet, it was overwhelmingly potent within the confines of my living room. “I never thought I would have the honor of seeing you again.”


“You wouldn’t have had you done what I asked of you,” she admonished, her tone unwavering.


Though Shayna nudged me, I kept my gaze fixed on the ground. Desperation mounted within me as I tried to recall what the Pillar of Light had tasked me with, yet I drew a blank, and Charlotte remained silent.


“But… I entered the chamber and was granted a second chance at life,” I offered, grasping for any semblance of an excuse. Tentatively, I raised my head, meeting her gaze. “I also retrieved my pendant. What more was required of me?”


“You think that’s all you needed to do for me to allow you to live again? I also told you of the jailbreak and the return of the ancient others,” she countered, her unwavering gaze locking onto mine. Summoning all my resolve, I met her stare without flinching. “Yet, you’ve done nothing to prepare for either eventuality.”


For a fleeting moment, I was taken aback. She hadn’t explicitly instructed me to take action regarding those matters. “I did what you asked me to do,” I repeated, sensing a resurgence of my backbone. “You didn’t explicitly command me to become a bounty hunter.”


We remained in a tense, unyielding standoff, her gaze fixed upon me with an intensity that made it seem like she might obliterate me on the spot. I braced myself when her features contorted into a scowl.


“Remove your pendant,” she ordered, the following silence turning suffocating in its weight.


No! Charlotte’s voice surged within my thoughts, only to retreat to the distant corners of my mind once more.


As I hesitated to comply with her directive, the Pillar of Light’s expression darkened further. I comprehended Charlotte’s fear, understanding that the succubus had been tasked with guiding me back to the metallic disc and returning me to the realm of the living. Instead, she had embedded herself within my soul.


“If your concern is me discovering the presence of the succubus within you, rest assured,” she declared, her insight making it feel like she had delved into my thoughts. Her demand to relinquish my protective talisman, however, muddled her assurance. “Do either of you assume I was ignorant of the consequences when I dispatched her to guide you? My vision spans all, and my knowledge is vast. There was an over ninety percent probability that she would unite with you.”


“Then why did you order her not to be resurrected?” I asked, slowly getting back up to my feet. “You’re telling me you wanted her to do the very thing you threatened her against?”


“Necessity compelled your union,” the woman’s voice resounded, impatience threading through her words. “If she hadn’t returned with you, you would have remained trapped by your deep-seated biases. The belief that any non-human entity is inherently untrustworthy would have endured. However, your perception has shifted since returning home. Now, take off that damned pendant before I rip it off you and shove it down your fucking throat!”


Despite my inherent resistance to being ordered around, even by a supernatural entity that could erase my existence, I paused momentarily. The command hung heavily in the air, intensified by the ominous flashes of lightning in the Pillar’s eyes.


“What the fuck…” Shayna’s voice floated in a hushed whisper, just loud enough for me to catch. “Just take it off.”


Perhaps it was the weight of Shayna’s voice urging me to obey or the realization that defying a being who wielded literal lightning might lead to catastrophic consequences, but I finally yielded. Removing the pendant was impossible without breaking the chain only a few weeks prior, but now the new chain slipped off my head without resistance. I hesitated briefly before placing the talisman on a small table beside the couch. Its absence left me with a peculiar sense of vulnerability.


“Interesting,” the formidable woman mused, her gaze shifting to my wives. “The quintessential powerhouse of existence delivers a straightforward directive, and yet, it’s your wife you listen to.”


I positioned myself to intercept her gaze, a sudden concern for Shayna and Elly’s safety gripping me. While an array of retorts danced on the tip of my tongue, I opted for silence. The Pillar’s eyes narrowed slightly, a fleeting almost-smile curving her lips.


“Very well.” She gestured at the couches, and in an instant, I found myself seated between my wives. Charlotte’s ethereal form rested on my lap, and next to Elly sat the maid.


“What in the world?!” Charlotte exclaimed as she got to her feet, her eyes darting around as she patted herself down. She had reverted to her human form, though somewhat translucent. “What’s happening?”


“Stay calm,” the Pillar’s smile seemed almost reassuring as she gestured towards the succubus. Once more, Charlotte occupied my lap, but her presence remained intangible. “This arrangement is temporary. Once I depart, you‘ll return to sharing the same body. Now, if we’re done wasting time, I need you to prepare.” She shifted her attention to Elly and added, “No, Eleanor, I am not irrational. My purpose was to verify the strength of his resolve, ensuring his capability to capture my target.”


I glanced at my wife, curious about the exact thought that had crossed her mind.


“I’m not a bounty hunter,” I reminded the divine entity a moment later. “I’m clueless about capturing fugitives.”


“Indeed,” she brushed aside my objection with a casual wave. “I’ve enlisted another agent to accompany you. She’ll arrive shortly, along with someone I believe can provide further assistance.”


“What about us?” Elly inquired, and Shayna’s disapproving hiss was audible.


“He will require all the aid he can get,” the goddess stated. “He’s merely a man. He’s nothing without his women, and he’ll be surrounded by many of them.”


“Wait, what?” My objection slipped out before I could filter it. “I don’t need additional women, and I certainly won’t involve my wives in anything dangerous!”


“You’ll comply with my instructions,” the Pillar’s tone grew sharp, her presence once again enveloping the room. “Do not belittle your wives’ capabilities. Both are skilled fighters, possessing more knowledge about the magical realm than you. If you intend to survive, you’ll accept their support.”


“I will ensure you’re adequately equipped for this undertaking,” the maid interjected, speaking for the first time.


“When I spoke of women, I referred to all of you,” the Pillar corrected her, her voice unwavering. “However, you’ll need to remain inconspicuous. Utilize your abilities to remain nearby yet concealed. Protect him from the shadows, but also ensure you’re not caught.”


“I really don’t have a choice in any of this, do I?” I asked with a shake of my head, not expecting an answer.


“You owe me your life,” the Pillar reminded me matter-of-factly. “You decided when you stepped onto that disc to be resurrected.”


The doorbell’s chime punctured the conversation, offering me an opportune moment to exit the room. I jumped to my feet before the maid could move, moving right through the insubstantial succubus, and briskly made my way to the front door, swinging it open wide.


Before me stood one of the most stunning women I’d ever seen. Her long blonde hair was gathered into a high ponytail, and her azure eyes shimmered with a unique blend of softness and strength. While I cherished my wives and truly believed they were among the most beautiful individuals on Earth, this woman seemed to occupy an entirely different realm of attractiveness.


“Hello,” her voice was gentle yet carried an undercurrent of authority. “I was directed here by Sonia. I presume you’re Bobby? You don’t quite fit the image Megan has of you. My apologies; I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m Gloria.”


*    *    *    *


1072 A.D.


Ardin’s body convulsed, and he pushed against a weight that pressed him down. Cold dread seeped into his consciousness, and at his touch, he realized it was another lifeless body carelessly discarded there the previous day. He struggled to his feet, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. How was he alive? His fingers gingerly explored his bare chest, finding it caked with dried blood but no apparent injuries. He couldn’t fathom how his body had healed when his eye sockets remained hollow voids.


His extraordinary ability, gained when he’d bitten from that tainted fruit, whispered the truth to him. He had been cast into this pit of death three days ago. Three days of lying amidst the decaying corpses, the incessant drone of flies haunting his senses, and the sensation of their tiny, crawling bodies invading his openings. Most of the naked forms surrounding him belonged to criminals and miscreants, yet a handful were innocent souls like him.


Summoning every ounce of willpower, Ardin managed to haul himself to the pit’s edge, suppressing the violent urge to vomit due to the knowledge and the overwhelming stench that enveloped him. He refrained from making contact with the pool of bile that had ejected from his stomach, aware that knowing more about its composition was a burden he didn’t want to bear.


Once the churning in his stomach subsided, Ardin took a moment to assess his state. Starving and unclothed, he prioritized his immediate needs. He had to find clothing and cleanse himself thoroughly. And then, fueled by a burning resolve, he would seek out that treacherous fiend and fraudulent Christian, Thoamahs. The man played the part of a devout follower of Christ in public but reveled in depravity when no one was watching.


Scouring himself clean was a relatively straightforward task. A nearby stream served as his impromptu bathhouse as he scrubbed at his flesh until it smarted, determined to rid himself of the pit’s grime. The frigid water bit into his skin, but it also helped to clear his head. Using his unique ability, he reached out and deftly caught a fish, a sensation that felt akin to cheating, considering his prior experiences of blindly casting nets. He caught several more fish, his newfound knowledge guiding his every movement.


Amidst his aquatic activities, he retrieved a handful of coins from the water. After satisfying his hunger, he found his way to a nearby farm, where clothes hung on a line to dry. With the coins as payment, he procured enough attire to clothe himself anew, to include a new wrap to cover his empty eyes.


Ardin approached the city from a different gate as night descended, his powers assisting him in identifying the night guard commander. A mere moment of conversation was enough to convince the commander of his authenticity, and soon enough, the guard leader returned home early, only to stumble upon the loathsome sight of Thoamahs entwined with his wife.


Empathy tugged at Ardin’s heartstrings for the commander, a man of integrity who deserved none of this betrayal. Once the hypocritical Christian and the adulterous woman were appropriately dealt with, Ardin sat by the commander’s side, his words an attempt to offer some consolation.


But his solace was brief as the changing of the guard arrived and witnessed the commander’s fall from grace. The commander surrendered himself to their custody, confessing to the murder of Thoamahs and his unfaithful partner. He provided his account, detailing the reasons behind his actions. Murder was unforgivable, but in Ardin’s eyes, the punishment was fitting for the whore.


Before the commander was taken away, Ardin inquired whether anyone had seen his wife. None seemed to recognize the description, leaving him with an unsettling void where her memory should have been.


From the Author


Wow... Been a while, huh? I'd love to say it was due to overcoming some great hurdle of herculean effort that's made me a bigger, better person... But the truth is that I simply haven't had tome to write until last week. No one knows what the future holds, but hopefully the delays between chapters won't be this bad going forward.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one goes into why the Pillar of Light allowed Bobby to be resurrected. Here's a hint: He's not going to like it and it starts to tie the future and past together.





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