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Archive for 07/12/24

The Succubae Seduction 3: Knight's Son Ch. 18

By : FantasyTrove

 Bobby faces multiple gods as he learns his fate.


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Chapter 18

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Of Gods and Mice


I stood there in stunned disbelief, my tongue tied in knots. She knows Megan? Questions flooded my mind, a torrent of uncertainty crashing through me. Who is this woman? What is her connection to Megan, and why is she here? Who is Sonia? My mind raced to piece together the confusing situation.


“Um, may we come in?” Gloria’s voice brought me back, her azure eyes carrying a hint of uncertainty.


We? I thought, realizing that Gloria wasn’t alone. How had I missed the towering figure standing behind her? A woman with dark skin and an imposing presence, someone I recognized all too well. Panic surged within me. What if someone from the neighborhood sees her? Not everyone around me was a Knight, but enough were to cause serious concern. The consequences could be dire.


“Yes, quickly, before anyone sees you!” I hissed, urgency and anxiety lacing my words as I frantically gestured for them to enter. I promptly shut the door behind them, my heart pounding with apprehension. My thoughts raced as I faced the unexpected visitors, initially focusing on the woman behind Gloria. Relief washed over me as I realized she was in her human form, not the frightening serpent-like one I had encountered in the mountains.


“Ashani, what are you doing here?” I blurted out, my curiosity mingled with an undercurrent of trepidation. Her presence felt like an intrusion, disrupting the fragile equilibrium I had tried to maintain.


Her response was as unexpected as it was imperious. “You will address me as Ashani Devesh Aaban, or at the very least, Princess Aaban.” Her words were laden with an unyielding authority, her Indian accent adding a layer of unfamiliarity to the interaction. It struck me that her voice was unexpectedly rich, a contrast to the towering physique she possessed. I would anticipate a deeper tone from someone of her stature, but her voice was light and smooth, if demanding.


My patience wore thin, irritation and frustration rising within me at Ashani’s audacity to reprimand me after arriving uninvited. The interruption to my intimate moments with Shayna earlier certainly didn’t help my mood. Without Charlotte’s usual moderating presence, I felt solely responsible for handling this tense situation with the presumptuous visitor.


“I will address you as I please,” I retorted, my annoyance laid bare as I internally justified the harshness of my words through my need to protect my family. “Now tell me why you’re here, in my home, jeopardizing both our lives.” The sentence came out harsher than intended, but I couldn’t afford to mince my words. Her presence here was a reckless gamble I hadn’t asked for and wasn’t prepared to accommodate.


Our eyes locked in a standoff, a battle of wills brimming with defiance. Seconds stretched into a tense silence before she finally yielded a response, her voice carrying the weight of her vulnerability. “The fox guided me here. I have nowhere else to go.”


Her revelation left me momentarily speechless, my mouth opening and closing in bewilderment as even more questions rapidly ran through my mind. A cascade of emotions surged within me—confusion, empathy, and skepticism mingled together. Was the “fox” a spiritual entity guiding her, or something else entirely? She was a puzzle with pieces I couldn’t yet fathom, given my limited knowledge of Indian culture and mythology.


I shrugged, surrendering to the unexpected turn of events. Perhaps the “fox” had significance in her culture, an ancestral guiding force, or something. I realized that my understanding of Indian traditions was limited, and my knowledge of her species—she referred to herself as a Nagini—was even scarcer. Wasn’t Nagini a character in a kid’s book? Her true form, an imposing blend of humanoid and serpentine features, six arms, and nearly twelve feet tall, was very different than the one she wore now.


“We’re tired of waiting for you to figure out your personal crises,” the Pillar of Light’s voice resonated through the air, cutting through the uncertainty. The urgency in her words was palpable, demanding immediate attention. Clearly, the Pillar of Light was not one to waste time.


Gloria’s response was tinged with wry amusement as she recognized the distinctiveness of the Pillar’s voice. “That sounds like Sonia, all right,” Gloria remarked, a wry twist playing at the corners of her lips. With a decisive movement, Gloria set off toward the direction Sonia had called from. The choice to follow was made for me, and I followed with quick steps, feeling I had no option but to go along with the unfolding situation.


In the living room, a spectrum of reactions greeted us. The maid’s eyes widened with surprise at the sight of the Nagini. Elly’s demeanor shifted into contemplation, her analytical mind undoubtedly at work. Shayna, on the other hand, regarded the newcomers with a mixture of suspicion and concern. As for Charlotte, her expression reflected a genuine fear of Gloria, which I noted and filed away. The Pillar of Light’s impatience remained a constant presence.


“Good,” Sonia started as we all surrounded her. “Now that we’re all here, we can get started.”


“You still owe me some explanations, Sonia,” Gloria said before the powerful goddess could get going. “Why am I free? What happened to you? Why aren’t you with Shelly? Is Eldon okay? All Gaia told me was to come here, and you’d explain. I barely made it out of her demesne with all the chaos, and to see our world reintegrated into Earth spells doom for us.”


Sonia’s response began with a heavy exhale as if she was preparing to recount a complex narrative. “Let’s tackle those in reverse order. The world is in a precarious state. While we Pillars strive to provide aid and mitigate the damage, the situation is dire, and even our abilities have limitations. I’m not with Shelly because she doesn’t need me anymore. I removed the Outsider in Jessica; they are together, caring for Shelly’s baby. As for what happened to me? Jessica killed the previous Pillar of Light, and I was faced with either watching reality crumble or try to take her place. I’ve assumed this mantle, hoping to be a more proactive force for good. You’re free because—”


Before Sonia could conclude her sentence, an abrupt darkness engulfed the room. It wasn’t a mere power outage but a profound obscurity that seeped into every corner, save for a sphere of light that enveloped only Sonia.


“But not too proactive, toots,” a new voice resonated through the enshrouding darkness. The timbre was rich and authoritative, carrying a weight of power and confidence. The shadows seemed to gather and take shape, forming a nebulous form that floated beside Sonia. The words were casually spoken as though the speaker was unburdened by the gravity of the moment.


My eyes desperately tried to make out any discernible features within the shadowy manifestation, fearful curiosity mingling within me.


“I am aware of the need for balance, Lucifer,” Sonia stated, addressing the shadowy figure directly. My heart plummeted at that name, and I felt a sudden urge to retreat, to distance myself from the unfolding confrontation. The devil was in my house? This couldn’t be good. A quick look around showed me that everyone except Sonia and Gloria was terrified. I wondered with confusion why Gloria seemed unafraid.


Sonia’s demeanor shifted noticeably at Lucifer’s presence. Her clenched jaw and taut posture hinted at an underlying tension that seemed to be a mixture of annoyance and apprehension. It was as though the very air had turned electric with their interaction.


Lucifer’s response was laced with a chuckle, an unsettling sound that seemed to stretch across the boundaries of time and space. It was a laugh that carried layers of meaning, hinting at knowledge beyond my comprehension. I felt uneasy, chills running through me as I sensed the ancient power and knowledge conveyed in that laugh. I mentally kicked myself for getting embroiled in this supernatural standoff way over my head, lamenting my helplessness.


“Oh, Sonia! You wound me. I know why you’re here and wish to lend my aid.” Lucifer replied, the words rolling off his tongue with the practiced charm of a skilled orator. The shadows solidified into a form that resembled a tall, handsome man in his prime. Dressed in a pinstripe suit, with dark, wavy hair cascading over his shoulders, he exuded an air of captivating and disconcerting confidence. There were no telltale signs of horns or a forked tail, leaving me to scrutinize his humanlike form and question whether this was the devil himself.


“Your aid isn’t needed,” Sonia faced him with squared shoulders. “And what’s changed? You’ve never been one to offer your aid freely. What’s your angle?”


“No angle, I assure you,” Lucifer stated, his voice like honey dipped in allure. “I have a vested interest in ensuring that your escapee is captured before he causes any more harm. You weren’t there the last time he was free upon the Earth. I promise you, neither of us wants a repeat of that era.” The gravity of his words lingered in the air.


“I’m aware of his crimes, but with your unpredictable nature, I can’t calculate their chances of success. Without your assistance, I can.” Sonia stood firm in her resolve.


Lucifer’s demeanor shifted, his tone carrying an oily charm that seemed to wrap itself around the words. “Tell me, oh good and righteous Pillar of Light. What did you calculate their success at without my aid?” The question hung in the air, a challenge laced with insinuation. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Sonia’s response. My nerves mounted as I watched their battle of wills, the stakes increasing higher.


When she remained silent, he continued. “I recognize that your electronic brain only recently transitioned from digital to emotional, but this situation necessitates a more nuanced approach than mere data analysis and speculation. Your calculations lack precision due to your perception of me as an enigma. You’re well aware of the prevailing beliefs about me in various religions. Yet, actions speak louder than words, as the adage goes. Have my recent interactions with you not demonstrated honesty and transparency?” The devil locked gazes with Sonia for an elongated moment.


Then, a faint smile graced his lips, accompanied by a tone of velvety charm. “So, dear and righteous Pillar of Light, enlighten me—what were their success estimates for this endeavor in the absence of my assistance?”


Sonia’s eyes narrowed in response, and I finally understood her reluctance to openly challenge him. When she finally responded, her voice was subdued, almost a whisper, but the gravity of her words held the room rapt. “Just slightly above fifty percent.”


“Fifty percent!?” The words escaped my lips involuntarily, my incredulity piercing the air as spiraling dread set in at her revelation. “That’s... No, I won’t accept that. Devil or not, if he’s offering help, I’m ready to take it.”


Sonia’s unwavering gaze turned to me, a demeanor that once held me steadfast but now left my knees weak with its intensity. Contrasting my former boldness with Sonia, I now felt cowed under her powerful gaze, my confidence badly shaken. “And are you prepared to offer your soul in exchange?” she questioned, her voice a low, resonant undertone. I had faced her with resolve before, but this time, the sheer force of her presence had me trembling.


“Which one?” My voice quivered, my finger pointing to Charlotte’s insubstantial figure nestled between my two wives on the couch. “Apparently, I have two.”


Charlotte emitted an indignant screech that I chose to overlook.


Lucifer’s chuckle was deep and resonant, his amusement threading through the room. “Fear not, lad. While you may be a Knight and Charlotte an alluring succubus, neither of your souls interests me. In fact, of the souls gathered here, there’s only one that captures my curiosity, but that’s not relevant at the moment.”


“Not relevant?” Shayna’s retort was sharp, her hands clenched in her lap. Her gaze darted from the non-human entities to the Prince of Darkness, her unease palpable in the charged atmosphere. “Shouldn’t we know who the evil person among us is?”


Lucifer’s lips curled into a predatory smirk, his eyes gleaming with an insatiable hunger as they settled on my short wife. “No. It’s not important because that’s not why I’m here. You can figure that out on your own time. Besides, The new Pillar of Light looks like she’ll blow a capacitor if we don’t move this along.”


Indeed, the woman was now pulsating with a rapid, almost erratic glow, an energy that seemed to be spiraling out of control. I looked on with concern, worried that Sonia may lose control at any moment.


“Remain if you must, but I won’t permit you to sow discord within this group,” Sonia asserted, her tone unwavering. “This group was carefully chosen to apprehend and return the First Paladonic Knight before he causes too much havoc in the modern world.”


Glancing around the confines of my cramped living room, I contemplated the gravity of her words, wondering with disbelief why we’d be the ones chosen for this monumental quest out of everyone.


And then, the most basic question struck me, and I couldn’t resist voicing it. “Aren’t you both gods or some such? Why do you require our assistance? If this threat’s so formidable, why don’t you address it yourselves?”


Lucifer’s laughter resonated richly, a boisterous sound that filled the room as his gaze playfully flickered toward Sonia. “Ah, mortals! Always eager for us to shoulder their burdens. But request a favor in return, and they balk.” I bristled at his amused dismissal, affronted by the implication that mortals like us were useless.


On the opposite spectrum, Sonia reacted with a wince, an involuntary expression that gave away her unease. I studied her reaction closely, surprised to see discomfort from her. “Because, as the Pillar of Darkness takes great delight in emphasizing, we must uphold equilibrium. My predecessor held the role of jailor, but her demise shattered that confinement. I managed to reclaim a few before he intervened and ended my efforts.”


“Balance is important!” Lucifer’s laughter persisted, his mirth undeterred by the reproachful glare Sonia directed his way.


“I hate to admit it, but he’s right,” Sonia resumed the conversation, addressing the core issue. “Balancing the scales is paramount. My predecessor maintained order by doing nothing, but her death disrupted that harmony. Our direct intervention in mortal affairs can upset this delicate balance. Maintaining this equilibrium fortifies our realm against the chaos lurking outside our universe. Although I wield considerable might, I must exercise prudence in its application, lest I inadvertently unravel our universe.”


With great power comes great responsibility... I thought, remembering the ancient trope.


Shayna’s voice brimmed with skepticism as she interjected, “So, you need us mere mortals to do your bidding?”


“Think of it differently,” Gloria chimed in unexpectedly, her words measured and contemplative. “We’ll enjoy the backing of two formidable forces, and let’s not underestimate our capabilities. While I remain in the dark about your individual abilities, I am acquainted with the prowess of the nagini’s race and the drow’s stealth, though I’m honestly surprised to see one! I trust Sonia’s mind and won’t challenge her judgment if she believes your contributions will be valuable. However, that still leaves my presence unexplained. I won’t entertain any notion of seduction; my heart belongs solely to Eldon. Moreover, you already possess another succubus, even if she appears to be a ghost.”


I felt heartened by Gloria’s faith in our team’s capabilities. However, I wondered if my skills would be sufficient for the unnamed quest ahead.


“You were once a god yourself, Gloria,” Sonia’s statement reverberated, weaving intrigue through her words as she pointed to the table with my pendant resting on it. A collective ripple of surprise swept through the room. Shock pulsed through me as I struggled to process this new revelation about Gloria’s past.


Gloria looked at the pendant, and her visage paled as if confronting a ghost.


“No... No, it can’t be,” Gloria’s voice quivered as she stepped back from the table, her movement resembling someone evading a venomous serpent.


I studied her reaction closely, needing to understand my pendant’s apparent significance to her. Curiosity piqued, I approached the table, my fingers curling around the pendant’s chain. “What am I missing?” I inquired, casting alternating glances between the enigmatic artifact and the disconcerted woman before me. “Do you know something about this?”


Gloria’s expression morphed from terrified to horrified recognition, as though I’d just slapped her and told her I liked eating little kittens for breakfast while planning to set off a dirty bomb in an orphanage. I recoiled from her distressed reaction, deeply unsettled by having seemingly offended her so profoundly.


“I... I can’t...” Her words quivered on a raspy breath. “H-He can’t be...”


Sonia’s voice held a rare mixture of compassion and understanding, which added an unexpected layer to her usually composed demeanor. I noted her uncharacteristic compassion with surprise, glimpsing a more sensitive side to the typically stoic goddess.


“Gloria, you’re here because of your unique connection to him. I know—”


“You know nothing!” Gloria’s voice erupted in a tempestuous crescendo, a tangible shockwave rippling from her in a display of power that sent me staggering back. Even the two imposing Pillars of Light and Dark faltered under the force. Items around the room were hurled from their places, but my foremost concern was for Gloria herself. A meltdown of this magnitude from someone who had once been a god could be catastrophic. I feared her loss of control, leading to potentially devastating consequences.


My pendant, usually a quiet accessory, seemed to respond to her presence in a way that heightened my apprehension. Does it want to go to her?


“Whatever transpired in your past, it’s behind you now,” Elly’s voice rose, laced with a soothing quality, as she stood to face Gloria. I admired Elly’s bravery in trying to calm the volatile goddess, though I doubted it would succeed. “Please, let’s discuss this before things take a more dangerous turn.”


Gloria’s head snapped towards Elly, the luminescence of her eyes casting an eerie glow. “Don’t presume—”


Her words were abruptly interrupted by a swift blow as a mocha brown fist struck the back of her neck. The blow should have incapacitated or at least stunned her, but instead, it stoked the furnace of her wrath. She redirected her ire towards Princess Ashani, whose robust form nonetheless retreated in the face of Gloria’s intensified fury. I felt dismayed that Ashani’s blow had only further enraged Gloria instead of pacifying her.


“You don’t comprehend his capacity for hatred,” Gloria’s voice quivered; a precipice of panic underscored her words. “He’d sooner set the world ablaze than spare a non-human life. And he detests me with an intensity surpassing all others.”


As I cast a sidelong glance at the pendant swaying from my chain, I couldn’t help but feel a morbid fascination hearing about the escapee’s immense capacity for loathing non-humans. The pendant’s mysterious history felt somewhat illuminated by Gloria’s impassioned words, yet still largely cryptic.




The word boomed from Lucifer’s throat, and everything quieted. The glow suffusing Gloria’s blue eyes snuffed out like a candle as she staggered and righted herself. No sound moved through the room, not even that of someone breathing. However, as Lucifer took two measured steps to the distraught woman, his footsteps thumped on the carpeted floor.


“I’m all for a good temper tantrum and have thrown a few myself.” Lucifer’s voice still held its silky smooth texture, but now there was a hint of iron underneath. “However, now is not the time. If I didn’t believe in the Pillar of Light’s plan with you, I’d happily let you all die and create my own. However, I agree that you six people and an extra soul have the best chance at capturing the man who created the Paladonic Knight’s order. Is he dangerous? Absolutely. Will some of you die? Probably. However, the Knight’s Son prophecy is your best hope at stopping him and saving this world.”


I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Lucifer glanced at me and chuckled. Then he looked at Gloria, who was held upright by the princess, and grimaced. With a wave of his hand, a pressure seemed to lift, and the background sounds that you never notice until they’re gone returned.


“Never expected a pep talk from the devil,” I heard Shayna mutter. “He could learn a few things from Coach Abernathy, though, on how not to kill our spirit.” Coach Abernathy was the cheerleading coach.


“What’s this about a prophecy about a sun at night?” I asked as I tucked my pendant into my pocket. I didn’t want Gloria to catch a glimpse of it and freak out again. “This isn’t something about a solar eclipse, is it? That story’s already been done.”


“The Knight’s Son prophecy is about the son of a Paladonic Knight,” Sonia corrected me. “I believe it refers to you, Bobby.”


“Me?” I couldn’t help but question. “Most of the Paladonic Knights are sons of other Knights. What makes me stand out?”


“I’m so glad you asked,” Lucifer smiled, and I felt my blood run cold. The feeling only worsened as he recited the prophecy with his silken voice, each word dripping with an enigmatic weight.

From ancient times, a legend stirs,

The First of Knights, now fallen low,

His sacred vows to ash and burrs,

A god of vengeance, wrath to sow.

Against him stands the Knight's Son bold,

A soul thrice-risen, destiny-bound,

To face the one from tales of old,

Whose rage now shakes the very ground.

First Knight, once pure, now tainted dark,

His righteousness a twisted thing,

Seeks to unmake the Pillars' mark,

And chaos to creation bring.

The Knight's Son, born of hope and strife,

Must walk the line 'tween light and shade,

To save or end the First Knight's life,

And stem the tide of ruin made.

Through trials fierce and battles grim,

The Son must forge a path anew,

His strength tested, his future dim,

Yet to his sacred purpose true.

When hope seems lost, the thrice-born soul

Shall shine with power long foretold,

To make the broken cosmos whole,

Or let the fires of chaos hold.

In final clash of new and old,

The Knight's Son faces his cruel test,

Will order reign or darkness bold?

The fate of all hangs on this quest.

The room was once again engulfed in silence, although it lacked the magical aura this time. We exchanged glances, but it was Elly who ultimately shattered the quiet.


“What does any of that mean?” my taller wife inquired, her head shaking in bewilderment. “It was like terrible poetry that barely makes sense. How could any of this relate to Bobby or the rest of us? And wouldn’t that dark god be you, Lucifer?”


The Pillar of Light and the Pillar of Darkness shared a knowing look, but it was Gloria who stepped forward to clarify. “Because, for those who possess a… specific power, those words paint vivid images in our minds.”


“Yes, and while I may be considered a dark god by most religions,” Satan chimed in, “I assure you this other man is true evil.”


The maid, who had remained silent throughout the entire ordeal, raised her hand hesitantly.


“You don’t need permission to speak,” I reassured her. “Please, share whatever you have to say.”


The maid swallowed audibly as all eyes turned to her. “I saw something.”


“You?” Gloria’s voice held a mixture of surprise and awe. Her question wasn’t dismissive but instead filled with astonishment. “When I mentioned a specific power, I referred to something only the oldest beings possess. What did you see?”


“Forgive me!” the maid whispered, her anxiety palpable as she dropped her head in shame. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone.”


Gloria glared at me as if blaming me for the maid’s anxiety. However, I shifted my focus to the ebony-skinned woman.


“No need to apologize; you haven’t offended anyone,” I assured her soothingly. “Speaking up and sharing your thoughts won’t lead to punishment here. I know your previous master was cruel, but I’m not like him.” I added the last sentence for Gloria’s benefit.


The maid nodded, lifting her chin with newfound determination. “I saw lands breaking apart and crashing into the ocean, causing a massive tsunami. I witnessed the president in tears, gazing at the devastation wrought by those waves. A blind man was concealed in the shadows, and I saw my master conversing with him. After that, it became confusing, like I was observing two things simultaneously. One depicted a world in turmoil, while the other showed a void. But that was all.”


“Confirmation that the prophecy speaks of you,” Sonia confirmed. “The dark elf identified you during the decision stanza.”


“Well, isn’t that just fucking splendid,” I muttered, the weight of the world seeming to settle squarely on my shoulders. “No pressure whatsoever.”


“Ardin…” Gloria whispered under her breath, her voice trembling. “Could it truly be you? I had thought... I’d dared to hope, but you cursed me. I’m so deeply sorry.” With that, she turned into Princess Ashani’s comforting embrace, her shoulders quivering with silent sobs.


Shayna rose from her seat, demanding everyone’s attention. “Well,” she began, her tone laced with impatience, “this has been quite the spectacle, but I’ve had enough of this prophecy nonsense. Frankly, I’ve been remarkably tolerant of all this supernatural chaos happening in my own home tonight. You don’t have to leave for home, but you can’t stay here.”


Her abruptness surprised me only mildly, but I couldn’t deny my own desire to have our guests depart. Reflecting on it, I was astonished that Shayna had endured the presence of these supernatural beings for as long as she had.


Sonia, despite her evident displeasure, shook her head resolutely. “We’re not finished here. There’s more that must be discussed. I’ve gathered you all together and set events into motion for your future. Still, there are critical matters you must understand before proceeding.”


“Excuse me,” Ashani interjected, her Indian accent becoming more pronounced. “But you didn’t bring me here. A fox did. I came seeking refuge for the night.”


Shayna shot me a disapproving glare, likely suspecting I had some hand in the supernatural woman’s presence, although I hadn’t.


Sonia responded calmly, “And who do you think instructed that fox to bring you here?”


This revelation seemed to unsettle the nagini, prompting her to shift into her imposing snake form, her head nearly grazing the ceiling. Her six arms folded across her chest as she cast a glare of righteous anger down at the Pillar of Light. “Were you responsible for my clan’s disownment of me? They accuse me of dishonor and impurity. Or perhaps it was you who aided the gnolls in my abduction? Was that your doing, also?”


Lucifer cleared his throat and adjusted his suit collar. “Ahem, that would be my doing, or to be precise, the work of my agents. But, as a balance must be maintained,” he continued, with an awkward chuckle, “should you choose to join this fine fellowship to destroy the rin…uh, wrong story there.” He chuckled again, feigning embarrassment, though I remained unconvinced. This man was far too astute to make a slip-up of that nature. “Anyway, should you decide to assist them, I assure you her side will be indebted to you.”


Those words sent a shiver down my spine, though it was clear they had a far more profound impact on the nagini. Her pupils constricted to minuscule slits, her eyes widening with fury. Her cheeks flushed crimson as she focused intensely on the enigmatic man. Having witnessed her formidable combat skills, I briefly worried for the safety of the Pillar of Darkness as Ashani moved with lightning-like agility toward the man.


It’s nearly impossible for me to articulate the ensuing scene. In the blink of an eye, Ashani lunged at the nonchalant devil, her movements so swift they seemed a mere haze. There was no echoing thud as she met him, nor a vibration in the floor beneath. Time seemed to halt. Ashani hovered mid-air, her upper arms raised, ready to crush his head, her middle ones set to choke the life out of him, and her lower hands brandished daggers, primed to gut him. Every move she made was so precise, leaving no room for him to dodge or parry—if only she weren’t suspended in time.


“Well,” Lucifer’s laughter broke the silence. He stepped back with a smirk, “Her race’s might is truly awe-inspiring.” Swiveling towards me, his sly grin deepened. “Taming her will be a challenge, but having been intimate with her kind, I promise you, it’s an experience to savor.”


“Taming her isn’t on my agenda,” I replied, eyes wide. My quick survey revealed half the room unfrozen: the two pillars, Charlotte, and me. Gloria, the maid, Ashani, and my other wives were as statuesque as sculptures. Judging by the shock on Gloria and the maid’s faces, the sudden onslaught had barely registered with them. The humans appeared oblivious. “Trust me, my plate’s full of women already.”


Lucifer raised an eyebrow before a playful grin spread across his face. “Uh-huh… Of course it is…” With a casual toss of something to Sonia, he added, “Time for me to exit. Look this over before you give it to the kid, and add it to your calculations. After this, if he ever contemplates seeking my help, I’d advise against it.”


He paused to lasciviously drink in Ashani’s appearance once more, a hungry glint in his eyes. Taking a few steps towards the exit, he halted and pivoted to the Pillar of Light. “By the way, your invitation to our Friday night orgy is still open. Lysa and Eris are quite eager for your company.”


Sonia didn’t acknowledge him but examined whatever he’d tossed to her. As Lucifer faded with a chuckling whisper of, “One day,” she sighed.


“This has become a complete mess,” Sonia muttered, massaging her temples. Her eyes, heavy with fatigue, met mine. “There’s limited time and essential matters to address.”


“We’re all ears,” Charlotte interjected, her voice unfamiliar in the open air instead of in my head. “But shouldn’t everyone else hear this?”


“No,” Sonia’s voice was resolute. “Too many disturbances already. Pay attention. I won’t say this twice. Ardin, once a mere mortal, tragically fell for the forbidden. His sorrowful journey saw him transform into a deity, driven by vengeance instead of seeking forgiveness and understanding.”


“You expect us to challenge a god?” Charlotte’s voice rang out with disbelief. “Have you lost your mind?”


“This isn’t a video game where I hit a button and magically level up,” I retorted, finding it preposterous that the Pillar of Light would even suggest such a task. My eyes inadvertently darted to my untouched computer. In a digital realm, I could easily evolve, harness newfound abilities, and perhaps stand toe-to-toe with a deity. But in reality? Even as a homunculus—a unique fusion of unfamiliar DNA and the meddling of Paladonic Knights—I was no match for a god.


Sonia followed my gaze but remained silent. It was Charlotte who broke the silence; her voice edged with curiosity. “What domain does this god preside over?”


“He reigns over knowledge and immortality,” Sonia replied, her gaze unyielding.


“That’s all?” A hint of hope crept into my voice. “Just trap him somewhere deep—like under a mountain. Even an immortal pinned down can’t wreak havoc.”


The response I received from that comment made me feel like I’d just uttered the most foolish thing ever.


“If it were so simple, prophecies wouldn’t whisper of his defeat at your hands or the other way around,” Sonia replied coolly. “Though your earlier remark has sparked an idea.” With those cryptic words, she approached Charlotte, lightly pressing two fingers against her forehead.


Charlotte’s eyes widened in shock, her eyelids rapidly blinking. But before I could understand what was transpiring, the lights wavered, casting shadows that whispered of looming danger.


“Sonia!” Lucifer’s voice resonated with a warning that echoed in the room.


“Seems it’s time for my exit,” Sonia smirked, amusement touching her lips. “Everything else you need, Charlotte holds the answers. Use this with your new car. I’ve removed some of the features he tried to install.”


Before I could register her words, the Pillar of Light tossed something to me and evaporated, leaving a radiant afterimage, and the world resumed its rhythm. I tucked the item in my pocket without looking as I processed reality starting back up.


“Bastard!” Ashani’s frustrated cry broke the silence as her blows met nothing but open air.


Her golden eyes glistened, hinting at tears. Part of me yearned to comfort her, but I was compelled to seek out Charlotte to fill in the blanks.


“What just transpired?” Shayna’s voice echoed my confusion. “Where did they go?”


“They’re gone,” Gloria murmured. “Fucking Pillars!”


How she discerned their departure so quickly was a mystery, though their conspicuous absence was quite telling.


I sought out Charlotte, only to discover she had slipped away.


I’ll brief you tonight, and together, we’ll navigate this maze, her voice resonated in my mind. At that moment, I realized we‘d merged back into a singular consciousness.


“So, what’s our next move?” Elly’s pragmatic voice cut through the tension.


I pondered our next step by surveying the room, feeling the weight of expectant eyes upon me—except for the maid who was soothing the distraught Ashani. I looked to Gloria, hoping she might have some idea, knowing she had a history with this Ardin guy. The look on her face was still pained, but she didn’t appear to be close to her earlier outburst.


“I once knew him,” the svelte blonde began, her voice a wistful murmur. “Back then, I was someone else, and he, too, bore a different heart. He was fervent, tender, and profoundly devout. But the day he learned of my non-human essence, things changed irrevocably. The man I cherished became a stranger. After enduring centuries of captivity, it’s hard to fathom what he’s transformed into.”


Shayna’s voice trembled, barely concealing her rising panic as she faced me, “You can’t be considering confronting this guy. We almost lost you on a mere reconnaissance task. How can you think of challenging an entity even she couldn’t subdue?”


“It seems Ardin has ascended to godhood,” Gloria remarked, not helping calm my wife in the least. Her certainty left me curious about her source of knowledge. Could she read minds? “However, we aren’t without deities in our corner. And then there’s the prophecy.”


The weight of their collective gazes settled upon me once more. Their silent pleas echoed loudly, but my voice remained trapped by indecision, rendering the disappointment in their eyes at my silence all the more poignant.


Breaking the tension, Elly interjected, “This night has been a lot. Rest will do us good. Tomorrow, with clearer minds, we’ll figure something out.”


Though the idea of leaving matters unresolved gnawed at me, Elly’s wisdom was hard to contest. But there still remained issues demanding immediate resolution.


Shayna’s voice, tinged with a biting edge, redirected everyone’s focus, “It’s impractical for everyone to sleep here. We’re already crammed, and I doubt we can accommodate…”


Gloria finished Shayna’s sentence with a wry tone, “Monsters?” Noting the blush staining Shayna’s face, Gloria continued, her tone gentle yet unwavering, “We’re strangers to you, and your upbringing has shaded your perceptions. I’d feel equally out of place under a Paladonic Knight’s roof. While I can fend for myself, the nagini—”


“She can stay with me tonight, Mistress,” the maid interjected, her sudden boldness taking us aback. This assertive gesture was unprecedented, given her usual demeanor. “That is… If Master will allow it?” She turned to look at me, and I nodded. I then looked to Shayna, sure I was about to get an earful.


Shayna’s face reflected her internal debate, but her stance softened after locking eyes with Elly. “It seems I still have adjustments to make,” she whispered before acknowledging the maid’s offer, “Very well.”


“Actually,” I said, getting an idea and facing the maid, “I’m still waiting to know what name you want to have.”


Shayna groaned, “Is this really the moment for such things?”


“Mary, Master. If it would please you, l want to be called Mary.” Her voice was soft, but I heard it clearly with my superior senses.


“Mary it is,” I declared, beaming a reassuring smile in her direction.


“Are we going to address the fact that there’s another living elf?” Gloria spoke up with her hands on her hips. The sudden change of topic threw me off. “I personally know the last remaining elf… or what we thought was the last, but here’s another one. Even if she’s a dark elf, this is a big deal!”


“Mary?” I said to the newly named maid. “I’ll let you handle that. I’m going to bed.” Without waiting for an answer, I moved to the master bedroom. I heard Mary start explaining her circumstances and how I’d taken over her slavery spell but turned my mind inward, hoping I wouldn’t regret that decision.


Do you know what that thing Sonia gave us is? I asked Charlotte with my mind.


It’s for your car, came the succubuss’ reply, though I’d already known that. Trust me, you’re going to like it.


I got the impression she wasn’t going to say more, and if I’m being honest, I was too mentally fatigued to press her on it.


Walking into the master bedroom, I was happy to note my wives had followed.


“So…” Shayna started as she walked over to her dresser. “That all happened. I know I promised to keep a more open mind—and I will!—but you have to admit that was a lot to take in.”


Elly walked over to our short wife and embraced her from behind. I felt compelled to do the same and walked over to pull them both into my arms, with Shayna sandwiched between us.


“You’re amazing,” Elly told her. “I know this is difficult for you, but you’re doing great.”


“I appreciate you also,” I added my encouragement. I thought back to how much I’d changed over the last few weeks and hugged them tighter. Before dying, I’d called all magical creatures freaks and thought I hated them all. It took Charlotte some time for me to warm up to her, and I still wasn’t entirely sure I could trust the succubus, but I didn’t hate her. And who could hate Mary, the maid? Sure, she’d premeditated and killed Willmont, but from the treatment she’d received at his hands and the fact that he’d caused my death once and tried a second time, I held no sympathy for the man. As long as I treated Mary properly, I had nothing to worry about. However, I was still very uncomfortable with the slave spell.


“You’re just saying that because we were interrupted earlier and are still horny,” Shayna teased me. Her arms slipping around me took any sting from the barb.


I chuckled, having completely forgotten we hadn’t finished our playfulness in her truck. “Smart, too!” I joked back but continued before she could respond. “Honestly, after hearing everything Sonia said and knowing that I don’t have a lot of choice, I can’t say I’m much in the mood for fooling around.”


Spoilsport! Charlotte chided me, her disappointment coming through with a palpable sense of her emotions.


All things considered, I figured my wives would be in the same mood as me. I wasn’t expecting their response.


“Well, I still am,” Shayna huffed and looked up at me. “Right now, my emotions are in a jumble. I know it might not be the healthiest response, but I want you to make me forget about everything that just happened in there. At least, for a little bit.”


I was torn. On the one hand, I agreed that it might not be the healthiest reaction to what was ahead of us, but on the other… Well, let’s face it. I’m a guy, and my wives are incredibly sexy. If Shayna’s words had a slight effect on waking up my previously doused libido. Elly’s following words lit a torch under it.


“At the very least, you can just lay there and let her do her thing while I watch.” The words were simple, but the seductively teasing way in which she delivered them had me dismissing any ideas of being passive.


“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” I gave my taller wife a wry grin. She must have misunderstood my intent, as I noted her demeanor drop. Instead of directly correcting her, I squatted down, hooked my arm behind Shayna’s knees, then pulled on her torso to fall over my shoulder as I stood back up. She gave a satisfying squeek as I marched over to the bed. She yelped as I literally threw her onto the mattress, her weight barely anything to me. “Never let it be said that I wasn’t willing to go the extra mile to keep my incredible wives happy.”


I heard Elly chuckle behind me as I grinned down at my shorter wife. In one smooth motion, I removed my shirt as Shayna hiked up her skirt to reveal she hadn’t put her panties back on after our aborted tryst in her truck. She reached between her spread legs and used two fingers to separate her lips, revealing her moist pink center.


I admired the delectable meal being presented before me as another set of hands slipped around me to undo my pants. I gripped Elly’s wrists and pulled them away, much to her disappointment.


“Uh-uh,” I said with a wicked grin to my taller wife. “This is punishment for you interrupting us earlier. You can sit over there and watch, but don’t get to touch me tonight.”


I watched as the wheels turned in Elly’s brilliant mind as she understood the game I was playing. We all knew it wasn’t her fault the uninvited guests showed up and ruined Shayna’s and my fun. But we also know that Elly delighted in being a voyeur and exhibitionist. I could almost feel the lust pouring off her as her eyes raked across my bare chest before she nodded and sat in a recliner facing the bed.


Turning back to Shayna with my hands on my hips, I said, “If you want this, you’ll need to come and get it.”


Shayna bit her lower lip as she regarded me for a moment. “No more professor and student, huh?” I shook my head and waited patiently. After a long few seconds passed, she shrugged and added, “Fuck it. I’m too horny to care.”


Despite her words, she languidly rolled over onto her hands and knees, shook her bare, tight ass at me before seductively crawling to the foot of the bed where I stood. Resting her weight on her elbows, she began undoing my pants before dropping them to my ankles. My underwear joined them a moment later, and my stiff rod stood tall and proud.


“Mmm, what do I have here?” Shayna asked, gliding her fingertips up and down my length. Before I could answer, she traced her tongue from my scrotum to the tip, eliciting a delighted grunt from me. “Oh, damn. I can still taste myself from earlier.” With a carnivorous growl, she lunged forward and took me to the back of her throat. I felt her try to push further, but either I was too thick, or her petite throat was too small.


Reaching down, I slipped my fingers into her hair, got a firm grip, then pushed a little more. I heard a slight gag and let up the pressure, but instead of pulling back, she doubled down and pushed even harder.


“Remember our training,” Elly said, causing me to look towards her. She was nude from the waist down as she lazily toyed with her pussy. “Relax your throat. I know he’s big, but you can do it.”


Hearing one wife encourage the other like that was both endearing and extremely hot. I felt Shayna nod at the advice and returned my attention to her. My hands went once more into her hair as I felt myself slowly sink further into her mouth. I let my hands and moans offer gentle encouragement as she had to pull off every few seconds to breathe but always returned to her goal with gusto.


“Good girl,” I said through a low moan as she finally reached her goal and her lips surrounded my base. My tip and a couple inches were compressed within her throat as her tongue bathed around what it could reach of my shaft.


She pulled back and looked up at me with shimmering puppy-dog eyes and drool dripping down her chin onto her shirt. I know she’d argue with me on this point, but I thought she looked absolutely stunning in that moment! With my hands still gripped in her hair, I pulled her up and kissed her hard. I didn’t care about the mess smearing across my face as we made out passionately but viewed it as a mark of her love and devotion for me.


Her hands reached between us and stroked my slick length, but I’d gotten enough pleasure from her for the moment. It was time to return the favor.


With strength, agility, and a move that’s hard to describe, I managed to pick her up, flip her upside down, and twist our bodies around as I fell back. She landed with a giggle on top of me, swiftly becoming a moan as I licked up her sopping slit. I pulled her hips down with my hands, mashing her muff against my hungry lips. I couldn’t breathe but was determined to give her as much pleasure as possible before breaking away from my dripping prize.


I’ve got you, Charlotte informed me a moment later. The sides of my neck itched briefly before I felt something open up, and I could suck in a lungful of air. It didn’t take a genius to realize she’d given me gills. I knew she could adjust my body—as she’d done it to change into her human form once before—but I had no idea she had this level of control. You can thank me later. Right now, you’re neglecting that sweet, tasty cunt.


Knowing that my inner succubus was right, I returned my attention to Shayna’s slippery folds, drinking down her juices as the sweet song of her moans filled the bedroom. I took my time licking, sucking, nibbling, and working her petals before moving on to that magic nub, all the while trying to ignore how weird it felt to breathe through gills.


It didn’t take long after titillating her clit before Shayna’s powerful thighs locked up, and I felt her fingernails digging into my abs as my mouth was flooded with her delectable nectar. She tried to lift away from my devouring lips, but I kept a firm hold of her. I ignored her clit, but worked to tongue her hole, but even that seemed to be too much for her as she continued to shift away from my probing. Finally, I loosened my grip enough for her to sit more upright.


I hesitated momentarily before mentally shrugging and attacking my new target. I’d never eaten ass before, but I figured after everything else, I might as well try. Poking my tongue out, I ran it around her pucker and felt her tense up anew. I didn’t stop, though, and continued exploring, grateful she didn’t taste offputting. It was different, but not bad.


“What are you… oh!” Shayna mewled as her hands tightened and shifted along my chest and stomach. “You don’t have to, ungh, do… that.. fuUuck!” Despite her words, the way she swiveled her hips told me she was enjoying my ministrations.


“Is he doing what I think he’s doing?” Elly asked, a hitch in her voice. I’d entirely forgotten she was there. Hopefully, she’s enjoying the show.


“He is…” Shayna said with a soft sigh that somehow sounded extremely erotic. “And he’s… he’s actually good at it.”


Hearing her rating of my first attempt at this, I decided to double down and pulled her down tighter to my face. It was a good thing I currently had gills as my mouth and nose were smothered with her slender ass.


“Ungh!” Shayna gasped suddenly and fought to pull away. I let her go free this time, and she spun around with lightning speed. Her hips settled atop mine, mashing my hard rod between us as her hands gripped my face, and she kissed me with unrestrained hunger. Her pussy drooled onto my cock, ready to be stuffed. With a slight shift of my hips, I felt my tip line up, but before I could press in, she shifted away and sat up.


“I know I’m going to regret this,” she said while pressing a finger to my lips to forestall any arguing, “but I’m going to try taking you in my ass. I’ve wanted to for a while now, but you’re so big… Elly, be a dear and grab the lube from the dresser?”


I turned to look in time to see Elly jump up from her chair and run to the dresser, her now bare, ample bust bouncing with her alacrity. She grabbed out a bottle and presented it to my other wife, who shook her head.


“You’ve been so good to just sit and watch; why don’t you go ahead and prepare us?” Shayna offered. “But you can’t touch yourself until you’re back in your chair, understood?”


“Yes, love,” Elly nodded with a twinkle in her eyes. She then leaned in to kiss Shayna. I’d seen some of this dom/sub relationship the night before in my dream world. I can’t deny that seeing how well my ebony and ivory wives played together was a massive turn-on.


“Now, get to work!” Shayna said as she broke off their kiss.


I thought Elly would immediately squeeze some of the lube onto me, but instead, she dove down and swallowed my member in one go between her lips.


A loud smack resounded in the room as Elly tried to yelp around the sausage stuffing her throat. Shayna’d just spanked our taller wife.


“Naughty, naughty!” Shayna chided, then shifted gears as she twisted and shoved Elly’s head down harder. I couldn’t help but moan at how great and tight her throat felt around my cock, which Shayna didn’t miss. “Showing me up with how well you can deep-throat our husband… Do you hear the way he’s moaning? Your little slut mouth better not make him cum before he splits my ass in two.” She then gripped Elly’s light brown hair and yanked her head up and away. Elly let out a whining mewl, but stared defiantly back into Shayna’s blue eyes for a few seconds before nodding.


Shayna released her, but Elly didn’t return to sucking me. Instead, she applied a liberal dollop of lube to my shaft and buried her face in Shayna’s slender ass.


“Mmm, that’s right. Lick my tiny little asshole. Get me ready to take his big fat cock back there.” Shayna said all that with closed eyes before gasping and looking down at me. “Of shit! She’s actually tonguing my pucker. I’m sorry, dear, but she’s much better at this than you.”


Somehow, I managed not to laugh at her calling her sphincter her pucker. I don’t know why, but I thought it was funny, considering everything else. Her comment about Elly being better at eating ass than me didn’t bother me at all. For my first attempt, I think I made a decent effort. But I would be asking for pointers from my resident succubus later.


Instead of responding verbally to Shayna, I pulled her down and shoved my tongue between her teeth. She kissed me back with abandon for all of three seconds before gasping once again and throwing her head back. “Oh, fuck. Now she’s fingering me back there. She’s only got two fingers in, though. Come on, Elly. I need you to stretch me, or I’ll never be able to take him.” She flinched a second later and gritted her teeth but did it while nodding. “Ungh, yes. That’s it. Stretch me out. Shit, it feels like you’ve got your whole fist in there.”


“It’s just four fingers, love,” Elly replied with a playful lilt to her voice. “You’re not chickening out, are you?”


“Fuck no!” Shayna declared, then shuddered. “But if you keep that up, I’m going to cum. Hurry up. I want to cum on his cock!”


“Can’t have that,” I heard Elly whisper under her breath. I’m pretty sure it was too quiet for Shayna to hear as she bit her bottom lip and clenched her eyes shut. I couldn’t tell if she was actually in pain or fighting not to orgasm.


The point was moot, either way, as I felt Elly grab my shaft and aim me before Shayna slid smoothly back. I felt a bit of pressure as my tip pressed against her anus, then Shayna grunted, and I was in. The tight ring of her sphincter hovered just below the tip as Shayna shook atop me. She squeezed me so tight it almost hurt, but at the same time, it felt incredible. I hadn’t had a lot of anal sex in real life and didn’t count what happened within our dreams, but I knew I needed to give her a moment to adjust before I started to move.


She’s not adjusting, you idiot, Charlotte was so kind as to inform me. She’s cumming after only getting the tip in. Amateur!


I still felt like that was a good enough reason to hold still instead of driving into her like I desperately wanted to do.


Shayna let me know when she was ready as she slowly started to push herself back. She’d move an inch, pause, slide up a tiny bit, then move further down my shaft. It was exquisite torture, but I enjoyed every moment. I focused on my hands, gently massaging her thighs to keep from busting early or losing control and thrusting my hips up hard.


Once her glutes were fully seated on my thighs, I pressed her legs down further and waited for her eyes to open and look at me. We passed unspoken thoughts of love and affirmation to one another for long seconds through our gazes.


“Damn, that looks so good,” Elly coo’d, and I realized she was still planted between my legs.


Shayna sat fully upright and started swiveling her hips as she turned and looked at our wife. “Go back to your seat, slut. It’s my turn to fully enjoy our husband. Be happy I’m letting you watch.”


If I didn’t know their personalities better, I would have thought Shayna was being cruel. However, the lusty grin Elly gave us as she complied told me she was enjoying the show. She moved with speed that fell just short of a run back to the recliner and didn’t hesitate before shoving the middle two fingers of her right hand into her slippery pussy while rubbing her clit with her left.


“Now,” Shayna said, turning her attention back to me, “can you last long enough to get me off again?”


Once more, I chose to let my actions speak rather than words. Gripping Shayna’s left hip with my right hand, I encouraged her to pick up her pace. Meanwhile, my left hand moved to her modest breast, thumb teasing her nipple. My wife seemed to enjoy the attention as her hips picked up their motion, and I felt her shift them to grind her dripping pussy against my pelvis.


I felt that familiar churning telling me I wouldn’t last much longer. Still, with Shayna just having orgasmed, I suspected she would be a bit before she came, and I couldn’t have that.


A little help? I swallowed my pride and asked Charlotte.


Amateur! Charlotte laughed in my head before letting out a dramatic sigh. Oh, the sacrifices I make for love. You’d better appreciate everything I do for you.


I chose not to look too deeply into her words but noted that the sensation didn’t lessen. My body was heading hard and fast towards a climax. I tried to send a second plea to Charlotte, but my mind was already dulled with bliss.


And the succubus chuckled.


I wasn’t about to give up, though and rallied my willpower into staving off the inevitable. Shayna continued to grind and swivel her hips, my cock held in a warm vice within her back door, but I refused to give in as I closed my eyes and concentrated. I was determined to give Shayna one more ‘O’ before I blew.


“Look at him,” Elly said in a breathy voice. “I don’t think he’s going to last. It seems your ass is too much for him.”


“It’s okay,” I heard Shayna say with a loving whisper. “We still have all night.”


I shook my head but kept my eyes closed and didn’t speak. Instead, I gripped her hips and started her moving again, letting out a low moan at how incredible she felt.


It was a mistake. Shayna let out a slow, “Oooh, fuuuuck…” and I crossed the line of no return.


My core tightened as I prepared to fill my petit wife, and ecstasy suffused my limbs. My toes curled, and I knew I would blow at any moment.


That moment didn’t come.


You’re welcome, Charlotte’s voice echoed through my thoughts, but I barely heard her, too consumed with carnal euphoria. Though your willpower is strong, I’ll hold back the final moments. Make sure to thank me later.


That moment stretched out into infinity as the pleasure of an orgasm seemed to flow through me, yet never quite crest. Instead, it built and rose, and I knew it would be overwhelming once it did.


“Just hold on a moment longer,” Shayna suddenly said as she rode me. “This is going to be a big—”


Cute little choking sounds cut her off, and some part of my mind became aware of her fingernails digging furrows into my chest as her sphincter attempted to pinch my cock off. She gasped and thrashed, losing all control of her body as she finally came with my rod buried deep in her anal cavity.


Whatever damn Charlotte had placed between me and my climax was removed, and my world disappeared. A tidal wave of exaltation swept me up and carried my soul to heaven as I finally came. Some small part of me was aware of the flood of fluids from Shayna’s quim, and the way she grunted as I thickened and filled her. Still, my mind was far too gone to do anything more than bask in the ebullient delirium that became my universe.


When reality finally reasserted itself in my consciousness, I became aware of several things. My cock was still ensconced within Shayna’s derrière, and I was super sensitive. Shayna twitched and shuddered after having collapsed atop me, making me painfully aware of just how sensitive I was. However, her breathing was the soft staccato of sleep.


“Looks like she passed out,” I heard Elly whisper and saw she’d moved to the bedside. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cum that hard, and holy shit, you filled her up!”


I chuckled but didn’t have the wherewithal to speak.


“I’m serious!” Elly continued. “I felt how tight her ass is, but you came so much, it flowed out. We’ll have to change the bedding before we go to bed.”


Shayna mumbled something unintelligible and snuggled tighter into my chest. This caused my flagging member to finally slip out of the shorter woman—making me shudder again—and I felt a gush of my spend flow out and cover my groin.


I knew Elly was right, and we needed to get up to change the bedding, but my body had other ideas, and instead, I passed out.



*    *    *    *


1084 A.D.


Stepping into the dimly lit tavern through a heavy wooden door, Ardin’s footsteps echoed with memories of the past twelve years. It’d been a relentless search, an unyielding pursuit of his wife, Venita. Over a decade of chasing shadows, desperate hope and endless frustration had led him to this very city.


This morning’s chance encounter had been like a spark of hope in the abyss. A woman’s words had breathed life into the fading embers of his determination, pointing him toward a trace of Venita’s presence.


Ardin’s fingers brushed the pendant hanging from his neck. It had once belonged to her, a symbol of their love and the life they’d shared. The charm had become his guiding light, his only connection to the woman who had disappeared from his life the night his village was destroyed.


In his quest, Ardin had become a silent observer of humanity’s flaws and virtues. His unique ability allowed him to read the histories of those he encountered, revealing the hidden facets of their souls. He became adept at discerning the righteous from the wicked, the compassionate from the malevolent. And he had used this insight to right the scales of justice, whether through lightening purses or bestowing coins upon the rare worthy.


Yet, the merchant he now followed was different. He was privy to information that set Ardin’s heart racing, rekindling a fire he’d feared was almost extinguished. He’d tailed the merchant, tracking his every move, waiting for the opportune moment to approach and glean some truth.


Now, dressed in attire that walked the line between obscurity and passable, Ardin ventured into the tavern. His eye bandage concealed his blindness while his posture and demeanor projected an air of quiet confidence. His bare feet allowed him to sense everything around him through contact with the ground.


The corner table housed the merchant and his guard, already immersed in their cups, their laughter blending with the low hum of the tavern. The guard, vigilant and tense, shot to his feet as Ardin approached, a formidable barrier presenting itself before him. The weight of Ardin’s hopes bore down upon him as he stood on the precipice of this critical moment. He understood the course of action he needed to take, though a tiny fragment of his former self recoiled in distaste.


“Your son wasn’t born of your lineage,” Ardin addressed the guard as he drew near, simultaneously slipping a folded piece of parchment into the man’s armor without detection. “Moreover, your unfaithful wife trails you out here. She’s clad in a brown cloak, seated yonder, poised to unveil your transgressions with another woman. She suspects you of the same wickedness that taints her.”


The guard’s eyes widened following Ardin’s indication. Ardin sensed the woman’s hurried rise and hastened departure from the tavern after being pointed out. The guard quickly pursued her, his alarmed strides echoing in their wake.


“Are you a sort of seer?” the merchant inquired, his gaze trailing after his receding guard. “How did you discern the child wasn’t his?”


Though Ardin had spoken softly, the subdued ambiance of the tavern ensured his words carried weight.


“Because I am acquainted with the true progenitor,” Ardin asserted as he settled into a chair across from the merchant.


“You’re well-spoken for a blind man, but what value do you attach to withholding that knowledge?” the other man inquired after draining his mug and signaling for another.


“Only knowledge,” Ardin responded, stifling any grimace that threatened to emerge.


“That can be a meager price or an exorbitant one, depending on the knowledge,” the merchant mused with a chuckle.


“A fortnight past, you crossed paths with a woman of green eyes and fair hair,” Ardin spoke, striving to maintain a composed demeanor. Over twelve years, the image of his wife remained etched in his heart, unaltered by the passage of time. Frozen in the merchant’s memory, her presence radiated a vibrancy that resonated with Ardin’s soul.


The merchant’s chuckle contained a glint of mischief, yet his eyes shimmered with an unspoken recognition. “I’ve encountered several foreign women fitting such a description, blind sir. However, specificity is key, of course.”


“You beheld her strolling through the street, a basket brimming with red and yellow blossoms in her grasp,” Ardin said, struggling to rein in his emotions as he pulled on the memory the merchant held. “Her enchanting beauty couldn’t elude your notice.”


The merchant’s laughter danced in his eyes, an undertone of intrigue underscoring his words. “Indeed, my gaze has fallen upon numerous travelers who share that visage. Yet, I would require a more distinct context. If you possess such insight, how can you not discern the location where I saw her?” The merchant’s laughter resounded again, albeit with a hint of a sharpened edge this time.


“Because while I can access the memories within your mind, the specific place remains unfamiliar to me,” Ardin replied with urgency. The memory was a precious thread he clung to, its details slipping away even as he approached the man.


“A seer, then,” the merchant commented, his fingers rubbing at his double chin before he took another deliberate sip of his new drink. “But did she reject you, seer? I thought your ilk practiced abstinence. Yet, she was an unparalleled beauty, enough to understand why you might have been tempted, even if you can’t see her.”


“She was my wife!” Ardin’s temper briefly overtook him, though he swiftly regained his composure. “Our village was ravaged, and she managed to escape. I’ve been trying to reunite with her ever since.”


“A compelling tale,” the portly man continued to massage his chins. “A tale crafted to tug at my heartstrings had I any. But, no, your wife was a courtesan. I do recall her. The flowers she carried were not the only commodities she peddled. Her allure could have adorned my own desires quite nicely. I had intended to indulge myself; only the city guards intervened before I could.”


Those lies emanated from the man’s memories long before Ardin approached him, yet Ardin knew they couldn’t be true.


They could not!


“Tell me,” Ardin’s words emerged through clenched teeth. “Or I shall unveil to your guard the sordid tales of your seduction of his wife. As I approached, her thoughts spoke of those illicit nights. You pledged her wealth after leaving your seed, yet never delivered. She also remembers you leaving her unsatisfied and—”


“Enough!” The corpulent merchant’s outburst signified Ardin had crossed a line, inciting the other man’s fury. “Guards! This vagabond seeks to pilfer from me. Detain him!”


“Please!” Ardin entreated as hands clamped onto his shoulders. It wasn’t apprehension over the guards or the prospect of confinement that seized him but the pressing need to find his wife. “Just disclose her whereabouts.”


As the guards commenced leading Ardin away, the merchant’s laughter echoed. However, outside, Ardin allowed his amusement to surface. The merchant hadn’t said the information Ardin sought, but he had envisioned it.


Slipping with ease from the grasp of the city guards under the shroud of darkness, Ardin disappeared into the night.


Later, when the merchant’s guard lay alone, readying for sleep, he discovered a small slip of paper that bore a message.


The merchant would never witness the forthcoming dawn.

From the Author:

Well, shit. I don't envy Bobby what he's going to face in the future. I hope everyone is continuing to enjoy the series. Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.




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