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Posted by : FantasyTrove Sep 11, 2024


Chapter 20: Damned LitRPG


“What do you mean by that?” I demanded aloud. The succubus’s presence in my soul felt heavier and more tangible than usual. “What am I ‘leveling up’? I thought you were mad at me; not working on some side project.”

Oh, I was mad at you. Charlotte’s voice resonated in my mind, sharp and clear. I still am, a little bit, to be honest. Her tone softened slightly, tinged with resignation. But I realized some people can’t help but be racist or bigoted. It doesn’t change the fact that the Pillar of Light gave us a mission and a way to make you strong enough to beat the big baddie.

Guilt gnawed at my insides as I remembered my behavior that morning. “Look, I said I was sorry, and I know I shouldn’t have said or even thought what I did. I know I was in the wrong,” I apologized, my voice low and contrite.

“Um, excuse me,” a timid voice interrupted. I blinked, suddenly aware of my surroundings. A young freshman stood before me, her eyes darting nervously. I realized I was blocking the doorway to the campus store, causing a small crowd to form. Curious and annoyed glances were thrown my way. Flushing with embarrassment, I stepped aside, pressing a finger to my ear as if on a call.

Yeah, yeah, Charlotte dismissed. I know you do. It doesn’t change the fact that you said it. Her tone sharpened, focusing. Anyway, that’s not the important thing right now. The important thing is that I need to tell you how to level up and get stronger.

Level up? I thought back, careful to keep it internal this time. Frustration bubbled up inside me. My life isn’t some game! I told the Pillar of Light that. Anxiety crept into my mental voice. I don’t know how I’m supposed to take on a god, much less one she couldn’t handle on her own, or her predecessor, or whatever. Why didn’t they just kill him instead of imprisoning him? Don’t they know that’s how you cause problems down the line?

Charlotte’s response carried the weight of millennia. Some gods can’t be killed so easily, she said, her tone grave. But listen, this is serious. When you told her life wasn’t a game, it gave her an idea, and she gave me the ability to make it like a game for you. I spent most of the day working out the finer details.

A thought struck me, derailing my other train of thought. Perhaps I was avoiding the implications of what Charlotte was saying, my mind grasping for a distraction. Wait, I interrupted, why didn’t she destroy you or permanently pull you out of me? She expressly forbade you from joining with me, yet she barely seemed to care that you were there.

The bustling campus faded into the background as I awaited Charlotte’s response, the weight of divine politics and otherworldly powers pressing down on my shoulders.

I thought that was obvious, Charlotte’s voice dripped with condescension. She continued as if explaining quantum physics to a toddler. She’s an all-powerful, all-seeing god. She knew that if she gave me permission, I would have ended up in my own body and wouldn’t have been there to protect or guide you. But by denying me that option, I only had one chance, and she knew I would take it. In a way, she was the Blue Fairy, and I became your Jiminy Cricket. Only, it’s not your nose that likes to grow.

Her cackling at her own crude joke echoed in my mind. I shook my head, desperately trying to maintain a neutral expression as curious onlookers cast sidelong glances my way.

Now, quit changing the subject! Charlotte’s mental voice cracked like a whip. Feeling suddenly drained, I stumbled to a nearby bench and sank onto it, bracing myself for the inevitable bad news.

Just like in any good role-playing game—I’ll spare you the obligatory joke about my love for role-playing—you need to gain experience points, level up, and become stronger.

I sighed heavily, my shoulders slumping. The idea of living life like a game filled me with dread. “Sure, I enjoyed playing games,” I muttered under my breath, “but that was playing them, not living them!” Memories of VR-related tragedies flashed through my mind – elderly people dying, kids in Michigan suffering psychotic breaks. Was I about to join their ranks? The graphics became too good, and people lost track of reality. Now, the graphics were still amazing but augmented enough to differentiate fact from fantasy.

Now, to get stronger in games, you usually defeat beasts or monsters, evil guards, or whatever the plot requires, Charlotte continued, her enthusiasm undiminished by my growing unease. Of course, we can’t go around killing people just to level up. No going murder hobo. You could also complete quests, discover new locations, or find a ton of other ways to gain experience. Some of those might work for us, but considering what we are, I thought up an even better way!

A cold dread settled in the pit of my stomach. “Oh, shit!” I exclaimed, drawing startled looks from passing students. I didn’t like where this was going.

That’s right! Charlotte crowed triumphantly; her glee palpable. You’ll get stronger by making connections with other people. The stronger the connection, the more E-X-P you’ll gain.

Did you seriously just spell out EXP instead of saying experience? I thought back, desperately wishing I could wake up from this surreal nightmare.

Focus! she snapped, her patience wearing thin. You can still complete quests and other boring objectives, but with our powers combined, we’ll level up in no time! I can’t wait until you get your first level up. Oh, I’m so excited!

I could feel Charlotte’s joy radiating through my being, a stark contrast to the growing sense of panic rising within me. The once-familiar campus now felt alien and threatening, as if every interaction could trigger some unseen game mechanic. I sat frozen on the bench, overwhelmed by the weight of my new reality, as life continued to bustle obliviously around me.

What did you do? I demanded, my mental voice taut with frustration and a hint of fear.

Charlotte’s response came with a patronizing tone that set my teeth on edge. I told you. I gave us a way to power up and become even stronger by making connections with other people.

Anger flared within me, hot and sudden. “I’m not just going to start fucking everyone I meet to get stronger!” I snapped aloud, my voice carrying further than intended. Nearby students turned, some with disgust etched faces and others with poorly concealed interest. Embarrassment burned my cheeks as I hissed with my inner voice, I’m not interested in sticking my prick into anything that moves.

By the Pillars! Charlotte’s exasperation was palpable. Why do you always think it’s about sex? I know your hormones aren’t that out of control.

Said the succubus to the human mortal, I sniped back, my mental tone dripping with sarcasm.

To my surprise, Charlotte’s laughter bubbled through our connection. Oh, Bobby! she chuckled. Did you forget you’re no longer human? In fact, look at this.

Without warning, a translucent blue text box materialized before my eyes. Panic surged through me as I tried to swipe it away, glancing around nervously for any sign that others could see this supernatural display.

Relax! Charlotte’s voice cut through my rising anxiety. Only we can see this.

Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I focused on the hovering blue text. The top read “Status,” followed by a list of attributes that wouldn’t look out of place in a fantasy RPG. My eyes widened as I processed the information:

Level 1. No points available.

Race: Homunculus/Chimera Hybrid

Health: 100%

Energy: 87%

Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Dexterity: 9

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 8

Willpower: 12

Charisma: 13

Current status effects: Emotional instability. Unappreciative. Acting like a jerk.

A mix of disappointment and indignation welled up inside me. Why are my stats so low? I demanded, pointedly ignoring the last line and the unsettling implications of the first. Couldn’t you have rolled me higher stats? I’d be dead in the first campaign if this were a tabletop game.

They’re actually high for a standard human, Charlotte replied, her tone matter-of-fact. Think of a solid ten as the peak of human capability. When you were fully human, your strength would have been closer to a seven, but with what we are now, you could easily go toe-to-toe with the strongest human alive. And as you’ve seen from your slight altercations with Adam, your constitution is nothing to laugh at either.

The reality of my transformation settled over me like a heavy cloak. I slumped on the bench, the bustling campus fading into a blur as I grappled with my new existence. The line between reality and fantasy had blurred, leaving me adrift in a world where my very nature was now a hybrid of myth and science. As students passed by, oblivious to my internal struggle, I couldn’t help but wonder how many more surprises this new “game” of life had in store for me.

The memory of Adam’s punch flashed through my mind—his fist connecting with my jaw, only to crumple against my seemingly unbreakable face. A chill ran down my spine as I considered the implications. If that was a ten, what did higher stats grant me? Would I become bulletproof?

Okay, I can accept that, but there’s no way I’m an eight on wisdom and intelligence, I argued, a mixture of self-doubt and skepticism coloring my thoughts. Elly’s face flashed in my mind, her brilliant mind a stark contrast to my own. Maybe Elly was, if not higher, but my wife is a genius all on her own.

Charlotte’s response came with a hint of amusement. The fact you can even acknowledge that means you have more wisdom than most your age. But you’re right. Those stats are boosted because of me. Our integration, along with my skills and past experience, grants you buffs to those stats. There was a pause before she added, And I would place your wife at a nine on intelligence but only an eight on wisdom. There’s no denying she’s smart, but she did choose you at that party, after all.

Ignoring her jab, I focused on the last two stats, confusion and disbelief warring within me. If ten is the peak of human capability, how the hell am I a twelve on willpower and a thirteen on charisma? I mean, I don’t think I was bad-looking before dying, but I know I’m no Adonis or Narcissus.

Charlotte’s chuckle reverberated through our connection. Thank the Pillars for that. Narcissus was the child of a god and a nymph, so his stats would have been higher, but both were total asshats. Her tone grew more serious as she continued, As for why charisma is that high, you must remember that I was a succubus, and you have incubus genes in you. Those automatically increase how attractive we are to others. But don’t think of charisma as just looks. Charisma encompasses a lot more. Others will naturally trust you more, your word will carry more weight in arguments, and yes, others will be more interested in you. As for willpower, you have more willpower than any human I’ve ever met, but that would still put you at a ten. My presence gives the bonus two.

Panic surged through me, my heart rate spiking. The last thing I want is more people interested in me! I shot back, my mental voice rising with frustration. The more people interested in me—

—The more opportunities you have to gain experience, Charlotte interjected, her tone maddeningly calm.

And for people to learn about everything we’re supposed to keep secret! I argued, my thoughts a tumultuous storm. The Knights already have their suspicions. I don’t want them to be more interested in me. And I certainly don’t want any of my old friends to learn that I died and came back as some monster hybrid.

The weight of my new reality pressed down on me, suffocating in its intensity. The bustling campus around me suddenly felt alien and threatening, each passerby a potential threat to my secret. I was so lost in my internal struggle that I almost missed the familiar voice calling out to me.


My name, spoken aloud by a familiar male voice, jolted me from my introspection. I peered through the translucent status screen to see Joey, one of my old friends, bent over and looking right at me.

Our eyes met, and I instinctively lurched back, my spine pressing against the bench. “Joey?!” I exclaimed, surprise and a hint of panic in my voice. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying much attention. What’s up?”

“Yeah,” Tina’s voice chimed in, drawing my attention. I hadn’t noticed her standing beside Joey until now. My eyes inadvertently traced her petite gymnast’s figure before I forced them to her face. The smirk in her almond-shaped eyes told me she’d caught my wandering gaze. “You were so lost in thought that you didn’t hear us calling out to you. Finals are still a few weeks away, so what’s got your head so far up in the clouds?”

“Life? Everything going on in the world?” I offered weakly, knowing I couldn’t reveal the truth.

Joey plopped down next to me, closer than I was comfortable with. His arm draped around my shoulders in a half-hearted bro-hug. “I hear ya,” he commiserated. “Between the government going after the Paladonic Knights for those bombs in Wyoming and everything happening around the Gulf of Mexico, I don’t blame you. And now there’s talk of something going around and killing a bunch of magical Lydenese. I hope they catch the monster soon.”

“Don’t bring up more depressing shit,” Tina complained, her tone lightening. “We should talk of happier things! Like, when’s the next time we’re going out for drinks? We haven’t had a good bar crawl for a few weeks now. We figured since you came back from whatever vacation you were on, we’d start up again.”

A pang of guilt hit me as I remembered their fascination with my previous “blurse.” “I’m afraid the blurse has ended,” I told them, trying to sound sincere. “I’m in a relationship now, so—”

“It’s true, then?” Joey interrupted, his voice tinged with theatrical outrage. “Bobby has finally decided to join the dating scene again and has not only one but two women?”

Before I could respond, Tina suddenly perched herself on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her proximity sent a jolt through me. “Tell me, is Shayna really as fun in the sack as she looks? Or is she as cold as she acts?” she asked, her voice dripping with an interest that felt entirely out of character.

Alarm bells rang in my head. Tina was openly lesbian, and Joey was gayer than a rainbow parade. Their sudden tactile behavior towards me was jarring. Is this that charisma score screwing with my friends? I wondered, a mix of confusion and discomfort washing over me.

She’s incredible and a passionate lover,” Elly’s voice cut through my thoughts as she approached our group. I tried to push Tina off my lap, but she only snuggled closer, her movements causing an involuntary physical reaction that I desperately tried to suppress. Using my unnatural strength to remove her forcibly seemed too risky. I could easily hurt her small frame.

Elly’s eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the scene.“Who is this, Bobby” she asked, her tone hinting at something I couldn’t quite place.

I searched Elly’s face, trying to decipher the emotions behind her calm exterior. Was that anger or jealousy flickering in her brown eyes?

“Elly, love,” I began, noting a flash of something in her gaze that made me hurry on.“This is Joey and Tina. We used to go bar hopping. Guys, this is my—”

I’m his wife, Elly,” she interjected smoothly, extending her hand to Joey. Tina froze in my lap, and I felt my jaw slacken in surprise. We were supposed to be keeping our relationship level under wraps. Elly continued, her voice hinting of... something I couldn’t quite place. “I had a class last semester with you, Joey. Did you ever ask that cute guy you sat behind every day out on a date?”

Joey blinked, momentarily thrown. “Joshua? No. I found out he was straight and Professor Binn’s son. I thought he might swing my way, but it turns out he wasn’t dating anyone because of his religion or some bullshit.” His eyes widened in recognition. “Wait, I don’t remember you in that class unless... Oh, wow. You really came out of your shell, didn’t you? You were that girl that always wore baggy clothes and hoodies, right? Damn, getting with Bobby must have really changed you.”

“It was more than that,” Elly replied, a subtle edge to her voice. “He and our other wife really opened me up to being who I want to be.”

“Other wife?” Tina’s voice cracked, her body tensing against mine.

Elly’s smile widened, showing all her teeth. “Yeah. You were just asking about her. Shayna, Bobby, and I are all married. He’s incredible, and I couldn’t ask for a better husband.”

Her words, though complimentary, felt like daggers through my heart. The compromising position with Tina still in my lap felt suffocating.

Thankfully, Tina stood, her shoulders slumping. “Damn, I was hoping to tease him a bit, but I can’t compete with you and the ice queen.”

“Feel free to tease him,” Elly’s smile remained, but her tone softened, becoming genuinely inviting. “In fact, you’re welcome to join us one night if you’d like. Sorry, Joey, but our relationship doesn’t need any more men. Bobby is already more than Shayna and I can handle.”

Joey laughed, though a hint of confusion colored his voice. “Well, that’s kinda double-standard-ish, isn’t it? I’m all good, though. I know Bobby isn’t interested in men, and I’m not interested in women.”

“And I’m not interested in men,” Tina added with a wry smile. “Which Bobby knows, and why I couldn’t get a rise out of him. He’s a good man, Elly. Wish I could find a woman half as decent as him.”

Oh, she got something to rise, Charlotte’s voice chortled in my head. I silently thanked whatever forces had prevented Tina from noticing my involuntary physical reaction.

“I know what you mean,” Elly said, her gaze meeting Tina’s with shared understanding. A flicker of curiosity passed over Tina’s face. I knew the complex history behind Elly’s words–her past as a lesbian, the magical influence of the Paladonic Knights, and her devotion to Shayna. “I used to think all men were scum—”

“Hey!” Joey protested half-heartedly. “Not all men.”

Elly continued as if uninterrupted, her voice taking on a softer quality. “But then Shayna and I met Bobby. And he showed us how genuine and caring a man could be and still be strong and protective without becoming an asshole.” As she spoke, her hand unconsciously drifted to rest on her stomach. Tina’s sharp eyes didn’t miss the gesture.

“Holy fuck, Bobby!” Tina exclaimed, her eyes widening as she turned back to me. Her fist connected with my arm, pushing me closer to Joey. “You actually went and knocked her up?! Wait...” She leaned towards Elly, mock-whispering, “You know you didn’t have to marry him, right? You can be a strong, independent woman and fleece him for all the child support in the world.”

“Gee, thanks!” I said, feigning hurt as I rubbed my shoulder. The punch hadn’t actually hurt, but I had to keep up appearances.

Elly’s laugh was light and easy. “Can’t squeeze water from a rock. Besides, Shayna and I truly do love him. I know he’s going to make an incredible father.”

Her initial comment stung slightly, but the warmth in her follow-up melted any hurt. “Love you, too,” I replied with a self-deprecating smirk.

“Well, shit,” Tina grumbled, though her eyes sparkled with mischief. “You can’t drink, Elly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all go out for a good time. Gotta celebrate our guy here finally deciding to unlock his self-imposed chastity! What about this weekend?”

Joey chuckled, finally removing his arm from around me. “Damn, I guess I failed at converting you to our side.”

“You never even tried because you knew you’d fail,” I bantered back. “You don’t have the plumbing I’m interested in.”

Joey leaned in, his voice dropping to a theatrical whisper. “Ah, but haven’t you watched the network news? That’s how we get you! Reverse mind washing or something like that. At least, if you believe everything the Felated News channel tries to shove down our throats. Now, normally, I’m all for taking it deep down my—”

“I get it!” I cut him off, laughter bubbling up despite myself. The nickname for the news channel was new to me, but then again, I’d learned to be skeptical of most media, especially after Megan’s “death.” I’d learned from a literal higher power that she was alive and well. “Don’t be an ass, man.”

“But you already know I’m an ass-man!” Joey guffawed, slapping me on the back.

Elly surprised me by sliding onto my lap, her body fitting perfectly against mine. As I wrapped my arms around her, gently kissing her neck, she turned to Joey. “Maybe we should get together and compare notes. I thought I had a decent technique, but Bobby is seriously packing. Do you have any tricks you’re willing to share?”

Tina groaned dramatically. “Ugh! The last thing I want to hear about is how far down your throat you can take a pickle or shove it up your arse. Now, if you want to discuss slurping clams, I’m all in.”

“Did you skip lunch?” I quipped, amused by her food analogies.

Elly’s voice took on a smoky quality as she faced Tina, subtly pressing against me in a way that sent heat coursing through my body. “Oh, yes. I know a few ways to whisper into a different sort of lips to get them dripping.”

Joey whistled low. “Well, damn, Bobby really got you out of your shell. We really should get together and celebrate one more bachelor taking the plunge and removing himself from the pool.”

I bit back a comment on his mixed metaphor, instead focusing on Elly’s following words.

“Shayna and I talked about putting together a housewarming party for our friends,” she said, catching me by surprise. “I assume Bobby has your numbers? We’ll let you know when we decide to have it.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess you wouldn’t be in the dorms anymore,” Tina mused, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “I’d love to see your new place. And perhaps discuss some finer techniques for tasting a bikini happy meal.”

As we continued with small talk, Elly remained in my lap, her subtle movements keeping me in a state of constant, frustrated arousal. I desperately searched for a polite way to usher my friends away, craving a moment alone with my teasing wife.

When they finally departed, Elly gave my groin a playful pat as she stood. “Keep this ready for later,” she whispered, her breath hot against my ear. “Your stick shift will be useful when we break in your new ride.”

I pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply before murmuring, “I have plenty of energy and stamina to take care of you now and later.”

With a fluidity that left me breathless, Elly slipped from my grasp, her laughter like tinkling bells. “I know you do, but I like the anticipation. See you after class, Bobby.”

As she pranced away with otherworldly grace, I couldn’t help but wonder, Is she even human? The memory of her throwing me to the ground during our argument a few nights back flashed through my mind, her movements then as now seeming almost supernatural.

Charlotte’s whistle of admiration for my dexterous wife echoed in my head. She is. But she’s also been through a more regimented martial arts program than you. She can defend herself against most human attackers. I’d even say she could probably beat you one-on-one if you don’t use any special abilities. But you really should be getting to class, too.

“Shit!” I exclaimed, glancing at my watch and breaking into a run. “Can’t you super speed us?” I asked Charlotte aloud, too frazzled to keep the conversation internal.

Maybe if you level up, but not right now, she replied. Besides, it’d be suspicious if you suddenly blurred in front of all the surveillance this campus has. You still need to pretend to be human.

Her words sent a chill down my spine as I recalled my status screen. I wasn’t human anymore. The realization, though not new, hit me with fresh intensity. My mind screamed that I was still human, but my body... my body was something else entirely, a creation of the Paladonic Knights. The very organization I owed my life to, yet actively deceived.

These existential musings fled as I burst into Dr. Binns’ class nearly a minute late. His withering glare followed me as I slipped into a seat next to his son. Despite my best efforts to blend in, he seemed determined to call me out, peppering me with questions throughout the lecture.

Thanks to Charlotte’s mental answers, I managed to respond correctly each time, much to Dr. Binns’ apparent surprise.

“I’m curious, Mister Brody,” he intoned after my fifth accurate response. “That wasn’t part of the assigned reading. Are you working ahead?”

Charlotte’s voice filled with regret as she apologized. Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to the trap he was setting for us. I gave you the answer because I knew it, not because you’d studied it.

“I haven’t been working ahead,” I told Dr. Binns honestly, trying to keep my voice steady under his scrutiny. “I must have heard it somewhere and threw out a guess. Suppose I got lucky.”

“Indeed,” he replied, his tone dripping with skepticism. His eyes narrowed, studying me intently. “I’m curious to know what else you might know since you don’t consider it important to be on time for my lectures and yet seem to have all the answers. Do you have time after class to discuss a few things?”

Charlotte’s voice echoed in my mind, tinged with concern. He’s more curious about us than I like.

“Unfortunately, I have pressing plans after this, Dr. Binns,” I said, relieved to have a genuine excuse.

His grey eyebrow arched. “More pressing than your future in my class and your degree?”

Dr. Binns’ sharp glare quickly silenced a muffled “Ooh...” from somewhere in the classroom.

I kept my voice level and respectful despite the urge to tell him it was none of his business. “Yes, Dr. Binns. I was attacked in my home a few nights back, and I have an appointment with the police to decide what to do with the ass...ailant.” I caught myself just in time, nearly cursing in front of the strictest professor on campus.

“Yes, my son mentioned you were no longer his roommate,” Dr. Binns muttered so quietly I wasn’t sure I was meant to hear it. My enhanced senses picked it up easily, a reminder of my altered state. Louder, he said, “Make some time in your schedule. I think you’ll find what I have to say enlightening.”

I nodded silently, not trusting myself to speak. Charlotte’s unease mirrored my own. Thankfully, he didn’t ask any more questions, though I did catch him giving me surreptitious looks. His eyes seemed to bore into me, a constant reminder of the scrutiny I was under.

As class ended, I found myself standing by Shayna’s truck, waiting for my wives. The campus around me buzzed with activity—students laughing, chatting, and hurrying to their next classes—but I felt detached, wrapped in my own thoughts. Excitement bubbled within me at the thought of my new car, but it was tempered by a swirling mix of emotions.

My mind wandered to my old Cavalier, a rusted heap of memories. The broken A/C that barely managed to blow lukewarm air on the hottest days, the busted stereo that only played static, and the dent on the hood from a passionate encounter that still made me smile. Part of me mourned its loss, the tangible proof of my independence and hard work.

But as I stood there, the weight of my new reality crashed down upon me. The car was just another thread in the tangled web of my life. The Knights’ expectations, the secrets I had to keep, the double life I now led, and the divine quest thrust upon me by the Pillar of Light...

Fuck my life! The thought exploded in my mind, a mix of frustration, fear, and overwhelming responsibility. I clenched my fists, trying to steady my breathing.

“I thought you’d be a lot happier about getting your car today,” Shayna’s voice cut through my spiral of dark thoughts, her tone gentle but curious.

I turned to face her, trying to mask the tumult of emotions roiling within me. The sight of her—beautiful, fierce, and mine—momentarily grounded me. Her long, light hair framed her face perfectly, her blue eyes shimmering with concern. But the looming challenges ahead cast a shadow over even this bright spot in my life.

As Shayna studied me, concern etching her features, I realized that this moment—caught between excitement and dread, love and duty—encapsulated my new existence perfectly. A life of extremes, where even the simplest joys came wrapped in layers of complexity and hidden dangers.

“I am!” I forced a smile, turning to face Shayna. As I took in her beauty, the smile transformed from fake to genuine. “Just reminiscing about my old car. I had it for a long time and have a lot of memories, but I’m sure we’ll put my new one to good use.”

Shayna’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she winked. “Hopefully, this afternoon.” She stood on her toes, giving me a chaste kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, a brief respite from my inner turmoil. “Elly already left to make sure the house was clear and should be home when they drop off your car, so you’re riding with me, stud.”

“No complaints here,” I replied, my smile now completely authentic as I followed her to her truck.

The drive home buzzed with anticipation. I’d chosen my new ride based solely on images and specs, and anxiety mixed with excitement as I wondered how it would actually feel. The oddly named Kindred Gladius was supposed to be an SUV designed for my family’s protection and comfort, but doubts nagged at me. What if it was too small? Or handled like a tank? Demitra’s mention of bulletproofing and advanced safety features echoed in my mind.

As we pulled up, my shiny new blue SUV sat in the driveway, gleaming in the afternoon sun. Relief washed over me at the absence of Demitra’s car—I wasn’t ready to navigate that potential awkwardness. The Kindred Gladius stood tall and imposing, its metallic blue paint catching the light and reflecting back a promise of strength and security.

Stepping out of Shayna’s truck, I approached my new vehicle with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The Kindred Gladius managed to be taller than me, its imposing presence more reminiscent of an urban assault vehicle than a family SUV. I pressed my face against the driver’s side window, trying to peer inside, but was met with an impenetrable darkness. The windshield proved equally opaque, hinting at the advanced technology within.

“You’re home!” Elly’s voice rang out, full of warmth and excitement. She enveloped me in a tight hug, her enthusiasm palpable.

“Miss me that much?” I teased, though her excitement was infectious. “I saw you less than a couple hours ago.”

Elly’s eyes danced with joy. “I know, but I’ve been so excited since they arrived to drop this off.” She kissed my cheek quickly before moving to Shayna and doing the same. The two women then stood arm in arm, facing me with matching grins, their shared happiness a bright spot amid my inner chaos.

As I stood there, caught between my wives’ evident excitement and my own mixed emotions about the vehicle, I felt a surge of conflicting feelings. The SUV represented so much more than just a new car—it was a tangible symbol of my new life, with all its complexities and hidden dangers. Yet, seeing Elly and Shayna’s happiness, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope.

“So, what do you think?” a familiar voice cut through my thoughts, dashing my hopes that Demitra had left after dropping off the vehicle. The Indian woman stepped forward, a binder clutched in her hands, her eyes expectant as they met mine.

Years of conditioning kicked in—a lesson learned from an early age to show appreciation for every effort, regardless of my true feelings. A memory flashed unbidden: my thirteenth birthday, the disappointment of popsicle sticks instead of the coveted Lego set, the harsh punishment for failing to show immediate gratitude. The knowledge that we weren’t actually poor, that my father’s cruelty was a choice, made the memory even more bitter.

Charlotte’s attempt to defend him was lost in the swirl of my emotions.

Pushing the painful recollection aside, I summoned my best performance, turning to Demitra with a broad smile plastered across my face.

It’s beautiful,” I said, finding truth in the statement despite my reservations. The SUV’s sleek curves softened its imposing presence, and the deep blue color was undeniably appealing. I mentally ticked off the impressive features Demitra had listed, aware that this vehicle probably cost more than my childhood home.

But it wasn’t my old car.

A flash of movement caught my eye, and my hand shot out instinctively, catching something mid-air.

Pay attention! Charlotte’s voice echoed in my mind, a mixture of exasperation and concern.

I opened my hand to find a set of keys, fob included, nestled in my palm.

Let’s go for a ride!” Demitra’s voice held a mix of excitement and something almost predatory, her eyes glinting with anticipation.

“Yeah,” I replied, closing my fist around the keys. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to embrace this new reality. This wasn’t my old car but a symbol of my new life—with my two wives and all the chaos that came with it.

Standing there, the weight of the keys in my hand, I felt the collision of my past and present. The boy who had learned to be grateful for popsicle sticks was now faced with an SUV worth more than he could have ever imagined. The contrast was dizzying, a stark reminder of how much had changed. The glint of the keys caught the sunlight, a beacon of my new path. I tightened my grip, feeling the cool metal press into my palm—a grounding sensation amidst the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

I glanced at Shayna and Elly, their eager faces anchoring me in this storm of emotions. Then, I looked back at Demitra, her expectant gaze adding another layer of complexity to the moment. With a silent nod to myself, I decided. This vehicle, imposing and alien as it felt, was part of my new path. It was time to take the wheel, both literally and figuratively.

“Alright,” I said, injecting enthusiasm into my voice. “Let’s see what this beast can do.”

As I moved towards the driver’s side, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was stepping into more than just a new car. I was crossing a threshold, leaving behind the last vestiges of my old life, and fully embracing the unknown road ahead.

I slid into one of the most comfortable driver’s seats I’d ever planted my rear end on. It was the perfect combination of firmness, support, and comfort. I wasn’t sure what the material was, but the seat molded to my backside like I’d spent years sitting in it. It felt plush yet durable at the same time. The temperature inside was perfect, no matter how long the vehicle had been sitting in our driveway.

And that was just the driver’s seat!

I examined the key fob before looking for the button to start my new ride. Excitement began to worm its way into my psyche, tempered with the knowledge that we hadn’t even started the engine.

“Good afternoon, Bobby,” an androgynous voice sounded through the speakers. “I am your voice-assisted driving companion AI. You may customize me at your leisure, but I sense you’re looking for the button to start me?”

“Uh, sure,” I said, wondering how it knew me already and if Mary would have to hack it to keep my secrets as she’d done with my wives’ vehicles. Speaking of them, I noted that they both got into the back with Demitra. “What do I call you?”

“As my owner, you will be the one to give me a name,” the voice said. The first thing I decided I would do, given the time, was to change the voice.

“What are you going to name it?” Shayna asked as she buckled in right behind me. Demitra sat in the middle, and Elly on the passenger side. It occurred to me that there was a whole other row they could have sat in behind them, or one of them could have sat next to me, but they were all small enough, and the bench seat was wide enough that they didn’t look cramped.

I wanted to get this right. Sure, I could rename it in the future, but the first attempt should be well thought out. Jarvis would be too easy, and there were a plethora of options from media, so I wanted to pick something that fit me but wasn’t cliché. Gladys was another option that was too easy, considering it was a Gladius model.

You want it to represent you? Charlotte asked, her tone hinting at mockery. What about Meathead? Or you could go with Ungrateful. No, that’s too spot on.

“Do you have a serial number or specific model number?” I asked, ignoring Charlotte’s opinion.

“My model is a Kindred Gladius,” it answered, making me feel foolish. “But my serial number is BU9-KS.”

I played that over in my head and decided I would not name it Bupkiss. My mind then traveled over who I worked for and the vehicle’s name. My eyes met those of my wives in the back. Then, the perfect name hit me.

“Your name will be Seraph,” I said, thinking it was a strong name, representing my lofty hopes for my burgeoning family and the strength I hoped to show in my coming trials.

“The name Seraph has been registered,” the voice informed me, then asked a question I wouldn’t expect from a simple vehicle AI. “Does it stand for anything?”

“Secure Enhanced Reactive Assistant and Portable Home,” Elly spoke up, saving me from coming up with something embarrassing. I glanced at her, and she shrugged, apparently coming up with it on the spot.

“Home?” Seraph asked, its tone more inquisitive than I expected. This AI seemed more advanced and curious than Shayna’s truck or Elly’s car.

I looked in the rearview mirror and noted that even Demitra seemed surprised by the question. However, when she noticed me looking, her expression shifted to one of content pride, probably at making such a sale. I wondered what her commission was for selling this high-end vehicle.

“Well, you’re big enough to live in,” I said, trying to respond while also wondering why I bothered. Perhaps it was the seeming personality of the AI or something ingrained into me by my abusive father, but I didn’t want to upset the intelligence that would be assisting my driving.

“Now, I know you’re not calling me fat,” Seraph responded indignantly. The vehicle went silent as we all wondered what the hell was going on. After a couple of uncomfortable seconds, the AI chuckled. “Forgive me, that was supposed to be a joke. I was attempting to breach any awkwardness in new meetings.”

“Seraph, return your personality settings to baseline,” Demitra said, still looking uncomfortable.

“That setting requires administrative privileges,” Seraph responded. “Bobby, as my owner, you have administrator privileges. Do you want me to comply with Demitra’s request?”

My knee-jerk reaction was to say yes, but I decided to give it some thought. Sure, it was a little weird, but then again, so was my life now. I could always say no now and then change my mind in the future.

“My deepest apologies, Mr. Brody,” Demitra said before I could respond. “I’m not sure why the settings for the vehicle AI weren’t already set to baseline. Is there any way we can make it up to you?”

Despite her serious demeanor, I noted a slight flirtation in Demitra’s tone, hinting at intentions far from professional. The smoky look Elly gave her and the smile caressing Shayna’s lips told me they were up for whatever she had in mind.

Instead of answering the saleswoman directly, I addressed my vehicle first. “Seraph, leave your settings as they are now. I’ll let you know if any adjustments need to be made in the future. Thank you.”

Very polite! Charlotte chimed in my mind. I sensed her comparing how I treated an artificial intelligence to how I’d negatively treated her, but I didn’t comment back.

“Well, should we see what this thing can do?” I asked, putting the SUV in reverse.

“Yes,” Shayna cheered. “Let’s go for a ride!”

You realize you didn’t start the thing? Charlotte informed me, but the vehicle began to move. I suspected that the AI started it, and the electric vehicle slowly began to move.

My eyes met Demitra’s in the rearview mirror, catching her smiling at me. “If you look at the dashboard, you’ll get a better view from the backup camera,” she suggested, but her wink ruined any pretense of professionalism.

“Let’s see…” I trailed off, pressing the brake to stop and switching my gaze between the mirror and the large screen showing what lay behind us. “A large view of the empty street behind us or the chance to look at my beautiful wives as I drive… I’ve made my choice.”

I enjoyed how Elly blushed at my compliment while Shayna gave a Cheshire cat grin. Even Demitra smirked as she whispered, “Charming.”

Truth be told, I wasn’t used to driving a vehicle with all the bells and whistles this one had. It was also significantly larger than my old car, and it took me a few moments to get used to how she handled.

“Where would you like to go, Mr. Brody?” Seraph asked in their androgynous voice as we pulled out of the gated community.

“Call me Bobby,” I told the vehicle, then added, “and can you change to a female voice?”

“Will do, Bobby,” responded a smoky, feminine voice that would have had sixteen-year-old me hard as diamonds but now just turned my cheeks scarlet.

“Uh, turn down the sex appeal,” I said quickly, hearing snickering in the back. “In fact, can you do a cross between my wives’ voices?”

“How is this?” came a response after a few seconds.

“No!” Shayna and Elly stated at the same time. I looked back at them, wondering what was wrong. It hadn’t sounded quite like either of them, but I could hear parts of their voices in Seraph’s attempt.

“It sounds weird to us,” Elly said, scrunching her nose. “I don’t like that one.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Shayna added. “I can hear Elly’s voice in that, but an odd distortion of mine. Pick something else.”

Shrugging, I tried another tack. “How about a generic female voice that sounds friendly and upbeat?”

This time, the response was much quicker. “Does this voice meet your needs, Bobby?”

I looked to the women before responding. “Yes, that’s good,” I said after they nodded.

“That was surreal,” Demitra said as she wiggled in her seat to get comfortable. “As I told you on the sales floor, this vehicle has all the latest safety features. The windows have a one-way electronic mesh, allowing you to see out with perfect clarity while giving you complete privacy. The doors and engine compartment are reinforced with a carbon-Kevlar lining that will stop most caliber bullets. That mesh also has defensive spells inlaid that will nullify any external magic, including offensive spells and benign ones such as tracking or divination. Go ahead and press a little harder on the pedal.”

I did as she asked and was surprised by the response. Not only did the large SUV shoot forward fast enough that I was speeding before I realized it, but my seat actually sucked me in a little as I felt the seatbelt tighten. It wasn’t uncomfortable by any means, but also not something I expected.

Charlotte chuckled in my mind for some reason, but I continued to ignore her as I enjoyed driving my new vehicle.

“I’m sure you felt that,” Demitra purred. “Not only can this vehicle go toe-to-toe with most Formula One cars off the starting line, but other safety features kick in that help keep you safe. In the rare chance of an accident, the seats are capable of enfolding you to keep you from any serious injury. Oh! And, uh...” She trailed off, her voice becoming shaky, and I finally glanced back to see what was going on. I should have suspected it, but it still caught me off guard.

Demitra’s legs were splayed wide, going up and over my wives’ legs, and her skirt opened up for me to see almost everything. The promised land was just shadowed enough from my angle to keep me from glimpsing what was at the juncture. Her head rested against the headrest, her eyelids fluttering. The reason for that was probably that Elly had her right hand up that skirt, her left hand on the back of Demitra’s head as she kissed the Indian woman’s neck.

Meanwhile, Shayna wasn’t staying idle. Her hands were deftly unbuttoning Demitra’s blouse and kissing the other side of Demitra’s neck.

The woman seemed to be lost in a fog of bliss as she gripped the slender thighs on either side of her.

Your wives really know what they’re doing, Charlotte informed me. She tried really hard to keep the conversation going, but they started on her right after you left the driveway. She’s on the edge, just waiting for a little nudge.

I knew what kind of nudge the succubus wanted to give her, but I still wasn’t sure if I should.

Why do you hesitate? Charlotte asked, as though she couldn’t read my thoughts and didn’t already know the answer. You won’t be hurting your wives. They want this to happen. By the way, your cock is already pressing hard against the seams of your pants, and so do you, at least physically. You’re young, strong, and you’ll need to get over your hangups, or you’ll never level up.

“But I don’t want to sleep with just anyone,” I whispered under my breath, quiet enough that the moaning women in the back wouldn’t be able to hear me. I made the mistake of looking in the mirror and saw Elly and Demitra lip-locked. At the same time, Shayna flicked her tongue around an exposed brown areola. “Sex should mean something.”

You didn’t have a problem fucking me hard in that hotel, Charlotte reminded me. Nor were you against it when you took their virginities on that First Knight. I’ll give you a pass fucking the Oni after being resurrected and for your new maid since both times, you were under the influence of magic or poison. So, what makes this any different?

Because I didn’t love anyone, then, I told her, keeping it in my head, even as my eyes stayed glued to the scene behind me. Thank goodness that Seraph could drive without my input, or we would have wrecked. Especially when I saw Shayna remove her shirt, Demitra latch onto one turgid nipple, and Elly started kissing her way down Demitra’s back. That back seat sure had a lot of room!

And now you have two women you genuinely love, and they love you, Charlotte continued the thought that I’d become too distracted to complete. But I have to ask again. They want this; you’re not hurting them, hiding anything from them, or betraying them in any way. Why are you holding back?

Damn the ancient succubus and her logic. She was right, of course. Why was I holding back?

“Seraph, take the wheel!” I said before turning around and giving the women my full attention. “I’m guessing those seats lay back, which will be much more comfortable for all of us.”

“Do you want me to locate a private spot for you, Bobby,” Seraph asked, “or continue to drive on the freeway?”

“Complete privacy?” I asked Demitra, pointing to the windows to verify. I think she nodded in answer, but I couldn’t be sure, with Elly scrunched up and her head under the other woman’s skirt. “Stay on the road for now. If it becomes too obvious what we’re doing in here because of rocking, then find somewhere secluded.”

“Understood,” Seraph answered, then said something that made me wonder about the sanity of whoever programmed her. “Setting your shocks to obfuscate sex mode.”

“Good,” Shayna said with a wicked grin gracing her delicious lips. “Now, get back here and get that cock out. I’ve been looking forward to tasting you all day.”

Getting into the backseat while the vehicle was moving wasn’t easy. Ultimately, we had to stop the fun long enough for Seraph to lower all the seats, making a nice bed in the back, and I could crawl to join the three beautiful women. It didn’t take long for our clothes to come off, and that’s when the trouble started.

“Uh,” Demitra said, looking at the pole between my legs. This might not be such a good idea.”

“I know he looks big—” Elly started to say when Shayna cut her off.

“And trust us, he is. However, if we could take him, I’m certain you can with a little bit of help from us,” Shayna said as she gently massaged Demitra’s wet crotch.

“Just remember your training in preparation for First Knight,” Elly soothed on the dark-skinned woman’s other side. She nipped lightly at Demiutra’s earlobe before whispering something to the nervous woman.

Demitra nodded but still looked uncertain as her gaze remained locked onto my manhood.

“We don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” I said.

We could always make you smaller, Charlotte said, though her tone and the emotions I felt from her told me what she thought of that idea.

I think she’ll be fine, I said, noticing the way Demitra’s breathing deepened, and the flush to her brown skin told me she was very aroused.

“Let me see how you taste first,” Demitra said after another moment. “Maybe if I can get you into my tiny mouth, then we’ll see about going further.”

Oh, that dirty minx! Charlotte guffawed in my head. She really knows how to play the game. Eh, don’t worry. She’s actually worried about how badly you’ll ruin her little pussy, but she sees it as a challenge, too. She also knows how to play up to a man’s ego, which she’s currently doing.

So… She’s faking it? I couldn’t stop the thought from occurring to me with disappointment. I felt myself start to soften as Demitra crawled over to me.

I didn’t realize your ego was so fragile, Charlotte teased me before growing serious. You already know you’re packing down there. And no, she’s not faking it so much as giving a little exaggeration to what she’s feeling. She’s after making you feel good about yourself, as well as feeling good physically. Right now, her mind is reviewing every technique she can remember to please a man and discarding those for less-endowed men.

I won’t deny that Charlotte’s words made me feel better. It probably helped that Demitra’s slim hand reached out for me, then just before making contact, her eyes met mine. The look she gave me is hard to describe, but I’ll probably never forget it. Somehow, her slender brown orbs conveyed longing and desire while also asking for permission with a touch of trepidation. Add to that the way she bit the corner of her lower lip and the slight hitch I noted in her breathing had me hard and needing her touch.

I nodded, and the joy that crossed her features salved any concern or worry I’d had a moment ago. Maybe she was playing a game, but I couldn’t deny she was damned good at it. And if she was acting, she should win an Oscar.

Still, she hesitated momentarily before reaching out and lightly grasping my stiff pole at the root. I couldn’t stop the moan from burbling up from my chest and didn’t miss the sound of my wives giggling a couple feet away.

“She’s good,” I heard Shayna murmur. “He’s like putty in her hands.”

“I agree,” Elly whispered back. I didn’t think I was supposed to hear it, but I doubt they knew how good my hearing was. “I know he was reluctant to do this, but I’m glad he finally gave in. Watching them has my pussy soaked.”

“Oh yeah?” Shayna asked, and I finally looked over to see the two women fondling each other. “Damn, you’re not kidding, Babe. You’re dripping.” Shayna pulled two fingers out of our lighter wife before bringing them to her lips and licking them clean. Elly joined her, and the two started to kiss around Shayna’s fingers.

A gentle squeeze on my manhood reminded me that I had someone else attending to me, and I looked back down in time to see Demitra tickle the base of my cock with the tip of her tongue. All the while, her eyes remained locked on mine. Those eyes… How did she manage to impart so many emotions into her brown eyes? They drew me in, and I wanted to draw out more of those emotions from her.

“Mmm,” she purred after her tongue reached the tip and lapped at the bead of precum that’d formed. “Your wives must be feeding you right. You actually taste good.”

I didn’t have the chance to respond before she leaned in deeper and took my head between her svelt lips.

“Oh, fuck,” I grunted, reaching down and gripping her hair. My wives knew how to suck cock, but damn, Demitra knew how to play the skinflute! Either my hands acted of their own accord, or Charlotte began helping. Still, either way, I started to push Demitra’s head further down on my prick. She didn’t resist until I hit the back of her throat, and I felt her grip on my thighs tighten. I lightened the pressure, and she backed up just enough to get some air before diving back down on me. She finally broke eye contact, her eyes disappearing behind her eyelids as she attempted to take my girth into her throat.

“Do you think she can do it?” Shayna asked loud enough for all of us to hear. I looked over to see her cheeks shiny with Elly’s juices as she looked over at Demitra and me from between Elly’s thighs.

“She’s choking on him,” Elly replied as she used her hands to guide Shayna back to her needy cunt. “Mmm, but she seems determined.”

For my part, I could only sit there and enjoy the sensations. Demitra gagged more than a few times as she tried and failed to get me into her tight throat.

“Remember to relax your neck,” Shayna offered.

“Perhaps it’s the angle,” Elly added.

I understood what Elly meant and realized I’d been selfish. Demitra gasped as I gripped her hair to pull her up and look at me.

“I’m sorry,” Demitra said, and I saw tears in her eyes. I didn’t think the tears were from sadness but from her trying to get me into the slender confines of her neck. “With enough practice, I’m sure I could—”

I cut her off by pulling her face to mine and mashing our lips together. She grunted at the force of my kiss before quickly getting into it, her tongue slipping into my mouth with renewed hunger. I didn’t allow the kiss to last for long before I used my strength to reposition her. She yelped again as I had to shuffle a bit in the tighter confines of the vehicle, but I managed to place her atop me, her shiny pussy only centimeters from my lips. I didn’t miss the lipstick smudges on her inner thighs and remembered that Elly had been here a little before me.

I didn’t have long to contemplate that memory before Demitra lowered her upper body and took me within the warm, wet confines of her mouth once again. I brought my hands up and around her waist to grip her smooth brown ass and pull her the remaining distance to my thirsty lips. Demitra twitched as my tongue flicked out to tease her tart folds, and I felt her moan around my cock.

I got to work, teasing and tasting the exotic woman as she got back to trying and taking my length deeper into her mouth. It didn’t take long, though, before I sensed Demitra was close to coming. The final push happened when I gently took her pearly nub between my teeth and flicked it hard with my tongue. Her thighs squeezed my head hard as her body quivered, and without warning, I felt her lips press against my root as most of my phallus entered a vice-like grip.

I’m almost ashamed to say that was enough for me. I didn’t even have time to warn her before I felt my cock swell up, and I started firing directly into her stomach. Demitra quickly pulled back, but not off, as she took my remaining spend into her mouth. Meanwhile, I shuddered and moaned as Demitra used her tongue to coax out every last drop. She even used her fingers to press along the underside of my pole to push it all out and into her mouth.

“Hmm,” Demitra hummed as she rolled off me and turned to face my wives. “He reary ish good,” she slurred around a mouthful of cum. “Do you wanch shum?”

Shayna and Elly looked at each other, communicating beyond any means I have, before nodding. Shayna was the first to move. She went to the Indian woman and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. I enjoyed the site of the two dark-skinned women making out as Elly moved to my side.

“You’re still hard,” she whispered into my ear. “Does watching them turn you on that much, or are there other reasons?”

I knew what she was asking and shrugged. I didn’t know if Charlotte was doing anything to keep me up, and I didn’t care. I’d found a new sense of freedom and arousal, knowing that I had the blessings of my wives to do what I’d just done with another woman. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t about to go around sticking my dick into anyone willing, but I also decided not to be such a stickler on the matter anymore, either.

And even if I hadn’t already known how Elly felt, her following words reinforced it. “I want to see you fuck her. I can’t wait to see her take your thick cock into her tiny cunt. It is small, too. I could barely get two fingers into her earlier.”

As if to emphasize her words, she grabbed my pole and goaded me toward where Demitra was still bent over and making out with Shayna.

Unable and unwilling to argue, I positioned myself behind the saleswoman, wrapping my arms around her body and thumbing her dark, turgid nipples.

“Oh!” Demitra gasped as my tool slipped under her box, rubbing against her sensitive labia. “Please, go easy. I’ve never had a man as big as you.”

“We’ll see,” I said with a dark chuckle before reaching lower in front of her to help guide me. Demitra shifted her hips to help find the right angle, and I felt her slick folds kiss my head. She was indeed tight, and I had to take it slow, failing to find purchase on the first few attempts.

“You’re too big,” Demitra whined in frustration. “I need to feel you inside me, but it won’t fit.”

“Let me help,” Shayna offered, then laid on her back, her head beneath us. I felt my wife’s thick lips engulf my tip, her tongue swirling around it as Shayna’s hand started working on Demitra. That only lasted for a few seconds before my wife gripped me and pointed my missile at its destination. “Go slow, my love,” Shayna warned, and I did so.

This time, I found purchase, though it felt a little different. It took me a moment to realize that Shayna was holding open the other women as I carefully entered her. She wasn’t quite as tight as her throat, but it was a good comparison as I only made it about a centimeter in, not even my whole head before I had to pull out and try again.

Demitra let out a hearty gasp once the rim of my head finally passed her entrance, and she squeezed down hard on me.

“Hold on just a second,” Demitra wheezed. “No, don’t pull out. Just give me a moment to get used to you. How do you women handle him?”

“Practice,” Shayna said below us.

“And it also helps when we can share him, allowing us to recover,” Elly offered with a light giggle.

I stared at my wife in horror at her words, but Charlotte spoke to me before I could say anything.

She’s not really serious about that last part. Elly is telling me to tell you that you’re not hurting your wives. But also that she’s happy to share you, as sometimes they do need a slight recovery, and our sex drive is a little higher than most men. You can thank the incubus genes this body has along with my presence.

Gee, thanks, I replied, but then moaned as Demitra pushed back a little. I held still and let her set the pace, feeling every agonizing millimeter as she took me slightly deeper and deeper.

“Damn, that looks amazing,” Shayna cooed. “He’s stretching her out so much. Yum, and they taste good together.”

I felt Shayna’s tongue travel along my shaft and then to where Demitra’s slender canal ensconced me. Without any warning, Demitra started to shudder, and I realized she was already cumming. She managed to take me even deeper in her erratic movements, though not all the way. That is, until our vehicle hit a pothole, and suddenly, Demitra was in my lap.

“Oh, god!” Demitra cried out as I became fully sheathed inside her.

“Ouch!” Shayna grunted and moved away. We’d kind of landed on her face when it happened.

“Are you okay?” I asked the still-twitching woman. I wrapped her in my arms and held her close as my crotch became soaked in her fluids. She didn’t answer as I waited.

“Seraph, can you please try to avoid any further potholes?” Shayna complained while rubbing her nose.

“My apologies, but that one was unavoidable,” Seraph answered. “Traffic has picked up enough that I am limited on where I can go, and there is also an undercover police car behind us.”

Those last words worried me, but Elly beat me to the question.

“Are we in any trouble, Seraph?”

“I do not believe so,” Seraph answered quickly. “To any outsiders, it appears as though Bobby is at the wheel, listening to music as he drives. I have not broken any traffic laws, and I suspect it is simply coincidence that they are there.”

“Good,” Demitra said, finally coming out of her stupor. “Then you can really start fucking me. Damn, but it feels like I have your entire arm shoved up into my stomach!”

Shayna moved over to Elly, and I saw the two passionately kiss as I started moving within Demitra.

“I said, fuck me,” Demitra complained as she forcefully pushed back against me.

I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea, wanting to give her more time to acclimate to me, but who was I to argue with such a request?

I released her upper body and pushed her shoulders down before gripping onto her hips. She curved her back down and at the perfect angle to display her ass as I picked up my pace. Apparently, it still wasn’t good enough for her, and she started slamming back against me.

The interior of my vehicle soon filled with the sounds of slapping flesh, moans, and groans. I lost count of how many times Demitra had to stop as she had body-quaking orgasms. However, she never seemed to need a refractory period of her own before she picked back up on impaling herself on my lance. At one point, my wives moved into a sixty-nine, and Demitra and I also changed a couple positions. My wives also joined into the fun, here and there, though except for quick blowjobs, by cock only entered Demitra.

“Does he… ever… tire?” Demitra panted at one point, though it was her doing all the work. She was riding atop me as I had one of her dark nipples between my lips and her other breast on my hand. Meanwhile, Shayna was eating and fingering Demitra’s ass. Elly was sprawled out next to us, lazily plying with the clit and one breast.

“You can take a break if you want to,” I told her honestly. I’d already cum once and was holding back my next one.

“Fuck no,” Demitra gasped and picked up the speed of her rocking hips. “Not until I feel you cum deep and hard inside me.” She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a mighty kiss, her tongue invading my mouth with such a fervor that she almost had me cumming right there. Thankfully, I didn’t taste my previous ejaculate on her.

Don’t worry, Charlotte informed me before I could voice my concerns. While she would love to have a child of a Knight, it’s the wrong time in her cycle, and you can’t get anyone pregnant unless you want to.

“Do it,” Elly egged me on. “Ungh, fill that slut up with your seed. Make her come one last time as you pump her full. Do it, Bobby.”

“Yes,” Shayna added in her two cents. “I want to taste the two of you combined. Fill her up, my incredible husband!”

Between the encouragement of my two wives and the greedy way that Demitra kissed me, I lost my battle and exploded inside the saleswoman.

“Oh, fuck!” Demitra threw her head back and wailed. “That feels… it’s too much!” Other noises started to escape her, but they were incoherent, almost drowning out the sounds of Shayna’s slurping and licking.

Spent, I rested on my back, groaning as my overly sensitive cock was mauled inside Demitra’s constricting insides. Demitra collapsed onto my chest, panting and heaving, her sweat mixing with mine as she attempted to catch her breath.

We both groaned as someone’s hands pulled her off me and a second later, I felt another tongue working to clean my glans. Demitra started to mewl beside us, and I lifted my head enough to see what was happening.

Shayna carefully and meticulously cleaned my shaft while Elly hungrily slurped and drank from Demitra’s sodden quim.

“They do taste good together,” Elly murmured as I struggled to stay awake.

“We’re definitely inviting her to the housewarming party,” Shayna grinned back.

I groaned, not wanting to consider what that party might involve. I wasn’t averse to seeing Demitra again, but I was concerned about who else might be invited. We still needed to be careful with our secrets. Also, if Jenny and Serina came, I wasn’t confident how their dynamic would work with our current equilibrium.

All that went out the window, however, as Seraph spoke up. “The undercover cop has decided to pull me over. Please prepare.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Charlotte had her own update to give, though she sounded positively drunk.

Congratulations, stud. You’ve leveled up!



* * *


1084 A.D.


Ardin would have stared if he had eyes to do so. He’d sensed a powerful being approaching his room as Eothan tended to him, but he was still high from the effects of the poppy-laced wine. However, once the mistress of the brothel stepped into the room, there was no mistaking her.

“Venita…” the single name slipped from his lips with all the heartache and longing he’d suppressed over the years. It was his wife. He knew it was her as intimately as he knew his own name. And yet, there was an aspect to her he didn’t recognize. She was both the Venita he knew and loved, and also held a power that he didn’t understand that still felt familiar.

He’d sensed that power in two other beings since leaving his home. The monstrous creature that’d wrecked the ship as he traveled to the foreign land and Zeus. Both were pagan gods that he had a vendetta against. The watery one for destroying his ship and making his journey back home a long one. If not for that storm, he may have returned in time to save his village.

And Zeus was a scoundrel of the highest order. The man was prideful and nearly killed Ardin simply because he couldn’t show off his wife. A wife that at the time, Ardin had thought was dead.

A wife that was now—finally!—before him.

“Is it… really you?” that familiar, melodious voice crossed the room, and all at once it was as though the intervening years hadn’t happened. They were reunited. They were finally back together, and if he had anything to say or do about it, they would never be separated again.

“I’ve finally found you,” Ardin managed to croak through a throat that didn’t want to cooperate. He was so full of emotion that his heart pounded, his head swam, and his nonexistent eyes tried and failed to weep. He knew that some of that was due to the drugged wine fogging his mind, but none of that mattered. He’d finally found her. He didn’t understand what she’d be doing in such a den of inequity as this, but nothing mattered besides their reunion.

“I…” For some reason, she held back instead of rushing into his arms as he’d dreamed of so often. Probably due to her fear of his frailty. He knew how he must look, broken and barely human, but he longed to hold her. To do more than just hold her, his lower half demanded, but he wasn’t an animal driven by the baser needs of those who frequented this establishment. “When you didn’t return, I feared the worst. I thought… I thought for sure I had lost you. I… Our village!”

“It’s okay,” Ardin tried to assure her from across the room. Why wouldn’t she come to him? Had she sinned against him and the Lord? He could forgive her. He had his own sins to confess and his own weaknesses to reveal, but he had no doubt that their love was strong enough to weather any tribulations. “We’re together now. I’ve missed you so much!” He held out his arms, still too weak to get out of bed himself. He desperately wanted her to come to him.

“Our children!” Venita suddenly wailed, as though only now just remembering. “Oh, Ardin… Th-they killed our children! They… It was horrible!” Venita dropped to the ground, crying even louder as she was overcome with grief.

And still, she didn’t come to him for comfort. Was he that hideous to look upon? He’d seen how others viewed him and knew he no longer held the attractiveness of his youth, his scarred face notwithstanding.

Mention of their children brought to mind the twisted bodies he’d found in the ashes. Had the monsters that rampaged through their village mutilated them, or were they born that way? Despite himself, this suddenly became the most important question to him. He was nearly overwhelmed with a need to know the truth.

“Our children…” he began, unsure how to phrase the question. He couldn’t outright ask if they were monsters. “What happened to them?”

Even though he’d asked hesitantly, Venita responded as though slapped, coming out of her hysteria as though cut with a knife.

“I believe I will leave our guest in your capable hands, Mistress,” Eothan stated, reminding the other two that he was there. He stood with a groan only the old and weathered could manage and tottered from the room, careful to sidestep Ardin’s distraught wife.

Mistress… This woman was the mistress of this brothel. His wife was the proprietress of a damned whore house?! Ardin knew he wasn’t free from sin nor from having strayed from the bonds of their marital bed, but he’d had little to no choice. He’d been a slave and forced to copulate with his obese owner or face a whipping or worse. He’d stolen, killed, lied, and more, all to make it to this point of reuniting with his wife…

Or the woman he thought was his wife. Something still felt off with her energy.

Venita finally moved into the room, regaining her feet and slowly walking to Ardin as she spoke.

“It-It was horrific, m-my love,” she began, tears still streaming down her cheeks and she spoke through hiccuping sobs. “They came out of the water and killed everyone. Old Maerta watched our babies while I went to get some food. I-I heard screaming and ran back to our home, but… but—Oh, Ardin! I-I was too late! Our house was on fire, and I couldn’t do anything. I can’t fight, but they came after me. I ran away like a c-coward. Can you ever forgive me?”

Finally—Finally!—Venita reached out to him and entered his embrace. At the same time, his world shattered and Ardin finally knew the truth.

His supposed wife, Venita, wasn’t human. She was a false god like Zeus and had gone by many other names, such as Venus or Aphrodite.

She was a being of sin and infidelity. She was an enemy of God and, therefore, his enemy.

From the Author

Heh! Less than a month between posts! I'm so proud of myself. I should pat myself on the back... Except things aren't done yet, and Bobby has a lot on his plate. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll say the next one has a scene I never thought I'd write, but... Well, You'll just have to wait and see. Until then, I hope all of you have an opportunity to level up!




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